Is Kames in its way out?


PR Addict
Stopped in today and the inventory has shrunk significantly. Sad to see this as they had very little in product compared to years before. They no longer use the back part of the store for the mx stuff. Always loved this store.
No. Just not stocking as much. Working on a website I hear. Try to keep it local but compete with the big guys. I guess the move was to condense a little since not as much would be stocked. The stuff in stock will be geared more toward the weekend warrior.
I asked the same question a few months ago and got the same responses. Just reorganizing.

Don’t think so. Every time I’m in there it’s less and less inventory and no longer sponsoring any local tracks. Believe they are making more money off of guns. Not much of anything left in MX department.

It’s too bad, but when we can order things by noon from Rocky Mountain and have it the next day... that’s the new model for sales.
I can't argue the Rocky mountain thing. I'm guilty here and there. Even though Kames still has the top teir pricing, sometimes I see stuff for listed less than cost on rmatv.

Guns are definitely the meat and potatoes these days. Years ago, cycles kept the place kickin.

It only makes sense that if you put in years and thousands of dollars (some years 10s of thousands I bet) each year to local moto tracks and racers, if it stops adding up to returns, then ya gotta pull the plug.. When it comes to racers, if they're not getting the deal they think they deserve, then they try somewhere else. For rider support, when I was running all of it, you would not believe the s**t I'd hear riders talk about discounts. Sometimes, 10% off certain hard parts would nearly have the store losing money. But Johnny racer wants to see at least 25% or more off as a discount. No store will stay alive paying to give stuff away.

Not likely it's going anywhere. Just very scaled back compared to what we've been used to. Like I said, the stuff kept in stock will be geared to the guys hitting the trails with their kids on the weekends..
We had a cycle gear store open by us. They stock weekend warrior equipment and the street stuff is kind of the same way. Nothing top of the line.
Last day is Nov 30th.

I don't think anyone seen it coming this fast, but the buildings sold. Gotta do what ya gotta do.
Everyone with a Moto garage, van, anything.... There's a ton of bad ass racks and posters and storage options for gear.

This store alone has done more for local Moto community than any other store on a local level. Same can be said for every outdoor kids programs too.

Go support them in any way you can.

All old bikes, gear, everything is for sale.

Current stock is all 30% off. Alot of items, 30%, the store is taking a loss.
Everyone with a Moto garage, van, anything.... There's a ton of bad ass racks and posters and storage options for gear.

This store alone has done more for local Moto community than any other store on a local level. Same can be said for every outdoor kids programs too.

Go support them in any way you can.

All old bikes, gear, everything is for sale.

Current stock is all 30% off. Alot of items, 30%, the store is taking a loss.

He selling the old bikes around the ceilings and the helmets also?
Bunch of misc stuff. Thin on Moto stuff.. few good helmet left. Lots if good deals tho. I worked up there again today. Likely tomorrow as well. I technically went up to do manual labor that needs done but it was so busy and only a few employees. I worked the archery side all day today. And when I say worked, my paint schedule had a few holes in it, so I'm just donating my time just to help out.