
PR Founding Father
Feels funny posting in here...lol. Suppose it will get better. ;)

Need some info if you got it. Looking into a KTM 50SX Mini. What's the diff on them over the past few years (i.e. 2017-2021)? Not that I am going to be able to find one in the near anywhere...at least close, but I suppose we can say the search has somewhat begun... Thanks!
Feels funny posting in here...lol. Suppose it will get better. ;)

Need some info if you got it. Looking into a KTM 50SX Mini. What's the diff on them over the past few years (i.e. 2017-2021)? Not that I am going to be able to find one in the near anywhere...at least close, but I suppose we can say the search has somewhat begun... Thanks!
We had a 16 brand new. Was a piece of s**t.
Had a bunch of issues.
We switched to cobra and never looked back.
My son has a 2019 Ktm 50 Mini. We have had good luck with it so far in the first 10 months of ownership. It just turned over 40 hours on the meter. In the winter I put a new top end in just to be safe, and I had the time. I also change the transmission oil after almost every other ride. I’m not sure which year this started, but they started putting an adjustable clutch in them a few years back. You can make the clutch engage at low rpm’s or high. The this made the transition from the Pw50 easier early on.
Put over 100 hours on our Husky 50. The intake gasket behind the Reed cage is junk. Use silicone and problem solved. Not one issue with the bike other than that one. The clutch is far superior to the cobras and they are far easier to ride. The bikes haven't really changed since 15 I think. But I haven't looked since 2019.

Great bike and they hold the resale value far better than the cobras.
I’m not sure which year this started, but they started putting an adjustable clutch in them a few years back. You can make the clutch engage at low rpm’s or high. The this made the transition from the Pw50 easier early on.
Is main reason for going this route. Actually had a Cobra friend suggest the mini over the Cobra Jr. anyway. Seems the way to go plus the seat height is about an inch lower than the Cobra Jr. Spencer has his mom and dad's height challenges...lol.

I want a Husky, but they don't import the Husky mini over here best I can tell. It's just a over the pond thing. Friend told me the plastic the same so I can throw some Husky plastic on it if I choose...green maybe? ;)

That all said, the main challenge is finding one. Looks like I better go 2020 or 2021. I tried Cernics in Johnstown, PA through Cycle Trader with no response. Guess I'll need to call them directly. I better have cash in hand it seems as if someone has one....they won't for very long. Finding the "deal" is going to be paying full MSRP or more when someone has one... It's almost like a pair of shoes though. He'll grow out of it before the bike needs replaced. Good I guess.

Is main reason for going this route. Actually had a Cobra friend suggest the mini over the Cobra Jr. anyway. Seems the way to go plus the seat height is about an inch lower than the Cobra Jr. Spencer has his mom and dad's height challenges...lol.

I want a Husky, but they don't import the Husky mini over here best I can tell. It's just a over the pond thing. Friend told me the plastic the same so I can throw some Husky plastic on it if I choose...green maybe? ;)

That all said, the main challenge is finding one. Looks like I better go 2020 or 2021. I tried Cernics in Johnstown, PA through Cycle Trader with no response. Guess I'll need to call them directly. I better have cash in hand it seems as if someone has one....they won't for very long. Finding the "deal" is going to be paying full MSRP or more when someone has one... It's almost like a pair of shoes though. He'll grow out of it before the bike needs replaced. Good I guess.

I got lucky last year. I found ours for sale on Facebook market place 10 miles from our house. $3k with 1 hour on the meter. I don’t think they realized what they had bought, thinking it was more like a PW.
The industry is doing great right now. It’s going to be hard to find a deal on any new bike. I will keep and eye out, if I see one around I’ll reply to this thread.


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Well, first race weekend went well. Maybe not as well as I thought it may have, but kid had some up's and down's, however ended on a high and is locked. Definitely need to do some work on the PW. He was way disadvantaged aside the fact he's got he parents metabolism. Spencer rag dolled back down the big step up behind the finish line. I know I was thinking we're done feeling he would've been as well. Although he thought about not running moto 2 after moto 1, he came around and was all in on moto 2. Made the first part of the step up no issues every lap. Watching some of the other kids walk up the second part made me feel bad I put ol' boy out there on inferior equipment. The ease in which some of the PW's walked up the second part of the step had me wondering....

Definitely looks like I need to pad the wallet with some cash. Found a mini adventure in Washington Courthouse, but just wasn't ready with the jack in hand. Can't think about it these days. I better get ready. It's going to be a ride...
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The newer you buy the less head aches you will have. I have seen countless parents spend more money on a cheap older bike, then buying a newer bike off the rip.
The newer you buy the less head aches you will have. I have seen countless parents spend more money on a cheap older bike, then buying a newer bike off the rip.
I get it and feel the same way. I don't have or want a major maintenance bike. Worst case I get an older one just give him the feel and see if he's in....although I'm beginning to not doubt that he is.

A big step from a PW to the Jr., but he's been asking about it. Only chance I have on getting a Jr. Mini type of bike new is the Cobra P3 as KTM doesn't import the Mini Jr. anymore new. Thinking maybe 2019 was the last year. They are out there...just have to be patient.

Never imagined being back in the sport this way, but it's cool. I kinda wish I was my kid...lol. ;)
So we found one...our first one anywho. Found a nice 2009 KTM 50 SX jr. Looks way sweet, but I know nada about it. I mean mechanically. Prior owners got it back into better than knew shape. I'm still texting them on things as I get into it. HATE that the clutch is tight when it is cold though. I can barely start the SOB cold. Just takes some getting used to I figure. I have a friend locally that knows quite a bit about them. Looks like I'd like to upgrade to a 2016 or newer to get the later round of goodies, but this will get us on the path. I still have my name in for a couple 2022 KTM 50 SX jr.'s, but we'll see where I am when these come in.

Spencer took his first ride last night. Definitely respecting the jump in power and finding where it is and comes on. Also found out that the front binders are a tad better than those on the PW. Well, the track was a little wet and I had his PW backed off so they wouldn't lock up until I got him using them more so and getting comfortable with the feel vs. all or nothing....

Should be good. He's pumped. He even made him a video on his tablet talking about it and his plans to win on it...lol. Love that kid...