Thrasher skipping 250 Shootout


PR Addict
Any thoughts on Nate Thrasher skipping the 250 shootout so he didn't go over the 135point threshold for the season?
I understand why. Still think it's lame.. One of the pitfalls of "let's GROW the sport"
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I can think of a fella that would have no problem with that decision.
No different than the C class people who chase Loretta Lynn's.

He isn't breaking the rules so you can't blame the guy. Never really heard of him before this season, he is just coming into his own. In this case I agree, it will give him another year to gain his speed and confidence giving a better chance of going someplace in the 450 class instead turning into another could have been.

After next year though.... get out !
My son raced him six years ago at Muddy Creek. To say he was quick is an understatement. I spoke with his father for a few minutes as well, good people.


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Not even a question about being good people.

If they’re smart enough to play the rules in their favor, have at it. It’s up to the ama to amend rules and regulation to prevent reoccurrences.

There’s a will, there’s a way.

That 450 class is a HUGE step though. Look at frenchie. 250 champ. This year.... Great year....but damn they’re fast. Thrasher might want some more time to develop. Good on him.
I say don’t blame the rider, AMA makes the rules and the rider is playing by the rules they make so it’s all good IMO
I saw Thrasher last year at Silver Dollar for the first time. Parents and him seemed to be nice. He then smoked everyone BAD at Ironman at the regional. I thought he was not quite ready for SX this year. He benefited from the field being very very shallow. I really think the east west thing needs to go away.