
PR Founding Father

That is the best design I’ve seen in years. Long, lots of 180’s and double whoops. Looking forward to this one
Something we can agree on. This layout does look the best!!! The baseball diamond layouts are always my favorite. Lots of bikes in nets. Lots of viral dirty riding meltdown threads the following week.

finish should be able to keep it super tight. Whoops to sand wide open to 180 then wide open to a jugular 90 finish. Bam bam is drooling.
Something we can agree on. This layout does look the best!!! The baseball diamond layouts are always my favorite. Lots of bikes in nets. Lots of viral dirty riding meltdown threads the following week.

finish should be able to keep it super tight. Whoops to sand wide open to 180 then wide open to a jugular 90 finish. Bam bam is drooling.
Bam bam is on secret double probation. Bogle said he was done with Barcia slamming everyone and taking people out, that's why he did what he was dq'd for. Notice barcia only got a slap on the wrist for his moves though.
Like the jam. This track makes me miss JS7 as he was one of the only to try unnecessary nd slower quads, etc. that were just cool. Makes me remember Vegas when we went (2005?) when 259 on a 125 and all of a sudden you here this 125 scream! and he hits this quad...in the air forever it seemed... Was way cool. Of course, that was the year he wiped in front of mechanic row and hurt his shoulder I believe... My memory sucks and everything is cloudy any more...

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Like the jam. This track makes me miss JS7 as he was one of the only to try unnecessary nd slower quads, etc. that were just cool. Makes me remember Vegas when we went (2005?) when 259 on a 125 and all of a sudden you here this 125 scream! and he hits this quad...in the air forever it seemed... Was way cool. Of course, that was the year he wiped in front of mechanic row and hurt his shoulder I believe... My memory sucks and everything is cloudy any more...

Unnecessary and slower? I beg to differ on that opinion.

It's funny, Austin regularly says "Stewart would have quad that section"

We need another guy to push the envelope. These tracks are usually so boring and every rider seems to do the same thing.
Unnecessary and slower? I beg to differ on that opinion.
I am not typically absolute in when I speak. "Always" and "never" do not typically cross my lips preceded by a negative adverb. That said, hitting "the quad", although cool, is "not always" the fastest path...

It's funny, Austin regularly says "Stewart would have quad that section"

We need another guy to push the envelope. These tracks are usually so boring and every rider seems to do the same thing.
That's funny and I agree. Clones of riders can make it boring. However, some of that may be due to the fact injuries seem to be at somewhat of all time high. Seems like quite a few top guys that push the envelope end up injured, miss a race or so, and end up being out of the championship conversation. As they say, the fastest guys doesn't always win..., but he gets "likes" on social media for what that's worth...
I am not typically absolute in when I speak. "Always" and "never" do not typically cross my lips preceded by a negative adverb. That said, hitting "the quad", although cool, is "not always" the fastest path...

That's funny and I agree. Clones of riders can make it boring. However, some of that may be due to the fact injuries seem to be at somewhat of all time high. Seems like quite a few top guys that push the envelope end up injured, miss a race or so, and end up being out of the championship conversation. As they say, the fastest guys doesn't always win..., but he gets "likes" on social media for what that's worth...
Yeah but I blame the injuries on the easy tracks. Obviously not easy for mortal men but for the pros it's easy because they all do the same stuff basically. Watch some 80s and 90s sx, the tracks were far slower, more technical and there were lots of track obstacles that separated riders. We need just one race with an early 90s replica track. I bet it would be far more interesting to watch.
Craig to qualifier. He's great... I think Colt Nichols will be a commentator. He's awesome. No diffy tonight and only 1 set of whoops. Tomac wins tonight this Dogg says.
Yeah but I blame the injuries on the easy tracks. Obviously not easy for mortal men but for the pros it's easy because they all do the same stuff basically. Watch some 80s and 90s sx, the tracks were far slower, more technical and there were lots of track obstacles that separated riders. We need just one race with an early 90s replica track. I bet it would be far more interesting to watch.
They did that in Orlando a couple years back or so didn't they?
The days of riders like Stewart, or Carmichael, pastrana even bradshaw and “the chicken “ are long gone. If you watched Anaheim 1 and saw McGrath talking about cooper Webb, calling him a points chaser, that’s the racing today. There’s no rider other than maybe Jett Lawrence that will go balls to the wall to win. Yeah I know the riders don’t want to get hurt and they want to win a championship and get there bonus money. But for the fan,sorry but supercross is boring. The tracks don’t change much other than the dirt from state to state.
Wow. This is the single worst broadcast crew EVER. Blair can do color, but certainly not play by play. And Osborne… yeah. Not good.
We need Ralphy Boy
It pains me to say you’re right.
There is a reason Diffy and Ralph were in the box. There is a reason why an former champion is with them.

Now I will say I’m a huge Blair guy. He does amazing during the qualifying. He has a ton of knowledge and speaks very well. But you need a guy that brings the hype. Diffy, weather you like him or not, does that. Ralph, does the same. And the other guy is Jason Weygant. (sp)
Wow. This is the single worst broadcast crew EVER. Blair can do color, but certainly not play by play. And Osborne… yeah. Not good.
We need Ralphy Boy
I'd take Osborne over Ralph any day of the week. We need Emig back with Reed. That would be a team !
s**t is brutal. Who’s this blonde broad? She’s awful, Blair should stick with standing down on the track and pointing out the color of the dirt. Osborne looks like a retard standing there with the mic in his hand. Carmichael should have his lips sewn shut. Give me diffy and the goofy funny guy that commentates at Loretta’s.