Battle Series Update!


PR Founding Father
The first battle race was held in 2012, prior to the formation of the OMA. It became a series in 2013 within the OMA. I feel like the time for the series has run its course. Old timers say you'll just know when its time, and I feel that now. This will be the final Battle Series year. I'm 50/50 on continuing to hold a Battle for Ohio event at Briarcliff next season, but I do think that will be based upon how other schedules come together.

So to try and send it off on a better note, I have decided to add one drop to it. What does that mean? We will count the your 3 highest point earning finishes for the Battle Series. This will not affect your overall points, just the top 5 determination within the Battle Series only. The 3 race minimum is still in affect.

Thanks Everyone for 10 great Battle years, its been a good time.
-Jeremy Osborn

The first battle race was held in 2012, prior to the formation of the OMA. It became a series in 2013 within the OMA. I feel like the time for the series has run its course. Old timers say you'll just know when its time, and I feel that now. This will be the final Battle Series year. I'm 50/50 on continuing to hold a Battle for Ohio event at Briarcliff next season, but I do think that will be based upon how other schedules come together.

So to try and send it off on a better note, I have decided to add one drop to it. What does that mean? We will count the your 3 highest point earning finishes for the Battle Series. This will not affect your overall points, just the top 5 determination within the Battle Series only. The 3 race minimum is still in affect.

Thanks Everyone for 10 great Battle years, its been a good time.
-Jeremy Osborn

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Sorry to hear this, it was the only thing that we tried each year to make sure we did within the OMA. This year just didn't pan out, LL stuff got in the way for round 1 and after hearing what was going on with the weather for round 2 we decided not to go since we would have been getting in so late Sat night.
It was a good run while it lasted, lots of good memories from the races, thank you for that! Definitely one of the best series Ohio ever had.
Complete bullshit Jeremy, you don’t change the rules in the middle of a series! Especially after forcing us to run briarcliff when it should have been canceled.
We got another form for your complaints. Do track owners want feedback or no? Just below this one. Anyways sucks to see the battle rounds go. Only races I specifically set out to go to every year. But I do like the idea of having one big race at briarcliff for the state championship
Sorry to hear this, it was the only thing that we tried each year to make sure we did within the OMA. This year just didn't pan out, LL stuff got in the way for round 1 and after hearing what was going on with the weather for round 2 we decided not to go since we would have been getting in so late Sat night.
It was a good run while it lasted, lots of good memories from the races, thank you for that! Definitely one of the best series Ohio ever had.
We got another form for your complaints. Do track owners want feedback or no? Just below this one. Anyways sucks to see the battle rounds go. Only races I specifically set out to go to every year. But I do like the idea of having one big race at briarcliff for the state championship

What's next? What do we look forward to next season in the OMA? The Supercalafragalistic Boom Series Mega Race Thingy? Guess we'll still have "Battle Format" in memory...
I hate to see it go. I remember JO giving me flyers that I put on cars at DMC, DC, and COCR back before the very first Battle. It was tons of fun and should have been the biggest races if the year. Thanks for all the efforts of JO and Jason.
Ok, so I know everyone is rolling their eyes right now because I'm posting but please hear me out here.

I didn't post my thoughts on the dropping a race earlier because I really wanted to think this through first.

I started racing at 18, my dad wouldn't let me race so the weekend after I hit that age it was game on. Did a harescramble at the old Crash and Burn track outside Canal Fulton. Was hooked from that day on with racing. I've gone through every aspect of racing harescrambles and mx. CRA, district 12 and OMA. I have championships in c classes, b classes and every age group they had. I raced 2 and sometimes 3 times a week.

My point is I chased points hard core, I've won championships racing only what I needed to and now I race where it's fun. My son and I both have chased LL, he made it one year and I haven't. So my view on this topic comes from every aspect of racing for points.

Making this change mid season is wrong in my opinion. Please don't take this as an attack because it isn't. The OMA's sole purpose is to count points for the organized group of tracks and award the racers who are the most consistent through the year. More importantly, the Battle Series is for a state championship. More people, like me usually, make an effort to race all the races in that series to try and win the #1 state plate. Austin and myself have some of those at home, again to point out I'm speaking from experience in racing for that award.

I fully understand the weather gave you the short end of the stick and you lost your ass on this event. I truly feel bad for you because I know the effort and money you have dedicated to your track in order to make the event a gold standard this year. The problem with changing this after that race is you are punishing the racers that actually support your series no matter what the conditions and rewarding the racers who don't support you as much. Would you reward your daughter and give her a chance to win a championship if she quit a race because it was tough?

Saturday you had racers who didn't ask for a refund to do nothing other than draw spoons for points. Those racers gambled on a spoon draw for points....supporting you and the OMA while taking a chance at getting a first or an 8th. I personally know people that were there and not happy about it but in the lead for their class with 2nd place there also. He said he had no choice but to draw a spoon because he didn't want to lose points in the series to the 2nd place racer in his class. He lucked out and drew a 2 and his opponent drew a lower number. You just wasted his time and money allowing the 2nd place racer to drop that spoon. And worse yet, you rewarded the racers who didn't stay or come at all because of the weather by erasing that round for them.

I'm sure you made this choice because many racers are upset they got no points but that was their choice. They are quitters, not consistent and obviously don't support you or the OMA like the others do.

Please don't bow to those who are weak, reward the strong, reward those who support you and the OMA, change it back and do the right thing. You have abandoned the die hard racers that will abandon you in return. What are you teaching racers about your values, especially younger racers who learn about values from those they look uo to?
Ok, so I know everyone is rolling their eyes right now because I'm posting but please hear me out here.

I didn't post my thoughts on the dropping a race earlier because I really wanted to think this through first.

I started racing at 18, my dad wouldn't let me race so the weekend after I hit that age it was game on. Did a harescramble at the old Crash and Burn track outside Canal Fulton. Was hooked from that day on with racing. I've gone through every aspect of racing harescrambles and mx. CRA, district 12 and OMA. I have championships in c classes, b classes and every age group they had. I raced 2 and sometimes 3 times a week.

My point is I chased points hard core, I've won championships racing only what I needed to and now I race where it's fun. My son and I both have chased LL, he made it one year and I haven't. So my view on this topic comes from every aspect of racing for points.

Making this change mid season is wrong in my opinion. Please don't take this as an attack because it isn't. The OMA's sole purpose is to count points for the organized group of tracks and award the racers who are the most consistent through the year. More importantly, the Battle Series is for a state championship. More people, like me usually, make an effort to race all the races in that series to try and win the #1 state plate. Austin and myself have some of those at home, again to point out I'm speaking from experience in racing for that award.

I fully understand the weather gave you the short end of the stick and you lost your ass on this event. I truly feel bad for you because I know the effort and money you have dedicated to your track in order to make the event a gold standard this year. The problem with changing this after that race is you are punishing the racers that actually support your series no matter what the conditions and rewarding the racers who don't support you as much. Would you reward your daughter and give her a chance to win a championship if she quit a race because it was tough?

Saturday you had racers who didn't ask for a refund to do nothing other than draw spoons for points. Those racers gambled on a spoon draw for points....supporting you and the OMA while taking a chance at getting a first or an 8th. I personally know people that were there and not happy about it but in the lead for their class with 2nd place there also. He said he had no choice but to draw a spoon because he didn't want to lose points in the series to the 2nd place racer in his class. He lucked out and drew a 2 and his opponent drew a lower number. You just wasted his time and money allowing the 2nd place racer to drop that spoon. And worse yet, you rewarded the racers who didn't stay or come at all because of the weather by erasing that round for them.

I'm sure you made this choice because many racers are upset they got no points but that was their choice. They are quitters, not consistent and obviously don't support you or the OMA like the others do.

Please don't bow to those who are weak, reward the strong, reward those who support you and the OMA, change it back and do the right thing. You have abandoned the die hard racers that will abandon you in return. What are you teaching racers about your values, especially younger racers who learn about values from those they look uo to?
Well said Dave. The only thing I would have liked to have seen with the whole drawing sticks fiasco would be give everyone signed up the same amount of points. It wasn't our fault the race was cancelled. Reward those who were there and committed to race. This isn't a Lorettas race, the position don't advance you.

If you raced in the slop on Sunday, good for you, at least it was settled on the track. Can't argue that one.
I am one of the people who showed up to race and I’m sitting first in Collegeboy and decided to go home on Saturday night. So in my eyes it is great and will help me but I also understand the side of the people who did stick it out and ran a mudder
If you raced in the slop on Sunday, good for you, at least it was settled on the track. Can't argue that one.
Yes it was. But let's say you got 5th place, the other 3 you got 4th so this one drops out, right? So now the racers who didn't show up for this or left the track with his money back and beat you by 2 points ends up ahead of you in the state championship. That racer was rewarded and the die hard racer was ignored.

Take Matthew above, if the 2nd place racer was there and won, he gained 20 points. Probably would have won the state championship for his efforts. Not cool.
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So you are now shunning the leader in the college boy class for coming. He gained points by supporting you in the worst of conditions and you reward Matthew for quitting. Not cool.
No Mathew should be proud. If it were me, I prefer winning in all elements and not needing a throwaway
How is he winning in all elements ? He is winning because you are giving throw away evening out the playing field for those like him who quit.

Throwaways were invented for guys like you DHDS01. I think it’s awesome my phone auto corrects dav to DHDS01 now!!!!
Glad to see you're resorting to name calling when I'm just trying to show the side of a racer. Where did i insult you or call you names? Why am I not surprised? Proving that some track owners don't want input.