Let's talk Cobras...


PR Founding Father
So...Spencer had an opportunity to ride a 2017 Cobra Jr. the other day. It needed some work, but he liked it. It was a buddy of mine and he had another one that he built up and is coming over tonight with potentially. Spencer has been talking about it a lot...

Here's the thing...he looked way smoother on his KTM, but that's understandable at this point for various reasons. He looked night and day difference between first ride and second on the Cobra. They are so fat...

That all said, this jr thing is temporary and over after this season. For the sr next year, leaning 2022 Cobra FWE. Was thinking 2020-2021 FWE to save a few bones, but friend told me they made some significant updates to them for 2022 worth shelling out the additional cash.

Figured I'd see what folks on here have to say as well.
They suck in the pits ........
I always camp next to the guy that's got three in the trailer and needs to rev the piss out of them at 6:30 in the morning .....when his practice isn't until 9:00
Dude...I hated them back when Hayden was riding them. The sound and almost everything about them. They sound a lot sweeter than they did back then. Especially the newer ones. I can't deny that any longer. Sure, I could make a KTM run with them, but then it's illegal and I might have as much or more into it that I would with a comparable Cobra.

I was just going to let Spencer ride out the season on the KTM. He's riding it well and having fun, but opportunity knocked. I felt, he's not riding the wheels off the KTM using it all up, but I have others telling me different. Sure, he's not a "let it all hang out" rider and rides within himself, but a little here and a little there will make a huge difference in his overall lap times I feel. Might be time for a change. Spencer is all about it. Besides, you know me, I overthink everything. I needs peeps to help me to jump off or get down from the ledge. Just is my MO...

BTW, I wouldn't camp next to that guy anymore...lol. ;)
All good Scoob - you moto on - !!!!

I'll willingly park next to Cobra guy to get away from - Two big dogs and you don't pick up their s**t - Guy
All good Scoob - you moto on - !!!!

I'll willingly park next to Cobra guy to get away from - Two big dogs and you don't pick up their s**t - Guy
I get it. We have our doggie mess pick up bags hanging on the leash. I feel like a minority though in using them. Just a lack of consideration on both sides... Hopefully see you later Sharc!
For a 50, cobra is the way to go. Especially around here, you have track side support with Minton and motosport md.
Granted we bought a bunch of new ones so we didn't have massive hours on our bikes but I never had an issue with our cobras, our ktm 50 was one issue after another. The new cobras look killer as long as you don't look at the silencer lol.
Here is the deal. Ktms are far smoother and easier to ride. They are more reliable, especially top ends and clutch. The stock suspension is far superior too. They are for 95% of kids on 50s but everyone will tell you that isn't true because the cobras win the national.

The cobras are top end fast. That's it. If your kid rides like barcia then it's a fit, pin it and go without much else to care about. Listen to them in corners, the blubber like crazy anytime they aren't wide open.

This is an unpopular opinion but it's pretty spot on. Back in 19 there was a top cobra kid who hopped on a ktm and dropped 2 sec a lap right off the rip, can't remember his name now because of dementia but it happened.

Point being, have Spencer ride both back to back and take lap times. Then make a choice.
Here is the deal. Ktms are far smoother and easier to ride. They are more reliable, especially top ends and clutch. The stock suspension is far superior too. They are for 95% of kids on 50s but everyone will tell you that isn't true because the cobras win the national.

The cobras are top end fast. That's it. If your kid rides like barcia then it's a fit, pin it and go without much else to care about. Listen to them in corners, the blubber like crazy anytime they aren't wide open.

This is an unpopular opinion but it's pretty spot on. Back in 19 there was a top cobra kid who hopped on a ktm and dropped 2 sec a lap right off the rip, can't remember his name now because of dementia but it happened.

Point being, have Spencer ride both back to back and take lap times. Then make a choice.
That makes total sense. He is way smoother on his 2009 KTM. Yes I said, 2009. That may be part of the issue...lol, but it rips when the mechanic can keep his hand out of it...lol. The IRP Clutch gives optimal smooth power delivery.

The Cobra he is riding is a 2017 and suspended for a 70+ lb rider so he is OK there. He likes it. Wants to race it. Your Barcia comment holds water as I feel he rides more like Dungey...lol. Guess we'll see where we go since we are able to try before we buy per say.

Thanks for the perspectives. I value them greatly. :)
I 100% agree with Hershey. We never rode Cobras. Everyone was always jacking around and working on clutches and I didn't want that nightmare.

We had KTM mini adventure, a Jr, a Sr. Raced them stock. No issues what so ever. They were bullet proof. And Matthew did decent on them. The kids that beat him, were going to beat him on a KTM or a Cobra. I absolutely would stick with KTMs or Huskys through 50s and 65s. Now the Yamaha is pretty nice in the 65 class too. No Cobra is my opinion.
Well...we're leaning Cobra at the momento. Nothing new, but found a good 2019 from an acquaintance at the track who knows all the history of it. That all said, I got his 2009 KTM 50 SX Junior finally ripping and he's cool with either really. Kind of excited about riding the KTM now. Says the suspension is better than the 2017 Cobra Jr. his been riding in lieu...lol. Thanks to SRS for that I guess. Just wish I could have figured out that it was all carb related from the beginning UGH.... At least it good to go on the selling block without any worries at this point....knock on wood...lol.
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2019 CX50. Needs to be graced with the 55s number plates...
2019 CX50. Needs to be graced with the 55s number plates...
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I think I might have a spare silencer or at least a silencer body laying out in the garage. I might have a rear brake guard I molded up a while ago also. They are yours if we run into each other at a track. Get with the Minton for any of your parts needs. He and his boys are fantastic people and take great care of us. If you have any questions pm abs I'll help you out
I think I might have a spare silencer or at least a silencer body laying out in the garage. I might have a rear brake guard I molded up a while ago also. They are yours if we run into each other at a track. Get with the Minton for any of your parts needs. He and his boys are fantastic people and take great care of us. If you have any questions pm abs I'll help you out
Thanks man. Already been in contact with Rob. We need a better seat/seat cover. Been looking at a few places that make them custom for the scheme we're looking to create. Jus' making it our own... ;)

See you at a track near you soon! :)



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