Mcaupp22 went down today

Thanks JO. Matthew broke a couple joints in his lower back and pevis area and has a bruised lung. Not a ton of information yet, but he is looking at surgery tomorrow morning at 9:30. Said he got a little wheel spin before the triple and just cased it. One of those jumps he has jumped a hundred plus times, and just came up short.

Thanks for the prayers. Appreciate it. Thanks to Tim and Hayden Hoover for being there and helping out as well. Always good to have friends at the track.
Wow, was there 2day and saw rescue squad pull in but didn't know what happened. Hope he is ok and prayers for him & his family!
Saw Matthew go down, seemed like the jump was just a little soft that early and it bit him unfortunately. Hope all goes well with surgery for sure.
Praying for a fast recovery. In 2020 i missed a shift up into 3rd on my 500 to hit the 100’ triple rt62 had by the woods and cased it. Ended up getting 2 rods and 8 screws in my lower back, i fractured my l3,4,5 and s1.
Update:. Surgery is complete and went well. 4 screws and 2 rods. 3 months for the fractures to heal. Maybe he can be ready to Race Daytona in March if he's lucky.
I’d rather be lucky than good. I’m hoping he makes a full recovery and gets riding again soon. March sounds better than news I think I’m getting on kinseys knee tomorrow. It may be our lost season in 2023…
Update:. Surgery is complete and went well. 4 screws and 2 rods. 3 months for the fractures to heal. Maybe he can be ready to Race Daytona in March if he's lucky.
Glad to hear it went well. He’ll be sore for a few days. Does he have the drainage hose coming out of his back? Only issue i had afterwards was where the put a screw in the l5, it hit the nerve that controls the feeling to the muscle in your shin. I couldn’t stand for more than 2 minutes before it felt like my leg was engulfed in flames. 2 weeks after the surgery i was moving around fine, and back to riding a month and a half after! Make sure he does physical therapy as well, it helps a lot.