KTM 50 Advice


PR Addict
I’m in the market for a used KTM/Husky/GasGas 50 for my daughter. She’s ready to graduate from her PW but not trying to spend 5k on a new one because she’s 8 and could only race it for a year. Would just go to a 65 but she’s vertically challenged like her dad.

I see used ones going for between 2-3k but hours are typically 50-100ish. I’ve always heard these 50s are a headache so any advice on what to look out for? Is buying one closer to 100 hours just going to nickel and dime me to death?

Appreciate any input. I’m new to this mini dad stuff haha
Is she racing? If she is and isn't running up front where it's the bike holding her back, or if she isn't racing. I would skip the 50 and get a kx65. I've seen them lowered so it would help with her height. Would be cheaper, be able to be ridden longer and is pretty bullet proof.
Yes any 50 is maintenance intensive to keep running at peak performance, and parts aren't cheap.
You will be changing oil after every ride, the auto clutches are wear items that need adjusted and replaced often is she isn't full throttle all the time.
Yeah...knowing what you are getting into definitely helps. The problem is you don't until you do. That said, if I knew then what I know now, our 50 trials and tribulations wouldn't have been so tough. In the end, get one with an IRP Triple Clutch if you can. Will just save the clutch headache. You can always buy one if you find a good deal on one without the IRP clutch. And yes, change the oil often. I don't think you have to every ride, but you do before you cook the tranny oil. At first change it often (every ride, every other, etc.), then you'll know how long you can get out of it. Will depend a lot on how wide open you little one rides it. Another fantastic benefit of this clutch is the way it engages. A lot more predicable and easier to ride. A must have #1 IMO.

Second, and especially if constant on/off (aka chicken wing), it will cook the fluid quicker as well as overheat the bike. If this is the case, you may need to look at things like Engine Ice coolant, aftermarket radiators, etc. depending on how long the chicken wing lasts.

Third, when you get it, change out the atomizer and needle out with new ones. Just trust me here. And change it upon most issue over time... I struggled with the jr and it ended up being carb issues that were the majority of my issues. If I would have swapped the carb out in the beginning, we would have had more success, less crying, and aggravation to say the least.

All that said, we changed to a 2019 Cobra CX50 Sr. King (the Fat Cobra pre 2021) for about $2400. Couldn't be happier. That said, could we be just as happy on an Austrian brand? Possibly knowing what I know now. ???

Best of luck!
Great input from both of you, thanks! She’s definitely not out there hauling the mail. She raced the pw last year and is dead set on racing more this year but she’s not a front runner by any means. Truth is, I don’t care if she races or not. I just love how much fun she has riding. I’m a little nervous a 65 could be discouraging for her learning the clutch and the last thing I want is to take the fun out of it for her. That being said, a 50 sounds like a headache…
Great input from both of you, thanks! She’s definitely not out there hauling the mail. She raced the pw last year and is dead set on racing more this year but she’s not a front runner by any means. Truth is, I don’t care if she races or not. I just love how much fun she has riding. I’m a little nervous a 65 could be discouraging for her learning the clutch and the last thing I want is to take the fun out of it for her. That being said, a 50 sounds like a headache…
A 50 CAN be a headache. I am pretty sure that if I did the 50 thing all over again (although I am still doing it, but just one and with some knowledge now), I'd be set...and would spend a lot less money...lol. You keep it stock other than the clutch for the Austrian brands (even if you kept the clutch stock and changed the oil more often) and just do the maintenance it needs (which unfortunately more than a 65 on up...), I think she'd be fine and enjoy herself. That said, and my last pitch for the IRP clutch, she'd like the IRP clutch better as well in the way it engages. ;)

Best of luck man!
Don't let scoob scare you. Austin was a fast kid on a 50. We ran the Husky 50cc bike and the only issue we ever had was the Reed block gasket not sealing properly. 4 years of them and never any other issue I knew far more people with issues on cobras by far but their arguments were it was worth it because they are top end monsters.

Run the Austrian bike, change the oil every ride and use quality gas/oil. Far more reliable and far easier to ride. The cobra has a clutch that is terrible, the Austrian bikes are adjustable easily and have far more bottom end along with being fast. We ran an IRP clutch the last 6 months on one only because he was getting big on the bike and starting to abuse the clutch based on his speed.

Having your clutch adjusted properly stops any over heating issues and saves the stator. Use gas proof silicone sealer on the Reed block gaskets.

Check normal stuff, bearings ect. Look in the air box, if it's dirty then most likely the bike wasn't maintained well. When the bike is cold it should be hard to push, easy when warmed up. That will give you an idea if the clutch is good.

The forward kick was the biggest pain we experienced with the bike in all 4 years.
No, no scare tactics here. Just what I've experienced and/or heard. Sure, I can disclose that my KTM was a 2009, but it was well taken care of and was the first year for the current motor. I might have said that most of my issues were carb related I am thinking and I did not get that figured out until right before I sold it.

One other note on the Cobra's...2016 on and you won't have as many issues. We got a 2019 "fat" Cobra of which has the same motor and suspension as the current 2021+ "skinny" Cobra's, but the name implies a little about the chassis.

All in all, good bikes, higher than is typical maintenance just 'cause. You get that figured out, all should be good. I'm in a good spot right now and not so looking forward to jumping to 65's as I once was...at least at this point...lol. Good thing as we have two full season's left on it if we choose.

Have to watch out for the Hershey guy. He's always trying to start something...lol.
It took a couple months but finally found a deal on a good used one. One happy kid when I got home with it!


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Love this thread. Thanks for all the info. My little guy is on his PW but later this year he will be 7 and next year will be out of the PW class. I have been looking online at some 50sr and there seem to be some good deals on 2022’s since the 23’s are coming out.

Heading some of the issues with cooked oil and clutches, top ends and over heating it seems like going new and just proper maintenance is the way to go.

Other than the Cobra being a fast bike is there any real difference between the KTM/GasGas/Husky in the world of power?
Love this thread. Thanks for all the info. My little guy is on his PW but later this year he will be 7 and next year will be out of the PW class. I have been looking online at some 50sr and there seem to be some good deals on 2022’s since the 23’s are coming out.

Heading some of the issues with cooked oil and clutches, top ends and over heating it seems like going new and just proper maintenance is the way to go.

Other than the Cobra being a fast bike is there any real difference between the KTM/GasGas/Husky in the world of power?
The 3 Auatrian bikes are the same minus plastics.
Love this thread. Thanks for all the info. My little guy is on his PW but later this year he will be 7 and next year will be out of the PW class. I have been looking online at some 50sr and there seem to be some good deals on 2022’s since the 23’s are coming out.

Heading some of the issues with cooked oil and clutches, top ends and over heating it seems like going new and just proper maintenance is the way to go.

Other than the Cobra being a fast bike is there any real difference between the KTM/GasGas/Husky in the world of power?
Try to get a 2022 with the headstay. Thinking it only came on the FTE, not the King. Thinking it's all for 2023.
Growing up all I rode was ktm 50s and from what I can remember we never had any problems. Things were pretty bulletproof.
Growing up all I rode was ktm 50s and from what I can remember we never had any problems. Things were pretty bulletproof.
Yeah, they are pretty good if you take care of them and do the maintenance...AND do not take over anyone else's issues or lack of maintenance. They are maintenance whores. Well, compared to my KX 250. Just have to stay in front of the eight ball.
So I went and did a thing today. Drove from Cleveland to St Louis and back in one day to buy 2 bikes from a dealer out there. Got a killer deal on brand new 2022 GasGas and a KTM 50. Saved myself about 1200 on each bike compared to what dealers are asking for 2023’s. So I left at 4am and just got back at 10pm. What a day.


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So now that I got this 50 what’s the best way to maintain it. What oil do I run? What 2 stroke oil runs the best? Is race gas better to run? Which race gas? How often do I change the oil? Is it hours or rides?
We ran/run Amsoil Dominator. Was 60:1 in the KTM. We run 50:1 in the Cobra. I also ran ethanol free in the KTM in the end. Toyed with Cam2, but in the end thinking pump gas is fine.

Change the tranny oil when it's dirty. Early on, it might stay clean for a couple/few rides. As the clutch wears, it'll get dirty quicker. We had the IRP clutch and they suggested Lucas Oil Semi-synthetic if you didn't run their oil. I just run regular ATF now and change it often enough...

Not sure it's 100% as to how you maintain it as much as you maintain it often. Stay ahead of the curve for sure. You are there more so due to being new bikes.

Have fun! :)
I’m excited to get into this thing and play with it. Just want to start out on the right foot. I’ve got enough invested that I don’t want to screw it up off the rip.
Is it worth it to just buy the VP premixed fuel? Something like T2? I see an 50:1 premixed VP. Manual says 60:1 which seems like a lot. Is it ok to lean it out a little?
Depends on the end of the spectrum your kid is. Do you need the tiny advantage VP "might" get you?

60:1 is pretty lean. That's 60 parts gas, 1 part oil. I wouldn't go any less than that.... If anything, go 55:1 or 50:1 if you want to fatten it up, but expect oil leaking out your silencer and the need to repack it more often than not. You could use the 2 stroke oil the manual calls for. I never had any issues with it...