ISN'T a big deal. Quit making mountains out of mole hills Hershey...
You know it's more so to protect the stupid. Well, their offspring. Which translates to ruffling the feathers of the some that have common sense and gets some of them to stoop to the stupid level and start whining. They're not making each competitor wear a Tutu or a specific brand of gear, just something simple that may prevent injury. I say "may" because "most" of us know that there isn't a piece of equipment that protects the rider from themselves 100%.
Before reading any responses, I knew this was going to end up being a "You can't force me to wear that. It's my right not to..."
Right, you get it and what you say is somewhat true and the way I feel. At least us of decent mind want to believe it is possible to be true, but have you seen some of the parents? Heck, the kid barely has clothes on let alone the gear to keep them safe...
It's not really for the parents that still have at least half the sense left that God gave them, it's for those that choose not to use it. Definitely impedes on the rest of us in terms of personal space and decision making, but is "life" in work, play, Ain't one person on here that can tell me a "rule" was put in place not for the decisions they made, but for those that defy common sense and/or lack the ability to execute it. As most of us know, you just can't fix stupid.
No sweat off my back as I already have Spencer wear one. Seems like common sense to me. May not be for others and that is fine, but data somewhere says the pain of wearing them outweigh the pain from the result of an injury it could have prevented... Like I said, this one makes sense to me. Just sucks it has to be a "rule" before it makes any sort of sense to some...