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  1. ck1racerx


    Yes. I know I’m old… and fat. But this spandex gear stuff has got to go. it’s like I’m watching tour de France
  2. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    Got all eight in this week. Barely
  3. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    That’s not a class. That’s just class
  4. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    So that’s what we need. Classes based off what you do for a real living. Then instead of “sportsmen” they can just call it “tradesmen” 1. Still works in the MX industry (home schooled for mx as a kid) 2. Ex pros that were slow back in the day but still are faster than most 3. Factory (like real...
  5. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    I just don’t understand the mindset of once a pro always a pro. You have to earn a pro license. If your no longer active, then your not a pro. Mike Brown is a freak. I get it. No one 50, 40 or 30 years old is ever going to beat him. (This year). Still if he still has the desire to pull on the...
  6. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    Again. What about the youth classes. Heck why stop there. Danger boy has already announced he is going pro after running the B class at LL. Already a factory ride. Clearly going to win. So why let him. Let’s make a “B for guys that are better and want to win championships” As soon as they get...
  7. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    I don’t know this smitty guy, but I like him. Smitty, welcome. Now why does it have to be complicated? Because the kids that ran in the back of the pack and could never win back in the 80’s and 90’s now are adults with internet access. They never won so now they want to remove the competition...
  8. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    Well that didn’t take long. Brayton and Noren out this week with Rona. only a matter of time before a champ contender gets it. Like I started this topic, what’s the backup plan? What if you get to round three or four and 8 of the top ten are out with Rona? Series keep going? Backup riders...
  9. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    Why stop at LL? Let’s keep the old ex pros from racing local also. I mean, it’s a youth/amateur/semi-pro event. Those guys that raced a pro race and got 18th 30 years ago are always going to be better. No matter what.
  10. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    How about this… Do away with ALL old fart classes at LL. All B/C, C, A, Sportsman, pro, ex pro, all of it. If you want to make it to LL then your going to have to pick one of the A,B or C classes. No more breaking up for you old people. (I would do alway with all the C classes also)
  11. ck1racerx

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    You guys really crack me up. You always want change to make it easier in YOUR class. It’s never something that would actually make the sport better. The ex-pros bring something the rest of the field don’t or can’t, name recognition. That brings attention and keeps people like us talking about...
  12. ck1racerx

    How do YOU clean your nuts (and bolts)?

    Tripped over a damn potted plant frozen to my front porch. Or. I mean.. fought off 3… no 4 big guys with chains and clubs trying to rob a nun and a bunch of orphans
  13. ck1racerx

    How do YOU clean your nuts (and bolts)?

    Lost 60. Gained back 40. Not being able to do much because my back hurts. And Friday night I broke my heal where the Achilles attaches. that chunk behind my ankle… still see the tendon attached
  14. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    Wow. Nickels broke both arms. Ouch
  15. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    96 points from the 250’s. I will take it
  16. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    Bogle and swoll out for me. But I got 6 of 8 in. Not going to win but hey, baby steps for my fantasy
  17. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    The real numbers do not support that statement. In 2021 for Race Ohio: 982 individuals signed up to race. IF all of them would have went to every race, they would have 2018 eligible for year end awards. BUT, they didn't. Only 114 people went to enough races to qualify. On average 5.5 per class...
  18. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    I'm sorry but i still do not see it. WHY would series points matter as all? I dont want to be the one that delivers the bad news but NO ONE except the riders themselves care... at all. Your not going to get a factory contract because you won the points in Mini Jr. in southern Ohio. Your...
  19. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    So 10 people that live in the south have told you “I’m not going Malvern because I’m not getting double points”? They actually said that? I call horse hockey. if you do know them, call them out here and we will publicly shame them. And you still not address the other track question
  20. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    Alright, I'm trying to work with you here.... BUT, how many people are we talking here? If Johnny Do Good is already racing all the south series, wouldn't you then assume it is probably important enough for him to race the two north rounds as well? If a local series is important one would...