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  1. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Wonder why they always take the offering at church BEFORE the Sermon? So, what would be a reasonable Return On Investment on a race? Maybe we could just count the people coming in the gate and racing and then add up all the costs plus a modest profit and divide that by the number of people and...
  2. N

    LL Live Results and Timing

    Yes, in all the times I have seen RC race I don't think the word thin ever came into my mind! Conditioned, sure! Thin, no!
  3. N

    2012 LL 50 fastest racers by laptime

    Oh no, could there be sandbagging goin on in the "b" class!!!
  4. N

    Is the future of MX club tracks?

    So, how do these clubs form and go year to year? Are there shares, like stock, in the club to fund it initially? Are there full members and or associate members? Are there monthly, quarterly, or yearly dues or fees that the club members pay? Does the club reach a point of being self sustaining...
  5. N

    Is the future of MX club tracks?

    I see your point, but I think it could be structured to avoid or minimize that problem. Corporations do it all the time and are successful.
  6. N

    Is the future of MX club tracks?

    Probably 8 years or so ago I recall raising the issue of private tracks versus club owned tracks. At that time it seemed to me that with the rising costs of providing a place to ride at a reasonable cost club owned tracks might be the future of the sport. I recall ad siding this to the...
  7. N

    Battle For Ohio 2012

    Man, you shouldn't beer and moto! Just race it...
  8. N

    Track Food

    Steak sandwich at Dirtworld was tasty !
  9. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    John, I think you are not taking into account all the costs of having a race. Specifically, the cost of having EMS onsite during a race. I don't recall tracks having EMS onsite for practice. Maybe things have changed or maybe they would have it for a large publicized ride day, but not typical...
  10. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Hard to teach this old dog new trick, right Georgie. There this post was shorter...LOL
  11. N

    Prayers needed for Clint Zentner

    Clint, you are in our thoughts and prayers!
  12. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    I guess I would expect the typical local track to sort of fit a typical bell curve of riders. If most of the local riders are good C or medium B level riders then the track would do best financially to have a track that those riders love and feel great about. There will be riders who are both...
  13. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Pit, I agree with what you are saying. I always thought the CRA should take like the best 25 finishes a racer had and use that to determine the year end champions. Some people just race enough to basically almost BUY the championship. Going to LL is not an easy thing in most classes in my...
  14. N

    RC 's LL Bike

    RC is a Class Act. Period!
  15. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Golden Rule Son...them with the gold makes the rules! If you think it is unfair start your own track and set the prices where you like. People will vote with their hard earned dollars. Let me know how that works out for you! Racing reality is that most racing is dominated or controlled by a...
  16. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    If it is a true business for the track owners and promoters they should be trying to make at least a modest profit or at least cover their costs. I think many do it for the love of it, but after a while working hard and making little or no money gets old. Try it, it's why they call it work, if...
  17. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    I got smart ass answers if that's what you want, but I am serious as a heart attack with what I said. It takes boatload of money and a ton of time to even race and practice at the local level, let alone regionally or nationally. I used to figure it cost $800-$1000 a month to practice two times...
  18. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Amen! That is exactly what I was thinking. I think to run a nationally competitive, top 10 at LL, B rider for a year would cost more on the order of $30-$50K, perhaps more. You are gonna go through 2 or 3 bikes alone; plus everything else.
  19. N

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Open your checkbook and start writing sponsorship checks...
  20. N

    MX in the olympics!

    Are you saying you like to watch Equestrian Georgie? If so, it's OK. But once every 4 years is more than enough for me!