REED, what a scumbag!!!

honestly reed gave him enough room to get by if you watch it all stewart had to do is dive to the inside.. He gets out front and thinks he is the only one out there. Reed was just gettin him back.. Stewart used his own teamate to pass.
heres someones video from the stands. for some reason it gives a better perspective of how fast these guys are going. every time i rewatch this, it gets me pumped for the next round.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Looked like a take out to me. Reed had no chance of making a pass in that turn. Stewart was already exiting the turn when reed was still coming into it. Noway that He expected Stewart to be able to stop. He was just hoping that only Stewart would've went down and not himself.

not favoring either rider i agree with 901 here, it was a take out. reed had no chance to make that pass, bad decision on reed. but its racing, daytona here we come.
The real Scumbags in Atlanta are the douchebags that jacked all those bikes & gear. So far I have heard about Pamart's, Vaugh's, Hicks, I really feel bad for those guys.
what happened to rubbins racing? All the factory riders have it too easy. Everyone makes a big deal about the block pass on stewart but what if it would have happened in the lcq to get into the mAin event? They will do anything to make it there even if it is t-boning a team mate! Who gives a $h*t whose fault it was? Its hard-core racing and now its stewarts turn next weekend. It makes supercross more exciting like the mud races.
if you watch the replay in slowmo, you could tell that stewart saw reed on the inside. then he gave it a handful in an attempt to knock reed down and it didnt work. reed cut stewarts line off but he didnt go up into stewart. if stewart would have backed off he could have snuck back underneath reed and gone on to take the win as reed would have hung himself out to dry. if the roles were switched heading into that last corner, stewart would have parked reed into the tough blocks. everyone is such a whiner now days. back in the days of hannah/weiner, johnson/ward, there were a lot harder hitting passes than the one last weekend.
if you watch the replay in slowmo, you could tell that stewart saw reed on the inside. then he gave it a handful in an attempt to knock reed down and it didnt work. reed cut stewarts line off but he didnt go up into stewart. if stewart would have backed off he could have snuck back underneath reed and gone on to take the win as reed would have hung himself out to dry. if the roles were switched heading into that last corner, stewart would have parked reed into the tough blocks. everyone is such a whiner now days. back in the days of hannah/weiner, johnson/ward, there were a lot harder hitting passes than the one last weekend.
exactly, in slow mo. now think outside the box, watch in real time and realize how quick these guys have to decide to brake or turn left, or turn right, gas it etc.
its all happening very fast.
i love how you guys keep making this james fault. HE WAS IN THE LEAD!

No doubt! I haven't read 5% of this thread, but I am confindent it will be the same ol' comments as in many other before it.....

My brother saw it as a take out, and I guess essentially it was, but Chad didn't take his front wheel out or anything. Sure JS could have checked up, if he had 360 vision. Peeps you have to understand, that clip happened so fast. If the best in the world can't do it without crashing, what makes you think you could have or would know how to prevent it?

Chad was a just a little too aggressive to prevent the take out of himself and JS, but in the end, it just makes great racing for the fans and shows how passionate they are in doing what they do. If JS wasn't so talented, Reedy would have just waited and set up JS for a pass in the whoops.

JS is only 10 down and still my favorite to win the series. Read that again, my favorite to "win the series". I'm team green at heart and like RV no doubt, but absoltely love the competative series we have here.

Bring on Indy!!!! :)
Chad knew what he was doing, stewarts pass was way more clean then that. But everyone loves a dirty lil whore every now n then, they dont always have to be clean :)
Canard just needs to stay consistent like he has been so he can capitalize from these guys mistakes and he can wrap this season up. End Thread!
yeah i finally rewatced it last night and changed what i said before that was a total b.s. move. I know reed wantes to win plus get what he says is the biggest bonus in the industry if he gets 3 wins but that was stupid. Initally it looked like bubba had a ton of time to get out of the way and such but at another camera angle there was not that much room between them, also reed just rode straight into his line so he cold pretty much get t boned. Oh well it happened but if its james or reed doing a move like that its stupid cause villapoto gets farther ahead in points.
Maybe Reed shouldn't have made such a ruff move, but #7 should have been smart enough to not leave the inside wide open. He went outside, and didn't even attempt to see where Reed was going to go. If he would have, he could have cut right back under Reed and still been in the lead.
I thought the move wasn't the smartest thing to do. But I watched the Greatest Supercross races ever thing on CBS sunday. RJ was trying to knock Baily down most of the race at Anaheim '86. People overreact today because you don't see it as much, but moves like that are part of the history of supercross.
All I gotta day is it wasn't as bad as the Roman Candle. But the length of this thread might reach epic proportions.
In my opinion, it seems what can be said has been said on Reed's block pass.

That being said...just wondering if the new site software has the capability to easily set up a voting/survey kind of thing? If so, it'd be interesting to see what percentage of folks felt it was a good racing move vs. it being a dirty uncalled for move.
One more attempt at it...

Originally Posted by ActionSports
if you watch the replay in slowmo, you could tell that stewart saw reed on the inside. then he gave it a handful in an attempt to knock reed down and it didnt work. reed cut stewarts line off but he didnt go up into stewart. if stewart would have backed off he could have snuck back underneath reed and gone on to take the win as reed would have hung himself out to dry. if the roles were switched heading into that last corner, stewart would have parked reed into the tough blocks. everyone is such a whiner now days. back in the days of hannah/weiner, johnson/ward, there were a lot harder hitting passes than the one last weekend.

exactly, in slow mo. now think outside the box, watch in real time and realize how quick these guys have to decide to brake or turn left, or turn right, gas it etc.
its all happening very fast.

Think outside the box?

After Stewart gassed it into Reed, he rolled himself right onto Reed's back. Good move as it was the softest landing and he also made sure that Reed went down too. Climbing on Reed's bike to start his while delaying Reed was another good move. But Stewart's actions during the rest of the last lap proved his intensions toward Reed and total distraction from racing, costing Stewart positions and points. Not good.

Maybe one would need to think outside the box to miss the obvious here.