

PR Addict
weather sucks!!!! i'm watching 4 different weather sites and none are the same for this weekend!!i'm getting highs from 34 to 45 degrees,partly cloudy,partly sunnny with a chance of snow!!! i'm hoping for good weather for the race at 330 but if not i'm going anyway!!!


PR Founding Father
I was hoping to get out and race this weekend....but I'm still sick from the Alabama trip....found out after blood work that I have WHOOPING COUGH! Jeez!

If it's as cold this weekend as predictions say there is no way I can go, I will just cough my brains out the whole time.


PR Member
Should be good! There is a bunch of us coming. 40 degrees is great, track should be awesome.


PR Elite
I was hoping to get out and race this weekend....but I'm still sick from the Alabama trip....found out after blood work that I have WHOOPING COUGH! Jeez!

If it's as cold this weekend as predictions say there is no way I can go, I will just cough my brains out the whole time.

whoopping cough ? Wow !!!!! Darn kid gave you some nasty stuff down there in alabama !


PR Founding Father
Yeah, and for anyone that's been around me, may want to see a doctor....check this out. It's medical term is Pertussis.

Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. Coughing spells may lead to vomiting or a short loss of consciousness.

Perfect thing to have going into Loretta Lynn Qualifiers!


PR Addict
Most children should be immune, as adults we stop getting boosters and then can catch it again. The danger would be that you could spread it to another adult, especially elderly, or very young child who has not had all their immunizations. Hope that you feel better!


PR Member
Tim, Just take them and average it out it should give you a better idea. For ex: 40 degrees or 30 degrees would be it is going to be 35...


PR Founding Father
Yeah, and for anyone that's been around me, may want to see a doctor....check this out. It's medical term is Pertussis.

Perfect thing to have going into Loretta Lynn Qualifiers!

Did you get your shots as a baby? You needed a booster son! I'm surprised, most adults just carry it and pass it on to children...