Area 51 LLQ

Well,how did everyone do? How did the track turn out on Sat. & Sun?
I got a quick text report late last night saying huge gates in some Vet Classes and that a solid 6<SUP>th</SUP> was within reach but a bobble late in the second moto dropped Pit back to an 8<SUP>th</SUP> …..
Sat the track was great, 42 riders in the 250 C class Scottie won 1st moto and was leading 2nd moto but broke a rear shock link hitting the ski jump dropping him back to 3rd with a 2nd overall. Ohio riders came in 1 and 2. No racing on Sun due to bike
Awesome Day rain .... 75 Degrees by days end . Pit Qualified in Two classes. Myself in +45 . Jack did well in 250C mod and Schoolboy. He ran 12th or so out of 27 riders. Scott Sheak completely jumped over me on a 110 foot double making me feel like a spode in +35. Classes were stacked and full gates. Track was gnarly and rutted. Lots of rocks. High winds for the last motos of the day. All in all safe and fun weekend!
We got there about 5pm Saturday night and hung out until well after dark since signup didn't open until 8pm. This gave us plenty of time to watch races, get parked, fill water tank, and after races were over we walked a bunch of the track while they were grooming for Sunday.

One thing I noticed right away was there were some decent sized jumps and several sections had alternate lines -- high line to sky over a section, low line to double through. I knew we had to go out and dial this in real quick during a packed, muddy practice Sunday morning.

Hotel was great - indoor pool and hottub, enjoyed an hour or so of that and met some competitors who had raced Saturday so got some thoughts on the track, etc. That was handy.

I did something really strange in practice Sunday that scared the blazes out of me and almost ended my day right there. After the start you go down a hill, then turn right and immediately hit a series of stepups of varying size and length, similiar to the center tunnel at Beans. First two were easy got those dialed within two laps but the third one (you actually went down a hill, 180 degree turn, double, then hit this big step) was really greasy and pretty big with kind of a peaky lip to get over.

Anyway, I went for it early in the practice, my rear wheel slid out bad on the takeoff and my foot slipped off the peg and I stomped on the rear brake by accident right as I went off the takeoff! It was one of the ugliest, sideways, panic-revved case jobs I've ever done, and to make it worse you go right into a big downhill so I bounced and careened all the way down, but somehow did not crash. From that point forward that step-up gave me problems all day, I jumped it most of the time but I don't think I ever really did it nicely. One moto a dude in front of me crashed bad off it, handing me his spot. Several laps I came around and the yellow was waving on it so we had to roll it, which actually made me breathe a sigh of relief to not have to jump it.

Track is really good, but I was a bit surprised how rocky some of it was. I had not heard that. Very much dirt like old Scenic Highlands. I'm not sure what to think of the start either, gate and start area are very nice but the first turn is a little sketchy as it's a narrow 90 degree left into the track. Out of my 6 motos there were 2 first turn pileups. The other thing not ideal about the start was that you immediately went down the hill, turned right and started hitting all those big step-ups in a row while still in a very crowded pack. Very close calls in several of my motos, and in one moto Dan Nowakowski (NOWA on here) landed right on a guy and cartwheeled all the way down the hill to end that moto for him.

The other thing I was not too fond of was some of their dual - line sections. They seemed cool when walking the track, but in reality when racing the one side was such big air and distance that only pros were doing it, so it basically meant the track was only half-width for all the rest of us. So take a 25ft wide track and put in some long straight sections where 90% of the guys only use half of it. I think some changes there could really make the track better.

So without sounding like I'm just complaining about a few things let me say this. Area51 is a first rate facility and track. They have awesome equipment, buildings, fencing, good parking, lots of staff, first rate operation. Track is very, very good with a good balance of natural terrain and man made jumps. They ran the program excellent and did a great job. I don't think I saw any ambulance runs or anyone really hurt. Also take into account I think this was their first LL event and they did an awesome job. One of the things that was really cool was that after almost each gate drop the gate guy wasn't just standing around -- he was busting arse going up and down the line with a shovel cleaning out each gate so they all worked perfectly for every moto. I don't think I've ever seen someone so on top of starting gate operation. They clicked off the motos with precision, every now and then took a quick minute to groom something, and overall provided a very professional and quality racing experience.

Now that I've blabbed about all that, I raced +30B/C, +35, +40. Plus 35 was the first moto for me and saw Jeff Pape and Scott Sheak on the line! For those that don't know Sheak used to be a Factory Honda racer and has won Nationals! Obviously he crushed all of us by a mile. Plus 35 has been a little bit of a lighter class so far, but here it was stacked. Dave Jones came out 6th but I barely missed it with a 9th. Bummer because in the 2nd moto I could see Davey up ahead of me but I was riding my hardest and could just barely keep pace with those guys much less try to pass anyone. I had a good battle both motos with a #101 on a Husky.

In +40 I think there were 17 guys and I squeaked out a 7th to qualify. NOWA was ahead of me in that class but crashed out in the 2nd moto. Davey Jones led a bunch of the 2nd moto and ended up 4th.

Plus 30 B/C had 24 racers, I got a decent start in the first moto and finished 11th (10q spot). Second moto several guys got tangled in a first turn pileup, NOWA got caught up in that too. I was able to barely stop in time to miss it and then squeak around the inside. I rode much of the moto in 6th, crashed on the last lap on a rutted downhill and ended up 8th, for 8th overall qualifier spot. NOWA's buddy (can't remember his name -- PJ? BJ?) rode great and fast and I think he won both motos. He was fast and I never really even could see him.

Racing 3 classes really puts a damper on watching any of the other action. Beenridin hung in great and snuck in with a qualifier spot in +45. Jack (Suzuki596) did awesome I thought, had some awesome battles and rode really hard. Bottom line is he's riding a stock RM125 against stacked competition and big gates and he finished in the low teens.

Davey Jones qualified in +35, +40. Todd Sinclair holeshot and led a big group of 450C riders in a moto, not sure of his finish but I think he made the cut. Mike Brian was there and hung out with us, got a qually spot with a 6th in +45.

Got some pics to post, will try to do that later tonight.

So what's next? MidEast qually maybe? I'm having fun with this, been a while since I've really raced.
Awesome update. I always thought that place looked decent from the highway just driving by it on 90...

And Sheak...I remember watching him win motos at High Point on a factory Honda 125, couldn't pin point how old I was but it had to be in the ranges of me being 8-13. That guy is fast. So is Pape, he was always whoopin on the younger kids in D12 A class.

Sounds like everyone had a great time. Hopefully the travel isn't too bad for the Regional.
I think the track you can see from the highway is actually the mini track! Forgot to mention that, one of the sweetest looking mini tracks I've seen.
Timmy got 2nd overall in 65 7-9 stock on sat! Also took the hardest hit of his life during practice on Friday, sat with the emts being observed for a while. He absolutely loved the track and can't wait to go back again!


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Timmy also found a party of 8-13 year old girls in the hotel pool that thought he was the best thing since sliced bread!
Great post Pitracer! Ya alittle sore today. I still can't believe what happened in +40 class with a 2nd place finish and then a DNF in moto 2. Then the same thing happens +30 class. Oh well just got to regroup.
Might try again this weekend down at Steel City.
Some pics from Sunday......

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Davey Jones:
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Michael Brian:
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Mike & Jack Babet:
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Todd Sinclair:
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+40 Gate:

Vet B/C start and first turn, kind of funny pic looks like we are all just stopped sitting there....
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+35 me going BAR TO BAR with ex Factory Honda Rider Scott Sheak #5! haha....well for like 15 feet anyway...

Couple of me during motos:
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Timmy got 2nd overall in 65 7-9 stock on sat! Also took the hardest hit of his life during practice on Friday, sat with the emts being observed for a while. He absolutely loved the track and can't wait to go back again!

Are you guys from d11. Not sure I've seen him at any events I've announcedr? 2nd place is awesome, I can't wait to see him in person tearing up that kind of speed...tell him if he pulls another run like that at regional the 15 year olds will all be getting in line at the pool for him!

@pit or a vet rider: Was DJ rocking the intimidator plate ( 1N ) in his respective class?
saw dave jones at a local private track last week dude was rippin on the 125! stilll the best sound ever 125 through whoops..ahhh :)
Are you guys from d11. Not sure I've seen him at any events I've announcedr? 2nd place is awesome, I can't wait to see him in person tearing up that kind of speed...tell him if he pulls another run like that at regional the 15 year olds will all be getting in line at the pool for him!

We are local, usually run Pyma, TVLand, OIR, Timmy is just usually somewhere in the middle of the pack so you probably never noticed him. He has played with your little brother many times though! He is really steppin up this spring, only rode NEMX a couple times this winter and the break seems to have made him really want it! He just turned 9 and is barely 50lbs so you'll see him on the 65 for a long time!
And all of have wondered why th Watson Brothers haven't been around in a few years with a track like that just up the road..... That step up section is the one that I broke my arm on last year so I know what he means when he was saying the yellow flag was out for many laps...

Spencer 19

ps AIR is just as sick you Ohio guys would also love that track,has the same dirt and flow!!!