Steel City NE LL Area


PR Member
Does anyone have an update on track conditions. Do not want to play in the mud but need the gate drops.


PR Member
It was the mother of mudfest sat. They were stopping bikes gnnc style every lap to score. Tommorrow will be muddy too but 40mph winds may help dry things that don't blow away


PR Founding Father
Not too bad of a day weather-wise in the Cleveland area, how did it work out for Steel City?


PR Addict
Not too bad of a day weather-wise in the Cleveland area, how did it work out for Steel City?

I only raced Sunday. First two motos were wayy muddy, 2nd half cleaned up pretty good. The cut out about 50% of the track. Awfully shady scoring, but it was a goodtime and good practice for the upcoming OHIO events!


PR Member
Friday - practice and the the track were great.
Saturday - the rains came and it was very muddy. One moto format with much of the track cut out. No 50s, 65s or women raced. They picked spoons for their finishing position. The track never did shape up all day. Scoring was very difficult. Even Rita was out helping check rider numbers as they passed the finish line. sc-7.jpg
Sunday - more rain over night and the first set of motos was very muddy. After a break between motos and a complete track make-over, the second set of motos were great.
Overall it was a good weekend.


PR Member
Ya Pit, I tried no one would pick!!

The kids raced on saturday & qualified. Saturdays cleanup took 145 gallons of water on 2 bikes. It was nasty.

On sunday first set of moto's were terrible, second set of moto's were better. Qualified in +30 & +40


PR Founding Father
Yea! Practice and first moto's were a survival test! AJ did great. Terrible start in 1st moto but came back from 16th to
a solid 6th. what a difference in the second moto's. The track workers took a little extra time(which they said the were only going to take 10-15 min break) Glad they did 2nd moto was ruff-n-rutty! Anyway top 8 start first turn, a few passes,
and finished 4th. 5th overall out of 25 for the day in the 250B!
First qualifier for us in a couple years. Only 3rd ride out this year and our first race. It was a little nerve racking with the mud!
But a hell of a lot of fun! Thanks to all those who are helping us out and making this possible!


PR Addict
so they drew spoons???? should have cancelled but that would be to hard since fast trax cancelled theirs, or was it a collect their money thing for the 50s and 65s??? come on,drew spoons, serious??? Your kid is the fastest on to show up and he draws the last spoon and is told sorry, thanks for your money and is sent packing, serious??? April fools was on the 1st...

Glad we stayed away..



PR Founding Father
According to the results, the 65cc 7-9 had 11 entries. All the other 50 & 65 classes had less than 8 entries so they all qualified.


PR Addict
Parker is 9. If we would have went that would have sucked to get your result in 7-9 65 stock from a spoon due to little Jimmys mom . Politics suck. I thought that the AMA had a rule if one person wants to line up to race they can not use a majority vote, or is that a CRA rule? Can't remember, to many concussions
Can't say to much, we didnt go but the track looked brutal. And if anyone is wondering, Parker said he would have lined up...the parts to rebuild it are on the bench...


PR Founding Father
From my understanding, they voted on it. Yes it would appear they just wanted your money. But...
$40 to qualify and not race, Ok. Not your first choice.
$200 bucks for a blown up bike with a burnt out clutch(50's for sure) , maybe one lap around a God awful track. Spoons may have seemed like a good option. I'm just sayin. Everyone doesn't have an endless supply of money these days or all the parts laying there to do a rebuild after every race. I think someone said even the "A" riders took that option.
I would be willing to bet the 50's and most of the 65's couldn't have even made a lap. Sunday was bad enough with the promise of the weather getting better after the first moto. Sat was crazy and getting worse. Still not as bad as one year in Indiana, I think, they dropped the gate , you ran 50 yards turned and then you were finished. Spoons sound like a better deal.

so they drew spoons???? should have cancelled but that would be to hard since fast trax cancelled theirs, or was it a collect their money thing for the 50s and 65s??? come on,drew spoons, serious??? Your kid is the fastest on to show up and he draws the last spoon and is told sorry, thanks for your money and is sent packing, serious??? April fools was on the 1st...

Glad we stayed away..
