Ponca city qualifier mx @ lightning 5/1/11

Ponca city qualifier may 1st 2011
we race both bikes and quads....

Sign up starts @ 7:00am
practice @ 9:00 am
race @ 10:30 am

physical address is: 82585 craigo rd tippecanoe ohio 44699

for more info call 740-922-1661 or 740-229-0026


PR Founding Father
ponca qualifiers are a little different...they're a joke really. You go to ponca just to re-qualify to ride a main. (if you didn't know) too many riders and moto's. Ponca and Mini O's need to revise their programs and introduce a true qualifier/regional set up. Loretta's qualifier regional setup I think is ridiculous as well. Qualify to Qualify for a main gate a Regional. Regional should be 3 moto format with a full gate and no qualifying at the regional itself...why bother with the Area qualifiers then?

Cody Havel

PR Addict
I wouldn't call it a joke. It's just not as efficient. I remember having to re-qualify when I went to Ponca. Scared half to death that I was just going to have to turn around and come back home after one moto. Ahh good times. I made it though. But yeah anyway... what George said... qualify here, then re-qualify there, then race.


PR Addict
ponca qualifiers are a little different...they're a joke really. You go to ponca just to re-qualify to ride a main. (if you didn't know) too many riders and moto's. Ponca and Mini O's need to revise their programs and introduce a true qualifier/regional set up. Loretta's qualifier regional setup I think is ridiculous as well. Qualify to Qualify for a main gate a Regional. Regional should be 3 moto format with a full gate and no qualifying at the regional itself...why bother with the Area qualifiers then?

Well there you have it…"Georgie Knows Best"…I should start a face book page or a blog or something of the sort.

Anyway, Georgie is correct. You QUALIFY here and you run your REGIONAL/MAIN Event there. Is what Ponca City does more or less efficient, I can’t say for sure because that is the only amateur national I ever attended. Is it any cheaper at Ponca City than Mini-O’s or Loretta’s…don’t know, never attended? But what I can say is that I spent a lot less money qualifying my son when he went to Ponca City in 05 and 06 compared to the amount of money I spent when he attempted to qualify for Loretta’s in 07.

I am realistic here and know that in our area the riders want to go to Loretta’s, it has more prestige, more coverage, more recognition and probably better competition, I tell this to the NMA every year when they ask me why there are not more riders from Ohio. But the bottom line is, if you want to attend an amateur national for a lot less money to get there and line up against some the same kids that are going to race at Loretta’s here is your chance. It’s optional and it’s an opportunity. Your choice.

Georgie, I have not seen you in a couple of years or more…you seem slightly negative lately :-(
Maybe you just need to see me in my sweet Factory Yamaha shirt and you’ll feel warm and fuzzy all over!!!


PR Member
We were there in '07, '08 and '09. It is a good time and you do get to race against most of the top riders in the country. It seems that it is more geared to West coast riders. The only problem we had was that you have to get there at least a week early to get in line for a decent camping spot. There are hundreds of motorhomes that line up in a couple fields outside the park. One way to look at is that you can spend the week practicing at Area 51, Cooperland or other tracks in the area. Also, the temperature is very hot that time of the year, usually 100+ every day.


PR Founding Father
Haha I know, I gotta lighten up. It's the post-no-bike blues. I used to only hate C riders and Pee Wee parents (no offense...you guys are crazy).

I remember qualifying for Loretta's and not having to qualify at the regional...back in the days when RuperX's son and I were wappin the throttle wide open waiting for dad to set down the rear-end.

I also remember Ponca was used as practice for Loretta's pretty much...as it was the week before...

Mini O's used to be awesome. Well rounded. Now it's too over populated. They need to call it Mini Supercross/Motocross week. Used to be TT, Supercross, Motocross and Grand Prix. We used to start in the field where all the motorhomes are parked these days.

There's too many classes now. when I rode 60s if you went to lorettas on a 60 it was the 60 class. No 7-9, 10-11. 7-9 mod, 10-11 mod, Extra 60 Beginner 60 and whatever else they have now. If I didn't qualify because I was 7 racing against 11 year olds, then I came back next year. TOOO MANY CLASSSESS. Clevenger does it the best...smokin fast and takes himself to the practice track.

I'm not throwing anyone under the bus, it's how it is today and all you can have fun chasing the nationals. It's not for me anymore. I might try an amatuer national one last time until I have a kid that might want to try it out. But for all it's worth---it really isn't worth what it used to be.