Smith Rd. Track CUTTERS

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Big difference between, pulling off the observe an obstacle, and blantantly going around and obstacle at speed, even if you look both ways, flash a turn signal and honk. Even if you slow down and look, cutting the track to purposes avoid an obstacle is wrong. It just opens up the possibility for an incident.
Haha! Oh boy... All I can say is can you really blame a rider for going around the Smith Rd. 6 pack? And... as a reader/lurker-- and a once in awhile PR commenter, this bickering on here has got to stop. I mentioned it in the other AC skippers thread. There are all kinds of riders out there. Fast racers, slow racers, practicers, woods guys, vintage riders, girlfriends who are learning... we all know this. Everyone doesn't race. When you go to a track where there are alot of "random" riders-- ya gotta expect some randomness.

Half seriously-- maybe there should be some kind of "new rider" etiquette flyer handed out at the sign in spot. It would outline where to get on and off the track, and common knowledge stuff that a new rider wouldn't really know. Splitting practices up into two groups would be the best idea when there are alotta riders out.

I cringe when I come on here and there is all this bantering about who's better than who, and how long people have been riding. I ride bikes for fun-- I have enough drama in my day to day, I ride bikes to escape all that. When the drama comes to the only fun I get to have all week-- it ain't fun anymore. ---Tony C.
you know... i saw a kid on a 110 triple triple them, there three feet tall.... honestly just go over the damn whoops
Jerry Springer is warming up.....

I know. this thread is like a train wreck I can't look away from.

remember the little rascals show? When Buckweat and Alfalfa were arguing about whether Super man could beat up The lone ranger or something...Was it mighty mouse?

It is that meaningful.
I started this thread about people that consistently cut the track, not about all of us that occaisionally cut or pull-off. I obviously was pissed off due to the fact cutting the track is DANGEROUS and I am just sick of approaching upcoming riders who all of a sudden veer off the track, go straight when the tracks go right, or swing out around an obstacle. To unexpectedly have to ck up hard on the brakes or make an evasive move takes alot of the fun out of open riding. I was wrong in that I singled a particular rider, however if this guy changes his habits maybe several other riders might also.
I enjoy trying to pass riders at Smith Rd. as we all know it can be pretty one-lined and can be a challenge.. What I dont enjoy is the guy cutting the track and blowing water into and onto the RACING or RIDING line so my son, wife of myself can bust our butt next lap around. One corner in particular the last few weeks that developes a nice gnarly MX rut was getting doused every lap and this created a HAZARD. As you exit this corner on the gas and up the face of a roller, the rut ends as does your traction due to one little area getting watered every lap. I personally seen two riders fall due to this. Funny thing is, they never cut outside a turn to avoid the rut, it is always on the inside.

As far as the 6-pak at Smith... Everytime someone cries about these simple jumps I question why they even ride. GET REAL, all of you. My 43 year old wife rides through them EVERY LAP. For petes sake, its a 5-pak if you hit the "one line". Feel sketchly to blast or bop thru? SLOW DOWN and ROLL thru 'em. I got a better idea, you want to go around that obstacle, go way wide the corner before, dont work the inside line then to swerve outside all of a sudden because you find them "sketchy".

In reviewing this thread, NO-ONE has offered an explanation of why they CONSTANTLY (every lap/2-4 times a lap/every week) cut the track.

As the Hurricane would say ...
Either the 110 wasn't stock, or it had Sam Y. on it.

Point is-- most riders for one reason or another, don't like the 6 pack. If you want to have good turnouts at a given track, you need to make the track to the liking of the riders that pay to ride on it.

This whole thread is kinda like owning a restaurant, and saying,,, "who cares if you don't like our food, it's what we serve. If you don't like it-- go eat someplace else". Obviously-- not alot of riders like the condition of the 6 pack, so they have either gone around it, or went someplace else to ride. Ya have to please the majority, rather than the minority. With a few hours work or less-- you could have a mild dub/dub in place of the 6 pack that the majority of the riders would like. "Everyone has to race on the same track", and "Hell-- I can do 'em!", hasn't really been cutting it the past few years. I can do 'em myself-- I just don't enjoy them. I love the rest of the track though.

About cutting the track. IDK who on here has ever dabbled in road racing, but there is certain etiquette that happens in practice. For one, new riders wear an orange vest-- you may only pass them on the outside. In reciprocation, new riders are instructed to hold their lines, and not weave about the track. If they are causing trouble on the track intentionally or not-- they are black flagged, and must stop and be told what's wrong with their riding. There are certain designated places where one enters and exits the track. When exiting a track-- you put a hand up on the straightaway before, and move to the inside prior to exiting. Pissing about the riders isn't going to help your cause. Structure and education certainly may. These past few threads have been mostly un-constructive, and have been stinking up the forum. ---Tony C.
As we all know common sense is over rated(sarcasim). My $.02 is if theres a section riders are cutting then put some banners up, haybail it off, or make it so dang wet it's like a mud bog. These track cutting threads make no sense to me, if theres a problem with the track then bring it up to the track owner, I have never met an owner that wouldn't fix a track problem pronto! Anyways just roll the section if ya don't feel comfortable but dang it DON't blast around an obstacle! Use your head fellas
I'm sure its been suggested but what about split A/B and C practices, whether they are the same or different days. Sometimes a rider rolling a jump is almost as dangerous as a track cutter (one who doesnt look for a good chance to get back on that is) like when you have a case of a blind jump where the faster rider who is taking off cant see what may be inbetween or on the downside of the jump. I guess BC has this solved with several different tracks. Pretty much though it just boils down to common sense. Hold your line if being over taken and dont try to ride above your head.
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