Beans 8/6 & 8/7


PR Founding Father
Sat and Sunday 11am till 6pm.Bikes ans quads
Track will be top notch all weekend!!!!
330 602 1246 or cell 330 407 0843


PR Member
How is the weather looking down there? Trying to decide on coming down today or tomorrow.


PR Founding Father
Got the horse shoe throw the woods dressed up for Sundays track.Will be a nice change to the track lay out.Will try to dress up monster mountain for tommorrow to.No rain so far will post if we get hammered.We could use some rain.Sunday could be really good!!


PR Founding Father
O yea just got some rain,heading out to disc and rototill.looks like a few pop up showers yet to come.Its going to be perfect tommorrow!!!!!


PR Founding Father
not much rain last night,will have to water.Track is going to great today.old sections opened up,jumps refaced,its going to be a good one!!!!!


PR Member
Thanks for a great track today BJ, conditions were absolutely amazing. Even got a mid day track prep. Hope to be back down soon.