worst track ever

TimSr90- I agree! There are some promoters who do not take advantage of the internet to hear feedback positive or negative. We've had plenty of positive feedback and then there are times we've had constructive critism some well deserved and well taken. There are plenty of us who do listen and will make sure we address this discussion at our meeting. Comments do not fall on deaf ears trust me. To lump all CRA tracks together based on a bad experience at one is not fair to those promoters who do bust their butts to make the best track possible. TV Land does an awesome job with his track/prep and everytime we race there we have a blast!
I know how the track was I raced all weekend for the Triathalon, and so did my brother. My brother owns a rather large excavating company and is a pro level rider offroad, but can hold his own on a moto track as well. Friday in practice he talked to the promotor, and again after the weekends racing. He has built alot of tracks over the years, and has offered to help make improvements to the track at Big Game. I belive they can make the track really good with a little construtive critisium and help.
Damn Dave Smith (aka-Hershey)- Always stirring the pot! LOL
That was one nice thing about WR you couldn't throw any rocks at Peg and I!!!! I kinda missed it!
Yeah don't avoid cra cause of this and this is the same big game that had a 180 degree right hander for a start and a catch fence to catch you from going off a 150' drop off if things went wrong on the start so I wouldn't say its their first bad idea
There is a reason Big Game is commonly referred to a "Git R Done Raceway". Maybe the CRA should take a look at conditions for safety reasons, maybe a probation is in order, maybe CRA should drop this track. But seriously who is going to go to the meeting a bring it up? Are any of you who are complaining about the CRA making plans to go to a meeting and voice your concerns. I doubt you will be there. Has anyone who is complaining about the CRA with this issue emailed them about it? If you did what response did they reply with? By all means voice your opinion on here, thank you for pointing out a concern for safety so the rest of us may avoid this place. But to avoid the CRA because of this race track is silly. Dropping a track is not something that can be done mid season, it is not as easy as a class or bike issue, you are not asking them to reroute an unsafe obstacle, in other words it can't be done overnight. I have had my issues with the CRA and felt I got the short end of the stick at first, but it worked out and made me appreciate them more. If it is a safety concern they will not take it lightly, so please don't stop here, send emails and go to a meeting if this place is as dangerous as it is being described.
TV land is a great facility for starters. Not a super tuff track but a very NICE facility. Probably my favorite place to go ride early in the year to shake the cobwebs. I could go into a slew of things I dislike about the CRA but Im not about to add fuel to the fire lol. I actually hope tracks like OIR and Dirtworld stay outlaw..and can frequently be ridden without paying a boatload to only race. Id be willing to bet OIR does just as good. Seeing as the last 2 open practices where packed. Trevor is one of the few CRA tracks that actually still has some open practices throughout the year that are always fun to hit and they are open a lot. I was really suprised to hear Area 330 didnt make it into the CRA. Id be curious to know how a track gets selected or denied?
I'll agree with those who are saying how foolish it is to condemn the CRA because you don't like one of the tracks or to drag other tracks into a situation in which they are irrelevant. I have a huge respect for the CRA, and quite frankly, they are the reason Im am racing. Their willingness to be inclusive where the AMA would seem to use legalisms to exclude people. Tracks and promoters will vary, as will personal tastes.

Big Game raceway has had CRA harescrambles for years, long before they decided to get into MX, and their harescrambles were fantastic. I'm guessing that the fact that they were already a CRA HS promoter with a good history was a factor in their being accepted as a CRA MX track. I would still hope that they would get the message and achknowledge and address the problems, because I always thought they were a great race promoter, and maybe they just need some guideance for running an MX track.
I'm all about safe riding conditions! That kind of dust isn't safe. If it's not dusty and it's rutty then promoters can pay no attention to complaints of being too rutty or too muddy. Atleast it's a safe environment to race in!
Just throwing this out there and could be completely wrong but...punishing other CRA tracks is WRONG!!!!! The other thing YES absolutely the big track was HORRIBLE - punishing them or suspending them what is that going to do. They saw the turn out on Sunday with 6 motos...people are voicing their opinions and complaining like we should. They seem to have taken a big loss. If the track was perfect I am sure they would have had 16 motos Sunday.

Now it is up to them to read our complaints and concerns and REDEEM themselves...

Art at Pymatuning always has his grass cut and tries week after week to give everyone a nice track but nobody ever gives him another chance...if we give them a chance this will allow for us to have our tracks to race and not be stuck with only practice tracks...

Just my thoughts... : )
Maybe I was a little hasty in condemning the entire CRA and it's promoters. A big SORRY to all the promoters, other than Big Game. I haven't an excuse, but I was very, very upset about the track conditions, from the jumps to the dust. Devin and I are reconsidering the Grand Prix, and that kooks positive.

Guys, I am not from your area. If you want location, I generally ride in Eastern PA and New Jersey. I have very few friends out your way, so I talked to very few people. I really thought that this was just a normal event with normal conditions, so I kinda kept to myself all day. I just couldn't take it anymore and started a thread about Big Game. then Barrington directed me here. I just lost it when people question those that raced their and said things like (paraphrasing , of course) It's Motocross! Give the new track some time! The weather was hot! Then you shouldn't ride if that's how you feel! It couldn't be that bad! Anyhow you get the point.

Fellas, it was that bad, and that 4 wheel video doesn't do the big bike track justice. Our track had no shade, so conditions were worse. Everyone knows or at least knows who Rich of Rich's Pics is right? One of the few people I know out that way (He's good people>stop and say hello to him if you never have!) and he put his camera away about the 5th moto! Now that is bad, Rich putting the camera away. He was afraid he was going to ruin it with the dust.

Somebody post some pictures. I usually take my Nikon, but forgot it as I was running late with the long drive and all. Someone have a helmet cam? That would be AWESOME if you could upload it to you tube so we could share this.

On a positive note: That guy on a Husky, #8, he rocks and so did #2 on that Honda! Kudos to both of you! I guess the GNCC regulars are much better riders than me, cause they did show everyone out there that offroad guys have some bike skills. That dust didn't slow either one down, but hell, they didn't have human DNA either! Either that or they both were breed to not have fear! That #8 on a Husky impressed me, and after 35 years, that is hard to do!
Honda 907....All anyone has to watch is those video's...No body would ever pay to ride there..Some people bring up it was hot..Blah blah blah...Hot my ass...that is NOT SAFE to ride or race...All of your comments are right on...Try Tv land....Trevor knows what he is doing...Dirt world..beans..330...wrmc...oir..all good tracks..