Some neck brace testing, finally.

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The horse will get beat on this one until the day they release testing similar to what dot and snell do for helmets.
I think that it depends all on the crash, I have had some nasty crashes and walked away from them all even after being knocked out a few times WITHOUT a brace. the leatt might help avoid death in a very very rare case but it seems like it is paralyzing alot more riders in crashes that they should have walked away from also, it takes away normal movement from the neck to absorb a crash and transfers it right to the spine or somewhere else if you get lucky.
If you want to wear the leatt brace, but are afraid of a broken back or spine, do what I do. I haven't seen anyone else do this and it surprises me. Maybe it looks dumb, i don't think it does, but thats just me. I wear the new Fox chest protector, the Proframe. I tuck the front of the leatt inside of the chest protector, and I leave the back piece outside the protector. That way in case of a crash, the load hits the chest protector and spreads, instead of the load hitting your spine.
If you want to wear the leatt brace, but are afraid of a broken back or spine, do what I do. I haven't seen anyone else do this and it surprises me. Maybe it looks dumb, i don't think it does, but thats just me. I wear the new Fox chest protector, the Proframe. I tuck the front of the leatt inside of the chest protector, and I leave the back piece outside the protector. That way in case of a crash, the load hits the chest protector and spreads, instead of the load hitting your spine.

This is a good idea and something that may work better than what the detractors of neck braces are saying here. Speading the force to more of your back than just your spinal column.

Anyway, it's personal choice to wear or not. I wear because of the reasons I've outlined numerous times. Others don't wear based on what they've outlined numerous times. I don't think either of us is 100% right, just the reasons we have for making our choice. To each his own. If they'd stop selling dirt bikes, we wouldn't have this problem....... we should have the government step in and save all of us from ourselves and spend that money on taxes instead! That would surely help the country a lot more.
I would rather break my neck and die than break my back. If I die, well heck, I don't have anything else to worry about.

Why would you rather break your neck and die then break your back?? i broke my back while riding my bike and i am still able to ride..YES, it probably was the worst thing i have ever been through (3 surgurys later) but, i am still riding and i appreciate it more because i do know if i were dead or paralyzed then i wouldnt be able to ride at all.
Are you the same person that is talking about Collar Bone breaks...... or not??? If so, is it ALL Transferred to your spine, or somehow did some pressure transfer to your collar bone? Aren't there people who have broken their shoulder blades based on the pressure of the brace there??? Are we talking about certain types of crashes only when the neck goes straight back only with no twisting and all of the load is directly down the plate that goes against your spine or not??? Where are we going with this?????

1. I feel bad that you are hurt and never going to recover.
2. I don't wish your plight on anyone.
3. I have been riding more years than you've been alive and never had an injury or crash that left me extremely hurt before Leatts existed.
4. I do believe on the transfer of load force to other area's to lessen the "worst case scenario" possibility in a crash.
5. I wear and will continue to wear my Leatt Brace.
6. Come up with something to make it better with your time and make your terrible experience a positive for someone else in the future. (IE, make a new pad that speads out across the back / ribs instead of just your spine if you feel that will better protect riders) patent it, and sell it. You love motorcycles and riders, do some good with your energy.

What do you think you are going to tell me that will change my mind about my Leatt Brace and make me think that death by broken neck (IE Ron Boyas) is better than you're life (with Leatt) or Justin Weeks (without Leatt) life after a life altering crash????? I still think both of your lives are better than Ron Boyas' death on the track.......... and I have kids that I want to see mature into adulthood, whether that's from a chair or from the seat of my bike and I think my Leatt will help me get there if I do have a catastrophic crash where I put it and my body to the test (although I hope I never test the limits of either).

no, i never said anything about collarbones. did you even read anything?
i dont need you to feel bad for me. and im glad you think you know me well enough to make the assumption you made. very cool man.
im making my opinion just like you are. but unless youve talked to engineers and biomedical engineers that are very familiar with these braces, i feel my opinion holds more weight than the propaganda and marketing sceme that your sold into. do i belive all neck braces are a fail? no. do you have money invested in leatt stock? you defend it like you do. i dont get why people think its the golden brace. or well, yea i do... he has better marketing than the rest. all it really takes. the only thing chris leatt has proven is that hes a better businessman than a medical doctor.
is your #3 comment supposed to make me believe in the brace more? no that makes it sound worse.
i have not once ever told anyone not to wear any neck brace. but i will say i think there are better ones than others.
i never said death would be better than life. again, put your glasses on and read.
i dont know anything about boyas' injuries. but i do know alot about justins. his is T3. broken a completely different way than mine. and also recovering quite well. which blows your #1 to crap. but you know it all.
ive also just read, for the 2nd instance, of a particular brace cutting a riders throat open. one resulting in fatality. ive also heard of stories of C injuries still occuring. so it can still potentially cause other injuries besides what im familiar with.
and im not trying to change anyones mind. if you want to wear a leatt, go for it. its your choice. and this is a somewhat free country. so enjoy that freedom and make your decision based off whatever best opinion you want. because thats all i have, is an opinion.
but the video should be enough to make you atleast wonder a little. why didnt it break at 45psi like leatt says it will? if leatt tested that part of it, wheres the supporting data? please share with me and the rest of the people reading this. because i cant find anything other than some well wrote out words on the website. i want to see some testing. not some video of a dummy falling square on its head. good luck. ill be waiting for the data. thanks.
After reading about barrington and scarvelli, i have been thinking about this for a while. i landed on my head wearing a leatt and had sore shoulders for a while. i have also thought if i landed just a bit different it may have dug in and snapped my spine or if i wasnt wearing it at all, i could have rolled my head and snapped my neck, scared me thinking about what could have happened. and after reading this post im really confused. i think a neck roll or the omega brace may replace my leatt.

check out the omega and tell me what you think
What does it really matter to you whatI say or what I do ? No matter my answer you and a few will twist it all around. The video is untrue in my opinion the way these 2 guys are testing it is so far off base its crazy and has nothing to do with how it preforms in real life crashes. I believe the brace works to avoid death, but my younger son when he pickes up speed and starts to jump he will have one so is that a good enough answer for you? Prob not but who cares.
i broke my back in a corner. doesnt always take a jump. not that im a believer anyways. just sayin.
Why would you rather break your neck and die then break your back?? i broke my back while riding my bike and i am still able to ride..YES, it probably was the worst thing i have ever been through (3 surgurys later) but, i am still riding and i appreciate it more because i do know if i were dead or paralyzed then i wouldnt be able to ride at all.

I guess I could have been more clear, I was thinking of two worst case scenarios. I break my neck and die or I break my back and get paralyzed from the chest down. I don't think it is in me to function paralyzed. That being said I would rather take my chances and hope I never have one of those rare neck snapping crashes than to wear a brace that I think could break my back with a normal everyday crash that is not so bad. I don't believe in this product anymore but I am not close minded to the concept, I just want to see some clear and concise research.
no, i never said anything about collarbones. did you even read anything?
i dont need you to feel bad for me. and im glad you think you know me well enough to make the assumption you made. very cool man.
im making my opinion just like you are. but unless youve talked to engineers and biomedical engineers that are very familiar with these braces, i feel my opinion holds more weight than the propaganda and marketing sceme that your sold into. do i belive all neck braces are a fail? no. do you have money invested in leatt stock? you defend it like you do. i dont get why people think its the golden brace. or well, yea i do... he has better marketing than the rest. all it really takes. the only thing chris leatt has proven is that hes a better businessman than a medical doctor.
is your #3 comment supposed to make me believe in the brace more? no that makes it sound worse.
i have not once ever told anyone not to wear any neck brace. but i will say i think there are better ones than others.
i never said death would be better than life. again, put your glasses on and read.
i dont know anything about boyas' injuries. but i do know alot about justins. his is T3. broken a completely different way than mine. and also recovering quite well. which blows your #1 to crap. but you know it all.
ive also just read, for the 2nd instance, of a particular brace cutting a riders throat open. one resulting in fatality. ive also heard of stories of C injuries still occuring. so it can still potentially cause other injuries besides what im familiar with.
and im not trying to change anyones mind. if you want to wear a leatt, go for it. its your choice. and this is a somewhat free country. so enjoy that freedom and make your decision based off whatever best opinion you want. because thats all i have, is an opinion.
but the video should be enough to make you atleast wonder a little. why didnt it break at 45psi like leatt says it will? if leatt tested that part of it, wheres the supporting data? please share with me and the rest of the people reading this. because i cant find anything other than some well wrote out words on the website. i want to see some testing. not some video of a dummy falling square on its head. good luck. ill be waiting for the data. thanks.


As far as reading and keeping my glasses on, I do that quite well all the time. And I'm sorry you've taken offense to my opinion of why I wear my particular neck brace, but I've said (if you've had your glasses on and are reading my posts) over and over again, that this is my opinion of why I wear my particular (Leatt) neck brace. I've bought into the idea that spreading the load of crash pressure across a broader area of your body through the use of a neck brace (no particular brand supported just happens that the one I wear is the Leatt) is a good idea. I've listed my experience with knee braces as a similar load transfer idea which everyone seems to know loads more about to get the idea across.

And as you indicated above, your injury is different from Justin's, different from Boyas', different from everyone elses......... so each case in point has a different set of variables in any crash, so how are you going to test it? Just to save your particular injury from happening (which woods and water may have a good idea on how to prevent that exact injury from happening)?

Why not put your energy into this testing, developing, and working toward making a better mousetrap???? I'd by the Barrington Brace and wear it if it were out there and a better design than what I have now.

Again, (as I've always said to those reading with glasses on) it's a personal choice matter and I've given my OPINION and why I made my choice. You've given your opinion as to why people shouldn't wear a Leatt and I've not attacked you personally for it as I believe you have a valid opinion, you could do the same. As far as my riding experience goes, I think most people familiar with know who I am and know that I've been riding my whole life at a fairly high level of Amatuer racing. I'm not a guy that just started riding / racing and is buying into the latest fad because everyone else is and that's what you're "supposed" to do. I've never needed a brace in my many years of riding experience yet, but as the VISA commercials suggest........ what's it worth if it saves you from paralysis one time...... PRICELESS. Why is my #1 blown to crap by Justin getting better little by little? I stated that I feel terrible for your situation and the fact that you may never recover from your injury and can't ride the way you used to ever again........ I don't wish that on you, or anyone anywhere as that is one of the worst things I can imagine happening to people, and how would saying that I feel bad for you and your injuries make me a "know it all"????

I don't get all of your references........ but my opinion is still the same........... I wear a neck brace in case of a horrific crash that would possibly end my life due to neck injury in hope that load spreading will keep me alive to see my kids grow up, simple as that.
The brace is kinda like a seatbelt either you put it on to save your life or you do not put it on to save your life. Maybe we could start a glass 1/2 empty thread next or Im sorry 1/2 full lol.
jdio121- my husband and a good friend of mine both have the omega and they both love it. My husband didn't like the Leatt because he can't look down causing him problems in corners and he does a good tuck and roll when he crashes this preventing him from doing it. He tried them all on and was more comfortable with the Omega.
jdio121- my husband and a good friend of mine both have the omega and they both love it. My husband didn't like the Leatt because he can't look down causing him problems in corners and he does a good tuck and roll when he crashes this preventing him from doing it. He tried them all on and was more comfortable with the Omega.

Funny thing is that the Omega addresses a lot of issues people have with the Leatt. But since none of the pros wear it and they dont make cool graphics for it, people don't even consider it.

As far as reading and keeping my glasses on, I do that quite well all the time. And I'm sorry you've taken offense to my opinion of why I wear my particular neck brace, but I've said (if you've had your glasses on and are reading my posts) over and over again, that this is my opinion of why I wear my particular (Leatt) neck brace. I've bought into the idea that spreading the load of crash pressure across a broader area of your body through the use of a neck brace (no particular brand supported just happens that the one I wear is the Leatt) is a good idea. I've listed my experience with knee braces as a similar load transfer idea which everyone seems to know loads more about to get the idea across.

And as you indicated above, your injury is different from Justin's, different from Boyas', different from everyone elses......... so each case in point has a different set of variables in any crash, so how are you going to test it? Just to save your particular injury from happening (which woods and water may have a good idea on how to prevent that exact injury from happening)?

Why not put your energy into this testing, developing, and working toward making a better mousetrap???? I'd by the Barrington Brace and wear it if it were out there and a better design than what I have now.

Again, (as I've always said to those reading with glasses on) it's a personal choice matter and I've given my OPINION and why I made my choice. You've given your opinion as to why people shouldn't wear a Leatt and I've not attacked you personally for it as I believe you have a valid opinion, you could do the same. As far as my riding experience goes, I think most people familiar with know who I am and know that I've been riding my whole life at a fairly high level of Amatuer racing. I'm not a guy that just started riding / racing and is buying into the latest fad because everyone else is and that's what you're "supposed" to do. I've never needed a brace in my many years of riding experience yet, but as the VISA commercials suggest........ what's it worth if it saves you from paralysis one time...... PRICELESS. Why is my #1 blown to crap by Justin getting better little by little? I stated that I feel terrible for your situation and the fact that you may never recover from your injury and can't ride the way you used to ever again........ I don't wish that on you, or anyone anywhere as that is one of the worst things I can imagine happening to people, and how would saying that I feel bad for you and your injuries make me a "know it all"????

I don't get all of your references........ but my opinion is still the same........... I wear a neck brace in case of a horrific crash that would possibly end my life due to neck injury in hope that load spreading will keep me alive to see my kids grow up, simple as that.

my glasses on reference was because you said 2 things i never said. thats what i took offense to. also, your opinion is your opinion. just like i have mine. which is fine.
and you are very right. the thing might save you in one instance. but could also kill you in another. the problem is the misinformation. leatt claims there is no trade off what so ever. but imo there really is. imo, from some data that ive seen, the brace only helps if you fall straight out of the sky onto your head like a pencil. how ofter does that happen?
you guys think this place gets hyped up over this brace? i found the topic on going over on thumpertalk. its at like 40 pages now! so its not just me. theres also alot of people that arent talking.
you say youd buy a barrington brace if it was a better design. so can you explain why you wear a leatt over an astar or omega or evs please? or do you wear the leatt because that was the first one out and thats what everyone else was buying? i know thats why i got one. and because david bailey scared the crap outa me with that video. which ive heard his son doesnt even wear a brace at all now. interesting to say the least. just something i heard tho, i have no proof, but shouldnt be too hard to figure out.
If you want to wear the leatt brace, but are afraid of a broken back or spine, do what I do. I haven't seen anyone else do this and it surprises me. Maybe it looks dumb, i don't think it does, but thats just me. I wear the new Fox chest protector, the Proframe. I tuck the front of the leatt inside of the chest protector, and I leave the back piece outside the protector. That way in case of a crash, the load hits the chest protector and spreads, instead of the load hitting your spine.

I've mentioned this in the other threads. Seems like a good compromise. I run it the same way.
Maybe the better question is why hasnt Leatt delivered? Why are they allowed to sell without testing? I would love to know. I made the assumption early on it was backed with testing. For the price I payed I can truly see both arguments. I truly beleive good marketing can do wonders. I also beleive in load transfering and technical design. Im always willing to reconsider my past decision and to be quite honest all this discontent should be directed at Leatt not one another. Maybe we should ask more from Leatt? Maybe we could start something here. Hell I payed alot of money for mine and Im sure others did I don't think it is unreasonable for Leatt to provide some testing.

Maybe some have tried this with no sucess?
Maybe the better question is why hasnt Leatt delivered? Why are they allowed to sell without testing? I would love to know. I made the assumption early on it was backed with testing. For the price I payed I can truly see both arguments. I truly beleive good marketing can do wonders. I also beleive in load transfering and technical design. Im always willing to reconsider my past decision and to be quite honest all this discontent should be directed at Leatt not one another. Maybe we should ask more from Leatt? Maybe we could start something here. Hell I payed alot of money for mine and Im sure others did I don't think it is unreasonable for Leatt to provide some testing.

Maybe some have tried this with no sucess?
they use to have testing videos. there all gone. nowhere to be found. noone knows why. many have assumptions.
Speaking of Mitch Payton, he has said in many interviews that he wouldn`t wear one or have any rider wear one because there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that they work. The fact is that the gay neck braces came out at just the right time and made a couple of jokers ALOT OF MONEY!!!! I hope they sleep well at night.

you bet he sleeps well. ive heard they sold over half a million braces. you do the math. how much you think those things actually cost to make?
jdio121- my husband and a good friend of mine both have the omega and they both love it. My husband didn't like the Leatt because he can't look down causing him problems in corners and he does a good tuck and roll when he crashes this preventing him from doing it. He tried them all on and was more comfortable with the Omega.

How does the Omega fit with a chest protector? Or does Al not wear one?
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