some stuff you didnt see on the southwick tv mayhem. (dungey)


PR Addict
Here is another video of Michele and Ryan starting to walk back to the pits as goose come over the hill with the bike.
<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>



PR Founding Father
Awesome vid!
Love watching Momma Dungey go from consoling friend to master motivator….pay attention to her actions as the scene switches from dismal to probable.
She’s 100% class.

TIMironi 121

PR Member
As a fellow 'SOTA-head, I would like to see RD win Steel City (I'm sure we'll all be there sipping barley-pops, eh?) so Pala ends up being a barn (or couch burner if you're old school Unadilla fan) burner. Either guy is a worthy champ!

And, if RD was on an e-start carburated KTM he might have gotten a few places higher!

John Dowd is THE MAN! If he expressed interest to race Steel City I'd send him $100 for fuel to get here!

Later- TJ


PR Founding Father
I have one question.......I know around here, if the stager does not mark you off as being on the starting line, you finish with a DNS.......shouldn't Dungey have gotten a DNS for not leaving the line at the start of the race???


PR Elite
Not sure where I heard it or read it, but he had till they made it around for the 1st lap. One they marked the first lap in the books, he could not enter the race.


PR Addict
Everybody knows who the SX champion should of been if not for a fluke thrown chain, looks like the same could happen with the Outdoors.

Unreal that RD has had TWO incredibly heart breaking moments this season and he still is in it.


PR Founding Father
I kind of thought the same thing, but I thought maybe it was different at the pro level. I figured once he was never scored on the first lap that is a DNS......but what if a rider goes down on the first lap, then scores on lap three or four? Too me, if your not on that gate when it drops, that is a DNS, and no entering the track. Would like to see a rule book on how that reads.


PR Addict
I believe Southwick was the first actual mechanical issue for Dungey and Suzuki this season.

If we are going to use the term "mechanical issue" (thrown chain, boil/ran out of gas and bike won't start) I think it should be worded as this: "Dungey could not have done anything different/better to prevent those 'mechanical issues'."