Smooth track vs rough track


PR Founding Father
It's a difficult thing to design a track that people will like, and what they like depends on their skill and experience. But as many people have said on here over and over........ people like to have Ruts / Berms in the turns but hate having ruts on the faces / landings of the jumps. Also, people mostly hate perfectly dry smooth dusty tracks as well.........

So you have to keep jumps smooth, but turns rutted.......... the perfect track!

That's all you have to say ????


medium for me i like ruts in the corners but not on the faces of jumps if your not lined up perfectly going over a badly rutted jump face that could lead to something happening that you aren't prepared for. I started racing in 1976 and raced heavily till 1992 on any kind of track condition you could ever think of and even then racing that much it still wasn't easy to race a badly rutted track. Since 1992 to current I mostly ride the open practices also I have raced 8 races since 2002 I like a nice tacky track for traction but not overly watered either.


PR Founding Father
Suspension helps with the ruff tracks of course, but for me, I refuse to spend a ton of money on it. I change springs for my weight, and run it. I change clickers as I need to depending on tracks/conditions.


PR Founding Father
That's all you have to say ????

I could write a lot on the subject, but since my former Fan Club President would rather not hear it.......... why bother?

I prefer bigger, rougher, faster, gnarlier, and tougher tracks. The more like a national style track, the more I like it. But.......... that doesn't work for everyone and if you are building a track to attract riders........ those are not the tracks to go to when learning to ride. I like Red Bud when it's regional nasty rough with 2 foot braking bumps everywhere and long long curly ruts everywhere.......... I do well then.

But I love it when it's first practice and it's perfectly smooth and wide open everywhere too......... so I understand the people that like that, it's easier and just as fun. I'm not for people getting hurt and ruts on jump faces / landings equals ambulance runs in my book, so better to leave them out unless you have all expert riders out there. But I love ruts / berms to turn in and give multiple options in turns and I think many people like to have more than one line in a turn. So I guess the perfect track would be one that had smooth jump faces / landings, but berms into and out of the turns that gave multiple choices for riders to take to try to pass.

Very difficult to make a track like that, but always something to shoot for. In Ohio, Briarcliff A/B track is closest to perfection as we get, but I would like to see more lines per turn to give it 100%. Red Bud on regular race day's is pretty hard to beat to keep most people happy, but on regional / national weekends....... it gets too rough for the average Joe to have fun.

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