Prayers for Ryan Reddick


PR Elite
I'm reading on FB that Ryan crashed at OIR and is going into surgery tomorrow. What I read sounds serious and some prayer never hurts. Hold a good thought for his comfort and recovery, as well as comfort for his folks, they are good people.


PR Elite
cant believe im hearing this. i read slightly on facebook that he broke something in T spine. hope surgery goes well if he hasnt already had it. anyone know where he is? keep us updated.


PR Member
Ryan is in Akron Childrens. He broke T 7, T8 and is scheduled to go into surgery at 7:30 am tomorrow morning. Please keep Ryan and his family in your prayers. We will try to keep everyone up to date. Thank you for your support.


PR Addict
Thoughts, prayers,and best wishes go out Ryan and the Reddick family. Hang in there buddy were all pullin for ya


PR Member
Ryan has been in our prayers constantly since we heard the tragic news last evening. His surgery was to last until about 1:30pm, so we're hoping to hear some news soon. He certainly went into the procedure with his usual upbeat style, which will serve him well during his recuperation. Best wishes and prayers to Ryan and the Reddick family during this trying time.



PR Member
Ryan got out of surgery around 12:30 today. The surgery went well. He was not really awake when we left earlier, we are on our way back to the hospital now. We will let you all know how he is doing later this evening. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.


PR Member
I figured i would update everone on my situation. First of all i want toTHANK EVERYONE! Thank you guys for all the hopes and prayers. It seriously mean sooo much to know i have all this support. I was riding my friend Brett McIntyre's 2012 KX450F. I was about to pull off the track after i hit the main spectator table top but i slid going off the face and almost pulled it back, but it was too little too late. I landed sideways and got high-sided off the bike and from what i hear my back just folded backwards. I broke my t7 and t8 vertabre. I cannot feel anything from my chest down, but i am going to fight soo hard like i have every injury. You dont know how bad i just wanna be able to walk. I am completely dedicated to walk again. Thank you soo much everyone! I cannot thank you enough. Nothing is going to help me more than everyones support and prayers. THANK YOU!


PR Addict
I don't know ya as far as I know Ryan, but I'm hoping that you make a full recovery. When I hear about mishaps like this, it makes me not want to ride bikes at all. The unthinkable seems like it's been happening alot more than in past years. Stay strong bro! --Tony C.


PR Member
Let's keep the prayers going for's been three days since the accident and this week is going to be important for his long term recovery. Keep the faith Ryan; we're all thinking about you! Be strong buddy!


PR Addict
I don't know you Ryan but am sad to hear of ur injury. I wish u and ur family the best in getting thru this trying time of ur life. God bless