Jay Hershey


PR Member
Hey I have a couple questions for Jay Herhey is there anyone that has his number. If so can I please have it? Thanks Scott Scarvelli

Charlie C

PR Member
Don't have his number. But how are you doing?

I spoke to Scott and Tim at the last Meadowlarks 2 day race and I tip my hat to that kid and his dad! Scott and Tim have a great attitude and a very positive outlook on the future! Was spinning around the parking lot on a utility quad with a few friends having a great time being around what he loved most, motocross and friends! A few arguments about getting back on a bike with a cage, but other than that, they were both doing great! Good folks!



PR Member
I am doing very well thanks for asking. My hopes are still very high and i still have not give up!!! AND NEVER WILL.......I still go to the tracks when I can to hang out with everyone. and as charlie said i am thinking about getting back on a bike and getting it all caged up but not totaly sure when we are planning to start this. I have got some feeling in my lower back and and movement in my stomach which is below my injury line. I still wake up every morning and try and move stuff and I know one fo theses days stuff is going to start working. I am giving it all I got and will never put anything less into it. Thanks to everyone for all the help and support they have given me. If any question or anything please pm me. Thanks Scott