vids to hold us over until spring.....Post them..


PR Founding Father
Note <=x, >=y.
Xembed src="paste link here"Y vid name here X/embedY

Does that make sense? Google embed tag in HTML. It's being weeded out but is still supported in many browsers.


PR Founding Father
How to embed:

Verify your account is setup to use enhanced message editor:
1) Login, then click "settings" in the top right corner of the screen
2) On left side menu, click "general settings"
3) Scroll about 3/4 of the way down the screen to Miscellaneous options, and set the Message Editor Interface to "enhanced interface"

Now that you have the correct editor settings, when making a post simply click the "insert video" button on the post that looks like a filmstrip.
It will pop up a link box, paste the link to the video, hit ok, and you're all done!

Video embedding does not work for all videos, Youtube, Vimeo work best.


PR Founding Father
haha. Wheres the rest of that video Epik? The best part is after where that one ended!


PR Member
I'm looking foward to a bonus season of two-wheeled fun. We had nice turnouts for last year's rink runs and I'm hoping for more of the same this year. Here's a short look at last winter's action.



PR Founding Father
FuelTV has a couple of full episodes of The Moto: Inside the Outdoors on their website. I've watched two so far and they are pretty decent shows.


PR Addict
2010 Apple Cabin and Scenic Highlands

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


PR Addict
This is where we planned to be for our winter LLs prep beginning January (Trey Kelly MX School). Unfortunately a broken leg has put that out of the picture. So, I'm posting this so I don't go crazy over the next ?? weeks.