Smith road raceway


PR Member
Had alot of calls about when we are going to open . The track is still wet and we are still doing repairs if the weather
holds we plan on being open wed. March 21, 2012 from 4-dark.
Smith Road will be open 3-21-12 from 4- dark the weather looks great and the track is beautiful .
no quads
$20.00 to practice thanks
All these practice tracks are saying NO QUADS! FINALLY!! we can make lines and ruts, and they wont be blown out!!
So is that a no to the Saturdays or? Would be nice to know for upcoming weekends. I heard a rumor that Saturdays were no more thats why Im asking?
Fun time, nice long layout. Nice to have that after so many super short layouts last year. Couple huge mudholes were a little surprising though.....

Still seems a little strange to not have to fight through those horrible whoops every lap!
Ya know I have never been a big smith road fan but the place is great for corner practice. While I am trying to get behind the idea of a new owner and a fresh start for the place, the lack of any effort towards track prep is very frustrating. I'm sorry but you can't just open the gates and collect money after the facility has set all winter. At a very minumum get on the dozer and get the eroision (wash out) ruts out the hills. Its just dangerous. Hopefully things will improve.
Ouch! Damn Jason! I know the new owners have great intentions. They prolly just don't have the process down yet, they could probably use the constructive criticism. George used to love to create some dangerous situations too. Like watering the track mid-race for example. I hope they can make it work out. Saturday practices would be helpful to those that can't get there on Wednesdays. --L*64
Damn what? Were you even there? Did you want me to sprinkle sugar all over it? As for "just not having the process down yet" the dozer that is just sitting there. Turn the ignition key that would be a great way to start the process.
No Jason, I wasn't there, but I've ridden there thousands of times... I know exactly what you mean about the rain ruts on the hills. I know you know a little about track prep-- I'm just saying that they're new to the game, and they'd probably benefit from your input as to what would help get their track prep up to snuff is all. You did a nice job at the Cabin. The place is really nice all the way around. --L*64
I was not there this week, however I was loading up when I received word of the track conditions and was told to ride else where so I did. I saw similar conditions last fall where the mud holes and overall conditions left me wondering why they even would open with the track being such a mess. I hope they figure it out soon, the potential for a great place is there.
Track conditions were not that bad. One bad erosion rut on the one downhill. Could it have been better? Yes. Was it unridable? No. The mudholes weren't all that bad and made those areas a bit interesting.

If it's not raining this Wednesday I'll be back.
Message from Owner of Smith Road: Jumps are being refaced this week. We will try widening the track.
Mudholes were caused by broken sprinkler lines that put track prep behind schedule
hopefully everything goes smoother this week .
Smith road raceway will be open 3-28 from 4 until dark.
Track changes are coming they just take time
thanks to everone we had a great turnout for first practice see you on wednesday
Just my two cents...I was not there,BUT if I was the new owners...I would have had the place so ready to go that when people showed up on Opening day,They would be so blown away they would come every Wednesday! And let all their friends the smith was the place to be...Sometimes I don't get it...Now all the people that did ride the first day,will prob not go,back for awhile! Now on the other hand I bet The Cliff will be over the top! JO knows how to,prepare and promote.