Has there EVER been so many top SX riders injured?


PR Member
I know a thread was put up a few weeks ago about injured riders, but I can't ever remember so many top riders being out. I also don't ever remember seeing so many vicious crashes each race. No one is talking about it, but it begs the question, what gives? Tracks in the McGrath era were far more technical and imo more dangerous. The bikes are easier to ride, the tracks are more tame, so what's causing so many guys to eat it?

I personally think that if any more guys (especially RV) has a serious injury, it will make Joe public really question moto and potentially cause issues at a local level (insurance). (Ya it's a stretch, but stranger things have happened.)

At the rate it's going the AMA will have to mandate all riders wear tethered air bags!!


PR Addict
They might try building the tracks like they did in pre 2006, maybe that would slow them down. Or maybe it would kill them, who knows.


PR Addict
Lot of young riders getting hurt, dont see the seasoned vets eating it as much. I agree that the older tracks are more technical but riders now are so much faster then before. Power and speed wise, 250 four strokes are close to 250 two strokes that MC rode.


PR Founding Father
Faster / heavier bikes and faster tracks. I've always been a believer that more injuries occur on tracks that are fast and easy compared to slow and difficult.

Anaheim 1 was a slower, more technical track, any injuries there? I can't remember.


PR Addict
Yeah guys were dropping like flys at Indy and in general. A lot of red flags this year also between practice and night show


PR Elite
Faster / heavier bikes and faster tracks. I've always been a believer that more injuries occur on tracks that are fast and easy compared to slow and difficult.

Anaheim 1 was a slower, more technical track, any injuries there? I can't remember.

none that stick out. josh hill, but that was first corner i think. riders hated the track, but i think your right... that design kept alot of them going on to round 2.
cant imagine how many more people, privateers, are getting hurt in day practice that we dont even hear about because they are no names. bet the list is quite large with them all factored in. sucks.
cant wait for outdoors.


PR Elite
Faster / heavier bikes

Do you really think and extra 20lbs makes that difference in the injury report? If that were the case an argument could be had for the 250's in the old days over the 125's or even the 450 over the 250 today. The faster and much easier to ride I agree with. IMO though I think riders are pushing the limits much more than in the past.


PR Founding Father
Supercross has always been a very dangerous sport with lots of injuries to all of the top riders. I think it was an odd year last year when so many top guys were still riding at the end of the season more than the norm. Think back on the SX champions and their years....... how many times has the title been wrapped up well before the last round because there is no one left to challenge the top guy of the year........ that's most years in my memory. Lots of guys that end up finishing very high in the SX season (2nd - 5th Overall) were the other guys that just rode the most rounds.

Whether the guys have been on 250 two strokes or 450 four strokes hasn't really been the injury difference that some people make it out to be. It's a dangerous sport with very few chances to escape a mistake without injury and has always been that way in modern SX.

What I will give you is the layout of the tracks has changed to suit the four strokes based on their strong points. I don't think you saw so many different options in the past in rhythm lanes like you do now.


PR Founding Father
Faster bikes. Jumping higher, further. I have said it a million times. The faster you go, the harder the impact. Only so much impact that the human body can take before it breaks.


PR Addict
Do you really think and extra 20lbs makes that difference in the injury report? If that were the case an argument could be had for the 250's in the old days over the 125's or even the 450 over the 250 today. The faster and much easier to ride I agree with. IMO though I think riders are pushing the limits much more than in the past.


Wouldn't be surprised if regulations like NASCAR (Restrictor plates) begin to bleed over. Intake Restrictors anyone...


PR Elite
20lbs. is big when you combine it with momentum.

I heard somewhere that the momentum generated by a 450's extra 20 lbs at 1 mph can cause injury. Or would that be due to a lack of momentum at 1 mph?

Mass X Velocity!