50+ or 2 stroke?

Even with Sharc's perspective in mind, the basic +50 Crowd is not full out MX riders anymore.... and the idea of racing on a track that has "big" jumps with some other guys that "Jump" those big jumps will have an effect on +50 riders coming out that have not otherwise experienced BC before anyway. Anyone that is in that class that has never been there before and has hesitation to come..... won't come. They would like to come to BC and see it first before racing there if they are on the fence for sure..... it's a sure bet to have 2 strokes with a lot of riders in there, whether they are there or not already, it's money in the promoters pocket!

And depending on classes you do plan on having..... +40C class with no tripling rule would be a good alternative to a +50 class for older slow guys from 40 on who want to ride there but not get jumped on. That gives a lot of people a chance to ride an old / slow / non jumping class....... in my opinion.

Being 50 now, part of what you say is true. As long as the jumps aren't ramps that can't be rolled or jumped with a fairly nice landing, then most of us older guys wouldn't like it. I've been to Beans and the jumps there are good. Actually a great improvement from the last time I was there. I don't think in a 50+ class that anyone would have to worry about getting landed on.

If I can get my self in shape, I would definitely come down and try it out.

Let's hope you get more responses from the 50+ guys.
If Rupert will commit to racing 50+ in his traditional Hartford Nationals garb then that gets my vote.
Ya only get one choice? And you want us to think like a promoter?....Ok, ..

Simple math says 2-stroke should be a larger class simply because anyone from 18 thru 80 years old could be eligible.

But, let’s look at from another perspective other than simply what class would be larger.
I don’t think one single guy that puts oil in their gas will stay home because you don’t have a 2-stroke only class…..but there will be guys that stay home if you don’t have a class they feel comfortable in…

So, the 2-stroke class MAY have more entries ….but a +50 class would bring in another group of riders……And who knows, some of them may even be on two strokes.

So, what is better for a promoter?….a one time, big class for guys that are already there and happen to have a 2-stroke.
Or….a second, totally separate group of guys that may experience BC for the first time…
Good point and I agree. And yes I don"t know how to repost someone elses reply.
Even with Sharc's perspective in mind, the basic +50 Crowd is not full out MX riders anymore.... and the idea of racing on a track that has "big" jumps with some other guys that "Jump" those big jumps will have an effect on +50 riders coming out that have not otherwise experienced BC before anyway. Anyone that is in that class that has never been there before and has hesitation to come..... won't come. They would like to come to BC and see it first before racing there if they are on the fence for sure..... it's a sure bet to have 2 strokes with a lot of riders in there, whether they are there or not already, it's money in the promoters pocket!

And depending on classes you do plan on having..... +40C class with no tripling rule would be a good alternative to a +50 class for older slow guys from 40 on who want to ride there but not get jumped on. That gives a lot of people a chance to ride an old / slow / non jumping class....... in my opinion.

While this sounds good, it is my experience that the +40. +45 and now +50 class has riders that think a little more than other classes. This means that the potential of being jumped on is much less in my mind. Being a 50+ turtle...I ride the cliff all the time with A riders and never worry about being jumped on. When racing with +40 riders, I find that the top...say 3-5 riders are out there really moving and the remainder are doubling or rolling the larger jumps. The class usually sorts itself out the first 1/2 lap and the potential danger is usually non existant after then.

Now if you raced the 450A class with 40 or 50+ (this happened at malvern last year) then the danger in the first 1/2 lap could be extreme. I doubt that JO would do that so thats a mute point.

The question for JO remains...where is the most value offered for the racers...which would translate to the highest return on his investment. The 40+ gate at OIR in the past few years was pretty big and that might be true for the 50+ as the riders get older but I don't think so yet...
How about a class for those of us who can barely get off the couch...LOL!

2 strokes will be back one day in full swing as things go in cycles so why not add the 2 smokers & stagger +50 with +40 gate even though I know you don't want both?

Plus both will give you more money for additional shiny new equipment! **SMILE**

+50 is the largest class in AHRMA racing so the old bodies & old bikes must mix well plus the tracks in general don't run huge jumps or whoops for obvious
reasons as many old guys can't take the pounding anymore but still want to race. I knew a few that backed away in +40 & +50 as the practices were too crazy
with out of control kids slamming into them.

Now if I could just race next year as I would fit in the +50 2 stroke class!!!

Maico Mark
Rocket’s Dad would get on the gate with the +50 guys and have a ball on the A/B Track specifically because it’s the +50 class.
You know, like how he only rides Red Bud when he knows he’ll have an appropriate class to ride in.
Forgive an old guy who's losing his memory....when is this race gain? I know I read about it, want to see if I can make it out for it. And no, I don't plan to be Scoob2. ;)
I really like the 40+ and 40+C idea, probably could stagger those two groups, and not need to worry about too many guys, because the large majority of the group is smart, and dont make too many bad decisions.

I looked up CRA standings for each class, and it looks like they are about the same to me.

I see way more guys signing up for 40+c, than I do 50+.

So which is better, 40+C or 2 stroke, hmmmm? I know I did a switcharoo, but now Im curious about this.
Truth be told, my dad is afraid of the A/B track at BC, he watches us go around there and sees WAY TOO MUCH AIR. He is still working on clearing all of the tables on the C track, and is happy when he's added 2 more to the group he already cleared each time he goes down there. He would like to go out with other old guys, but at 67 he's happy to be in Red Bud's +60 class and the jumps are basically all tables like the C track and he's not afraid of table tops. He'd come down either way, and race the oldest / slowest class available to him and be happy just to have a chance to ride on the A/B track. And he's the sportiest rider of all of his buddies when it comes to jumping, so they are all really afraid of the A/B track. Plus my dad has a way of perfectly casing every double he's tried in the last 10 years at the absolute worst landing area! Good thing he has strong bones!
+40 C carries a lot of guys that would love to ride......... much more and including the +50 guys without the worry of jumping on each other.
The +40c class is a great idea. The C-classes is the reason red bud vet fest is the only motocross race i do all year.
I will do 40+C if there isn't a 50 class, would look at both if there were. (not pressing for more classes, i always make do.) And I'll be watching my schedule closely to see if I can make it.