Another C class thread

It is kind of funny that you have a mod class for C. If you are such beginner why do you have to have a mod bike?

Don't they still have a limit for 50 beginners? Something like 15 races and you are out? That and no points would do the trick.

The only problem with all this is you can't take all these guys stick them in and not put B into A.
Real c riders did the elevator at gatorback, before they got rid of it. That thing had to be comparable to the leap. (intensity wise )
Damn-- nothing ever really changes in MX I guess. We were having these same conversations back in the '80's about the "C" class and its' riders.

What it comes down to is that there will always be sandbaggers that stay in "C" for way too long. It should be up to the powers that be in the series as to who has to move up. Generally-- they don't police it very well, so it's up to each rider to police themselves. Hell-- Ricky C. is coming back to race at Loretta Lynn's after he's been called the GOAT.

I imagine everybody wants their kids to do well in their respective classes, but every rider can't be the next Ricky Carmichael no matter what class they race. As one of the "elder statesmen" of the "C" class. I'd have to suggest that your rider simply sign up for whatever class BEST suits his skills.... forget what the class is called, and just race his race when the gate drops.

In the end-- the cream of the crop will always rise to the top. Enjoy the riding, racing, family time, comraderie, and whatever else comes with the sport. It will always come with whining and sandbagging. This probably won't help your cause, but local MX is what it is. --L*64
Let's all race harescrambles, the roots of mx.

So you say no C class at Loretta's because it is a beginner class, but doesn't the A class stand for expert? Or how about the Pro Sport class? So how do they fit in?

I do believe that any 85cc rider who's been there needs to move up regardless, but a kid who was only there on a 50 or 65 is a bit ridiculous.

I just had a minor concussion my last C class race by flipping over on the start. Luckily I was in a spot where people weren't running over me (biggest fear). Looking back 2 years, I would have been up front in the holeshot, not worrying about being ran over, running with the top guys for half the race before I crapped out with my fitness level. I was planning on moving up to B last year, before I found out my bike wouldn't start and no money etc etc. And now a year later, on a new bike having barely rode last year, am I even close to a B class rider? I don't think so. Before: yes. Keeping in mind this is now my 8th year riding, and 4th (with a one year break) racing in C. So wouldn't some people as well as AMA say I need to bump up, when I am clearly not ready for it at the moment?

Too bad the CRA will never adopt an RPV system, or even change the way points are awarded per moto.
Careful......That fits the description of 30/ BC as well....
Yep do away with it as well! With the proposed rule change, I'll be bumped from it. Mind as well just make it a 30+, like the other age classes.

To many rules and guys grumbling about who is supposed to be in it as well. Kip's record this years shows what a pain it is to police.., every week a complaint and someone getting booted.
Let's all race harescrambles, the roots of mx.

So you say no C class at Loretta's because it is a beginner class, but doesn't the A class stand for expert? Or how about the Pro Sport class? So how do they fit in?

I do believe that any 85cc rider who's been there needs to move up regardless, but a kid who was only there on a 50 or 65 is a bit ridiculous.

I just had a minor concussion my last C class race by flipping over on the start. Luckily I was in a spot where people weren't running over me (biggest fear). Looking back 2 years, I would have been up front in the holeshot, not worrying about being ran over, running with the top guys for half the race before I crapped out with my fitness level. I was planning on moving up to B last year, before I found out my bike wouldn't start and no money etc etc. And now a year later, on a new bike having barely rode last year, am I even close to a B class rider? I don't think so. Before: yes. Keeping in mind this is now my 8th year riding, and 4th (with a one year break) racing in C. So wouldn't some people as well as AMA say I need to bump up, when I am clearly not ready for it at the moment?

Too bad the CRA will never adopt an RPV system, or even change the way points are awarded per moto.

Again another great example and in no way should you ever feel your sandbagging just because you rode mini's. I know there are a ton of people out there with the same feeling as you, just not ready.
Should we do away with something that represents the largest single segment of our sport because of the actions of those that don’t belong in it ?
Sport. Expert. Pro Sport. A, B, C, D, Whatever you want to call it these are just another class listed under the title "Running Order". All have stipulations and requirements for bike size which needs to be met by each rider. If these parents are so deadly concerned about there kid getting beat by someone they feel needs to be moved up, protest them.

The CRA would be nice to have RPV points, but its just going to affect the race turnouts. How many riders do you see now not racing the AMA because they dont want to point out?

Its been the same way as long as I can remember, I dont care what class you ride at LL if you made it before, you should be opted out of the C class, this gives a chance for new guys to experience the Ranch and support the AMA and MX in general with gear, membership dues, class fees, gas, bike prep supplies. Everything that makes our sport happen. If you raced 50's at LL, or 450's at LL, you were still there and made it through the qualification process already once, why get another chance to take someone elses first time?
One can check all the rulebooks for basically any sanction, and they will state you must maintain the same skill level A, B, C throughout each sanction and district. I'm saying here, some 5 or 6 year old kid or even 8 or 9 year old, who makes it there once and maybe only gets mid pack, perhaps his parents decide the best thing is to have him actually attend school and do some interscholastic sport like soccer. So the same kid gets a job and buys his own bike later on, but due to those rules in books he has to go straight to B class, when maybe he hasn't even ridden in a couple of years? It might be completely uncommon but it's a scenario that I am sure as happened at least once.

That is where there is fault with it. But like any rule and policy in any subject there is a way to bypass that in one way or another.

I am completely against the removal of the C class, but for as many times as the zombie horse rises there can always be extra stipulations made to prevent the extreme portion of sangbagging that goes on.

I am the first to say I sangbagged a few years ago, even though I never actually won, but I have lead races just to fade off near the end. Even as recently as the last race was I playfully hassled for still being there from a few people I used to race. I continue to race C class even though I know I probably shouldn't, because I love to actually race against a decent gate. Weighing both sides, if something is done about the sandbaggers, there would be less people. It could be a bad thing at first, but in the end it could only encourage others to try racing. I know for a fact of a few people who refuse to race because they don't stand a chance winning (everyone wants a trophy), and because 'everybody is a goon who can't hold their line and they are afraid to get hurt by those goons,' like myself these last few times out...

The RPV system can be improved and changed to fit the design of the CRA system I am sure. Not likely it will happen, would be nice, but doesn't matter, and shouldn't matter because the point is to have fun, which is something even I have forgotten on occasion. That is why there are so many classes, so everybody can get a trophy and feel proud for themselves.
I really think that if you haven't been on a bike for any length of time you should get and practice some and not worry so much about racing. Your basic skills are there you are just a little rusty.
every time a group of kids move up in class this sport looses a bunch and I have personaly seen kids / parents stop racing because their kid couldnt make the transaction to the next bike and win like they did on the smaller bike kinda BS but it happens alot. Yes there are kids that should not be racing C but to run just a few to get some gates with big bikes should be fine and move on after a few wins but if the rider never wins in C but loves to race with others at their levle then I say let them hang out in C and have fun and maybe in time they will find that click everyone talks about and start winning then move on but if you have a rider that never gets time to ride or only races a few times a year and just dosent have that good of skills for whatever reason WHY force them to B? Also if a kid wants to try for LL even in the C class suport them if they have never been there or just moved up and let them give it a shot because a national C rider that runs up front will win every local B class and maybe even the local A class they are just that fast but should they be running local events in C hell no.
You guys are overlooking the fact that if they took "C" out of LL. Then the guys sandbagging in the local "C" classes with hopes of going to LL would probably move up to "B" if they wanted to do any serious racing. Then "B" would be a bigger class at the local level, and "C" would be for what it's supposed to be for. --L*64
As it was clear to me, but as this specific topic has been hashed out well beyond any valued number of times between Scott and his rivals on here, it is my belief it is only being brought up in his need to justify what he did in the past with his own son. .

Holy run on sentence!!! Sorry Dave, I couldn't resist. :)
You guys are overlooking the fact that if they took "C" out of LL. Then the guys sandbagging in the local "C" classes with hopes of going to LL would probably move up to "B" if they wanted to do any serious racing. Then "B" would be a bigger class at the local level, and "C" would be for what it's supposed to be for. --L*64
WOW ! I never looked at it that way, but it makes sense.