Battle For Ohio 2012

Sweet, Lisa could use some better digs….
And we still have a regular open ride weekend on the 18-19[SUP]th[/SUP]right?
Then practice sessions on the 25[SUP]th [/SUP]and racing on the 26[SUP]th [/SUP] …….
I'm going to try to make it for practice the 19th just to see if I can hang for so long haha. If not i say Georgie (unless he races) represents the North in the announcers tower and I'll offer to represent the South. Think it would be cool to have some back and forth going on for the raceH weekend.
Just to be clear, there were some people asking if they needed an AMA card for this event, and I said "I don't think so, but JO needs to verify?"

AMA Card needed or not?
Bob with FCR just got on board with the battle for Ohio. We will be giving away 2 $750 gift certificates for FCR suspension work at intermission. Thanks Bob!
Could you clarify, exactly what triple are you not allowed to triple in the sport classes? Are you talking the infield triple, the finish line table jump? or both? or, are there more I'm not aware of? I haven't been on the A/B track since '10.
Could you clarify, exactly what triple are you not allowed to triple in the sport classes? Are you talking the infield triple, the finish line table jump? or both? or, are there more I'm not aware of? I haven't been on the A/B track since '10.

To be legal in the "Sport" classes you are not allowed to jump the entire finishline, nor the uphill triple. We are NOT talking about the center tunnel, which is adjacent to the finishline. You can jump that. Just the finishline and uphill triple, those are no no's for the "Sport" classes. If you jump those in the "Sport" classes then you will be dubbed a sandbagger and DQ'd, and Im not talking Dairy Queen.
To be legal in the "Sport" classes you are not allowed to jump the entire finishline, nor the uphill triple. We are NOT talking about the center tunnel, which is adjacent to the finishline. You can jump that. Just the finishline and uphill triple, those are no no's for the "Sport" classes. If you jump those in the "Sport" classes then you will be dubbed a sandbagger and DQ'd, and Im not talking Dairy Queen.

I will single out sandbaggers and find them for a live interview. If you people think I'm a dousche on here....just wait. Bahahahahaha.
I will single out sandbaggers and find them for a live interview. If you people think I'm a dousche on here....just wait. Bahahahahaha.

Watch out for those PA racers who will come and steal your Ohio titles and take them back to PA like a Pirates Booty.
better uncover who the out of Ohio riders are too Georgie! Watch out for those West Virginia Panhandlers too!
If it is double gated, how you ever gonna be able to figure out who is who if someone drops back.