Battle For Ohio 2012

Stumpy, I got talked into sandbagging after practice by a couple D 11 guys.........I promise to not sandbag next year! In my defense, I only got two laps of practice (not even three). At least on lap two I got behind another guy and just matched his speed and was able to jump everything on lap two.


"finish line....where did Double D go!" Thats easy. I went around the whole track! While you and your cub buddy cut the track! ha ha.

You have the banners dragging from both your bikes as proof. Lots of fun thanks for the racing!

"finish line....where did Double D go!" Thats easy. I went around the whole track! While you and your cub buddy cut the track! ha ha.

You have the banners dragging from both your bikes as proof. Lots of fun thanks for the racing!

Wait a Minute! The only reason there was a banner dragging under my Cub was because #7 (our friend Sean)
cut the track to pass me and had 20ft banner hanging off of his bike that I could not get away from. I had a blast and I was wondering who Greg was banging like it was Sean or I and now I know who DD is. So, DD has Greg been sending you pictures of his Medal?

Hud22. I am glad you just had a flat in the second moto I was worried you got hurt.

Really can't say enough good things about Briar Cliff/Jeremy! It was a great weekend! The turnout was huge and I am sure they learned alot from this weekend and will be even better next year.
I don't know if I would go as far as to say it turned out to be just a big "vet gathering" although there were a ton of vet riders it seemed every class was pretty stacked to me. I think JO and crew put on a great event and I can't wait for next year. The track was amazing all day (It is Briarcliff though no one expected any different).Most fun I have had at a race in a long time. Awesome job!!
I believe that was a Hudak that I about ran over trying to get through a corner.....Whats he thinking falling right into my line! Awesome track I really liked it. Had awesome starts all day just made a couple small mistakes that cost me any good finishes. Had alot of fun, but paying for it today. Took a huge hit in the ass from the seat going into the corner after the double down in the bottom. You are flying down that straight when you hit that double, and braking hard into the corner. I also bagged the second 30+ moto, and just made it in before 10pm, my son had his first day of school today, and mom wanted him home! He went down in a corner in the last 85 moto, another kid hit him, he has a nice mark from something on his side, and something poked a hole through the leather in his new boots!
Great getting to meet alot more of the Pitracer followers. Heard Rockets son had an injury. Hope he is fine and heals up quick. Missed Rocket trying to run 6 classes.......I could not even imagine that feat on that track in 90 degree weather.
JO, thanks for putting the race on, I know that there were some scoring issues.......but seeing what you have done there, I am confindent you will fix those. Prep was awesome, thought it would be a mud bath in pratice, and it really wasnt at all, but yet the track helded up great, with the start being the only thing that really kicked up dust.
Thanks again for the efforts, I am sure next year will be bigger and better.

Had awesome starts all day. Which moto? Are you talking about the 2nd one. When you went down in the first turn and almost took everyone out. LOL
Well for all the hype it's a shame all the fast guys went to pleasure valley, no offense to Gibbs and browning, but look at the speed that was at pleasure valley, this looked to be more like a vet gathering!

In all fairness to Briarcliff and Jeremy, Pleasure Valley is a long running track back by another seriously involved promoter with a long history of good racing at his track. Jeff Cernic is nothing to write off when it comes to his involvement in amatuer and professional MX, and you would suspect that a pro running the nationals looking for a place to ride near Steel City would head to Pleasure Valley.......... plus this was being billed as a "Battle of Ohio" for Ohio racers to compete against each other. The race will grow, word will spread, and more guys will come to BC in years to come with improvement and positive events like the one that just transpired.

You can't expect the world the first time out of the gate...... but it would be nice if guys like you (Dozer) would come on out and play rather than point out the Pro Turnout at Pleasure Valley as a negative thing. Remember, this wasn't being billed as a Pro Purse "Pro Day" type event. It was an Ohio State Championship battle between North and South event.
Had awesome starts all day. Which moto? Are you talking about the 2nd one. When you went down in the first turn and almost took everyone out. LOL

First moto, you and I were the only two there.......thats a pretty good start in my book. Second one, I took no one out.....No one was next two me going into the corner, but when I got there, it had been watered, and someone hit my rear end around on a Kaw. About 3 or 4 others went down on the went ground around the outside. I did not cause any of the mess. I had mistakes in both motos and rode no where near where I should have finished.....whats up with the smack? Second 40+ moto, I had an awesome jump out of the hole, I know my first move was over to the left though........right where you were so you would not get there before me.
Next year it will be the battle of Poink. Pa, oh, Indianna,new york, ky.

A class still had 27 guys the gate. Way more than other events. There's some pro day events I went to this year that didn't have that turn out.
Winner results posted under the 23 thread - The South Wins! 15-10-1, these results can only be protested in the next 30 seconds, and if you are serious about it, I feel bad for you. Kidding. If anyone knows of a real error, please Pm me. Thanks.
It was nice to see that big of an "A" class.
They looked good going too. Folks all over the fences and infield.
Who was the Kawi in second? ..... smokin.
That's Joe Evener. He's really fast, I talked to him and he said he really hasn't been racing much so he was a little off his game.

Ok ….Is that Blair out front looking smooth? that right? Then Evener looking to be a cue-ball?

I got Z-man with a nice hole in the center and back on the gas.
Silvers and Pape doing synchronized power slides while Agin looks for a way to pivot the big Kaw.
Oplinger sneaking in behind me while Gonz looks for more clutch…

And Smith …..well, ….he’s just goonin around in the back..LOL!
I don't know about smooth Sharc but i knew my only hope to run with Jon was a holeshot...he is always in top shape and i spend the week before the race on a cruise ship in mexico so i was good for MAYBE a lap or 2 and i was right....Agin got me on lap 3 :). Evener always goes fast no matter how long he has been on the couch, wish i had the ability. I think he is right about the same age as me, that would put him about 42-43. a txt from Joe is the ripe young age of 46 and still rippin!

Sweet pic by the way!! i don't get good starts that often so that one makes me smile!!
J.O. just want to say thanks for putting on an awsome event and putting Ohio MX back on the map. My family and I had an
blast. Track was sweet all day. I have a feeling open practices maybe a little more crowded with more people discovering what an awsome place the Cliff is. Thanks again to you and your crew. Pat yourself on the back you deserve it. And just to let people know what kind of guy J.O. is, late in the day I was walking past him, he stopped turned around came up to me and shook my hand and thanked me for coming. I thought that was pretty cool and meant alot to me. Can"t wait for next year.
I see Randy and myself way back behind you Sharc... lol I had a great time just wish my arms would have been working with me a little more. Great job B. C. & staff. I actually got the wife and kids to come out to the cliff for the first time to watch. They were shocked to see the volume of us old farts who still like to throw it down racing motorcycles.
Jeremy is definitely a class act. Him and his crew did a great job all weekend. Hats off to everyone invovled. Excited for next year already.