CRA one day Pass


PR Addict
See this is where you are wrong. I DONT WANT THE FU%^!NG CARD. I asked to pay an extra to RACE 1 DAY!!!!!!.
If I pay 20 dollars and race 20 races my kid gets scored, name printed, and added to the points for 1 dollar each race.
If I pay 5 dollars for 1 race that equals 5 dollars a race. LESS WORK MORE MONEY. Isn;t that the idea if you OWN your own business?

Maybe you should really be on the Drag racer forum and leave MX to people who actually do it.

I live arund State College area here in PA. Go do the race at TV Land. Trevor is one of the best promoters. We traveled there many times in 2010 and some in 2011. He has about the safest track around, runs a GREAT program, is a real racer and knows what a racer wants. The only track in the CRA that I would drive to in the future.

The CRA is a good sanctioning body, from what I have seen. I don't think they have one day memberships a few years ago, but still, TV Land is really good. I understand the thing about cards, as I have a lot of problem here in Eastern PA with all the card issues.

I am not speaking for you, but I do speak for many: It is not the $20 bucks, we can afford it. It is the priciple of the matter for one race. Plus, some of you should feel ashamed for flaming him just cause he asked a question. Here in MDRA 6 , MDRA 7, PAMX, Ultimate and Extreme Series races you CAN buy a one day card for $5 bucks. So yes, he has a legitimate question..
You are all missing the point. As 2012 rules stand, no you can not get a one day pass. Should CRA consider it for the future. Yes. It would be a good business decision as I see it. You want to encourage riders to your track. Make it affordable to try it.

If you really work for McDonalds, do they not run specials to encourage people to try their products? Let's face it they prey on the children. I only eat that garbage when I am desperate and hungry or I happen to have the grandkids with me, the kids think it is just the greatest. Why? Gee. Happy meals !

I really don't care what you think of me or my business. I am one of few women out there with a business and I have done well without preying on innocents. I sell a good product and I stand behind it 100% which I can't say about big business. I go against big business on a daily basis. They can outsell me hands down on price but not on quality. We have customers who sometimes leave for a short period only to return when they realize the truth is you very often get what you pay for. But I am not here to depate my business with you. I am only pointing out that a one day pass could prove to be good selling point for the CRA track promoters. With the economy what it is today they need the help. All small business needs the help. We are the middle class who gets the short end of the stick and pays all the taxes. We are not Apple or McDonalds ect. who get all the tax breaks.


PR Addict
Mxdad you can't win with these two idiots....Enjoy your race at tv land with your kids,Just a bunch of people who just want to argue everything you say....I mean you made a good idea and they ran it into the ground...Apple dell McDonald's 50 million in product.....Oh okay and your on pit racer! None of that has to do with your original idea! Have fun and enjoy the races and enjoy your day do riding! Maybe we can change the 2013 rule book and series points and and and.....flame on!


PR Member
Honda. My kids have all been members of CRA in the past. And yes I can afford it. I have been to TVland many times. I just don't want a CRA card for 1 race, But I will buy them. Hell PAMX doesn't even require an AMA card anymore. We race mostly PAMX which they have cards. Even when MDRA invades Pleasure Valley even Jeff Cernic waves the 5 bucks fee for MDRA for PAMX riders so he gets 300+ riders. MX in this area is dying period. Fewer tracks and no riders. When my oldest started racing there where 10-20 tracks within 2 hours of Pittsburgh, Now you can count them on one hand.
I find myself once again apologizing for going on the rampage. However, we are here to debate an issue. As Is see it many of the other sanctioning bodies offer one day passes so CRA should consider it. They do it for a reason. To encourage riders to their tracks.
Do you all really think that the CRA Promotors are not smart enough to look around and see what others are doing and consider it for their enterprise? Maybe they did consider it and decided they don't want it or perhaps it doesn't really bring in enough racers or cash to bother with. Practice is here the money is being made anyway, right? We got that on this forum from a track operator. Masters of the business world huh.

Have an of you concerned Ohioans called or emailed the CRA about this issue? That's what I thought!

Free Race that will bring them in.... Remember you heard it here first!


PR Elite
Tim, he really does. Unfortunately, he sometimes gets carried away on pot-stirring. He's been here before doing the same thing. His son was a pretty good rider in the CRA and in the area before they headed south.

It is a consideration for any organization, but don't lose sight of the extra work it will entail. it's never as easy as just taking a little extra money. Yes, it's a pain for a one time run. I did it last year, but in the grand scheme of what it cost me to get there from NJ, I could barely account for it compared to my Sheetz stops. But I do understand.
Mxpilot gets the prize for memory...and yes my son even pulled out his remaining bike and raced a CRA race in mid July.

Geeeezzzz, I hope he bought a CRA Card!!!

Sometimes this pot needs some stirring, cause it gets a little slow and boring here at times!

I believe in what I say and defend, and in healthy debate.

It is never personal with me and if anyone feels personally attacked I did not intend that feeling. It's about the ideas, and whether they are good or bad.

I believe in following the rules and policies in place regarding racing. They are there for a reason, although the AMA rules require a lawyer to unwind too often.

So, Rick or George or, go to TV Land, buy your cards, enjoy the day and after the racing is done talk to TV about your card issue. But buying the cards you will support the CRA and neither they nor your family will go hungry.

Footlogicracing, keep doing business and always keep learning about it. It is like golf an endless challenge.

Georgie Poorgie, are you having fun yet?

Now, how about a topic discussing racing CRA money class versus your AMA class standing...


PR Addict
Notorious, debate is a good thing. It brings out the questions that need to be answered for the practicality of any new idea.

Mxpilot is right in that its not as simple a task as it may sound, nor may it be as complicated. In the end its going to be a cost vs benefit analysis, but I think its worth looking into and requires opinions from those who do the paperwork.

After 15 consecutive years as a CRA member, I have no knowledge of the monthly CRA meetings. Is there a posted schedule somewhere of the places and times? Are they open to anyone?
Tim, I also don't know about the CRA Meetings and if they are open or not. A call or email to the CRA could likely get that answered. If they are open then perhaps Pit would consider adding the meeting schedule to this forum. It might also be the case where part of the meeting would be open and part closed to discuss private CRA matters. The CRA is not a public company and has the right of privacy in certain business matters I would think.
Actually, he did two things. He asked a question and went on to complain about the cost of racing the CRA event.

I focused on the money issue until we go into the pros and cons of 1 Day or Race Cards.

Furthermore, I don't know what a Total Deck is, but I do have a Huge Deck.

Perhaps you would like to come sit on it and Debate sometime.


PR Member
went on to complain about the cost of racing the CRA event.

Are you kidding me? We race PAMX most of the time where is more expensive than a CRA event. The event fee was never the issue. We have had CRA cards in the past and have been to TvLand before. I have always liked racing CRA but the tracks just aren't there anymore. CRA started the Sat practice and now they don't. The main reason I am going and a few others from Pittsburgh are is because of the Sat practice.

I never asked for a FREE PASS. I asked for a 1 day pass.
Does CRA have a one day pass? I plan on heading to TV land but throwing our an extra 60 bucks (3 kids) for cards I will only use once really hurts.

I don't know about you Rick, but that sounds like complaining about an extra $60 to me.

I don't think I said anything about you wanting something "FREE" at any point.

Also, looking at the list of CRA Tracks it seems to me the list is longer than it was a few years ago?
What am I missing?


PR Founding Father
Racing is expensive, tracks and districts have cost. It could be an administrative hassle for one day passes. Just pay the $20. The same guy complaining about $20 will buy new bikes, new gear, new boots new helmets, pull up in a high dollar motorhome, and still complain about paying $20.