Bubba - Unadilla

He's kinda like TP. Next he will be done racing and jumping out of planes without a parachute.

I Think there is a curse on riders who pick and choose what series they want to run. Ie sx only contracts. They lose the thunder fast and never recover their greatness.
He's kinda like TP. Next he will be done racing and jumping out of planes without a parachute.

I Think there is a curse on riders who pick and choose what series they want to run. Ie sx only contracts. They lose the thunder fast and never recover their greatness.

well said Georgie
RC is worth about $25 million, JS about 18 and TP199 about 15 so they can all do basically the things they want the rest of their lives if they want. Rule of thumb is that if you invest the money and can live off 8 percent you, need never touch the principle which puts them all over a million a year the rest of their lives if they never did another thing to earn a buck.
Can you say retired at 30...
Only problem with that is Bubba is supporting mom, dad, Malcom. And he has a multi million dollar lifestyle. He will need to back off the lifestyle just a tad if he is living off a million a year.
But none of these guys is going to stop making money, that's just the reality. RC is looking for a NASCAR ride in 2013. Stewart is rumored to be interested in NASCAR too and the want more minority drivers. I thought that was where the JGR deal with James was heading. Travis with his shows and outgoing personality will be taking in bucks for years to come.

Amazing how much wealth is out there when you start looking around. Heck, Kellie Pickler was skating burgers around the Sonic down the road in Albemarle in 2005. Now, she is a country music star and worth $6 million. Her friend Taylor Swift is reported worth more than $80 million and she is even younger.

And Jimi Hendrix is worth $175 million and he has been dead over 40 years!
If Bubba wanted a Nascar career, then his mistake was leaving JGR. I follow Nascar, and I believe that deal has been pulled off the table. Yeah Nascar wants minorities, but there are plenty in the ranks already in their Minority driving program. Ones with stock car experience. TP got into Nascar because he brought red bull money with him. RC brought Monster money (but lost it to the Busch brothers), Bubba would need to bring some $$ with him in sponsorship for him to get a ride (he would be a project). In my opinion, he is not a really people person like TP either, so not sure anyone is going to bend over backwards to get him in the door either.

I've just made comments before, that he lives more like a guy in the NBA making 25 million a year, and once your making say a million a year, and living like your still making 10 million, you will go broke. Look at Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson. Both made millions a year, and Terrell is broke and I heard that Johnson was going to file bankruptcy.
I agree that James is not likely to go to NASCAR, although Joe Gibbs did give him very high praise for his focus and work ethics on the SX track. NASCAR is a long season too...

You are right a lot of athletes don't ave a concept of money. My dad and his partner were the team orthopedics for the Pittsburgh Pirates for 25 years and he always said baseball players are the worst at handling money because most of them never attend a day of college. These guys make a lot of money, but like you say many blow it and end up broke physically and financially. I was just reading something that said Andy Russel was the higher paid Steeler in 1972 and he made $22,000. Terry Bradshaw was a first round draft pick and he sold used cars in the off season his first few years in the NFL.
does'nt look good. stewards hand.jpg
Looks fine to me....tape it up and ride...lol

No kidding, GEEEZZ! Take a salt tablet and get UR AZZ back out there!!!

OK seriously I knew John 250 would start a thread in this HA! HA! I knew it !!!
Unfortunately, I have to say, with my head hung low, I am not able to disagree or have anything left in any way to defend most of the James stewart attacks.
I still am a huge fan and all, BUT I have got to admit something is seriously wrong, and it is not a bike or team issue. I think Stewarts best days are behind him unfortunately. That is not to say he will not have any good races left in him.
Stewart will continue to make money and be in the media all because of people like the ones that are posting on this site. Everyone is OBSESSED with him. Love him or hate him, that is reality. There are pleanty of riders who have gotten hurt just as much, and had terrible luck, but since they aren't so closely followed and hated/loved/obsessed over, nobody cares! For example, How many times has tommy Hahn been hurt? He gets a podium, finally gettig on track, and is now hurt again (I wish the best for him by the way) But there are no threads obsessing about him and his life, saying he is dedicated or not, focused, that he is done and washed up etc. Stewart won 4 moto's this year and people are more negative about him than anyone else... It's just really funny to me.

Point is, we can all speculate what we think we know because of all the technology and resources we have, social networking etc... But that's all it is, TALK! Just let everyone ride for christs sake! Everyone sitting behind their keyboard talkin about what they think is going on is just that, keyboard racing. Some days I wish I lived in the 90's... Racers could do their own s**t and we just watch them ride...
Id like to know how John250 knows so much about JS7's financial situation! How much does he really spend? How do you know if his houses,all his cars and other toys arent already paid for? If they are is he still making enough to live his life style ? If he isnt then is he going bankrupt? And how much does his brother make? Does James really support him? Where are the FACTS ?

For ONLY being not a fan of JS7 you sure seem to bash every other part of his life you can(finances, life style, spending habits, nascar aspirations) To me thats a hater.
I think its all mental, its not the bike, its not his conditioning or abilities, its in his head. I still feel that at times, dude just needs to back off a bit, and let the race come to him. Stewart cant be out front and clean the whole time like he used to, times and racing have changed. I think if the dude would stay healthy, he could let the race wins and titles come to him.
I think its all mental, its not the bike, its not his conditioning or abilities, its in his head. I still feel that at times, dude just needs to back off a bit, and let the race come to him. Stewart cant be out front and clean the whole time like he used to, times and racing have changed. I think if the dude would stay healthy, he could let the race wins and titles come to him.

Maybe it is too much pressure!

He should take a year off and then race RC in the plus 25 class at Lorreta Lynns... Bubba vs. the GOAT. Be there. sunday sunday SUNDAY..
I can't speak for others, but I am not a hater or a lover, just an observer. Sure, there are some who love or hate JS because of his skin pigmentation. Always has been that way and likely will be going forward. That said, I think Judnash makes some one the money points. I personally think it is mostly head and perhaps his heart not just being in it like it was 5 or 10 years ago... You don't hire JS and not give him the best equipment, period. His conditioning seems to be as good as anyone and he has the speed to be up front. Yet, the results seem to always fall short of expectations. There is huge pressure on JS to win championships. That makes it harder just like it has been for Lebron James in hoops.

Spagina, are you being serious dude? Tommy Hahn? Was he ever the next big thing like JS? I don't recall it! Has anyone ever expected him to win a championship? I don't think so! JS has had the pressure to win championships since before he ever even turned Pro. Most of the field is not expected to win a moto, let alone the championship. There are only a few guys who have that chance when they line up to race. JS is still in that rare group, but he needs to figure out why he ends up beating himself so often. Tommy Hahn and the majority of the guys on the line are there to fill out the gate, they have virtually no shot at winning the moto and none at winning a championship. Yet, they can do what they love for a living and make a decent living doing it. So, they race!
Really, pigmentation.......I am not a racist,and color has nothing to do with me not being a Bubba fan. Watch his TV show. The man lives extreemely large. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what living VERY large is. I hope the guy never goes broke, but the cash flow will slow down very soon.
Give me facts not what you see on tv! Do you believe everything on tv? Especially reality shows that are anything but real!!!

Yeah he has lots of toys but do you have any idea how many BIG toys you can buy with a million ?
Really, pigmentation.......I am not a racist,and color has nothing to do with me not being a Bubba fan. Watch his TV show. The man lives extreemely large. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what living VERY large is. I hope the guy never goes broke, but the cash flow will slow down very soon.

John nobody said you were a racist, but I have been to many races where JS gets both cheers and jeers from the fans. That is just a fact. It doesn't make everyone racist, but we have to admit that motocross is predominately white.

Who knows what is paid for and what is not. But, these guys all need to manage their money or it will disappear. I think RC did a good job of making the most of his earnings. He appears to live below his means.
I think people often forget what JS7 brought to the table back in the early 2000's. Yes, I agree with Spagnia that everyone is obsessed over him and he gets most of his attention because of this.

But, you cant forget what he has accomplished in this sport. The Scrub... One of the few riders to actually put a challenge up to RC in his last few years....He holds numerous titles, including both AM and Pro. He swept the first four outdoor moto's of the 2012 season....

There is no way you can compare him to Tommy Hahn. Stewart has led more laps then Tommy Hahn has probably rode in AMA nationals/supercross. This is the reason people are obsessed over him. He wasnt labled fastest man on the planet for no reason. He hauls the mail, RC is one of many to agree to this statement. But like everyone on the line, its the riders that make all the laps to the finish line, not just put the fastest lap time of the day, who end up with the results.

JS7 doesnt get his attention through results, he gets his attention from his speed. Everyone loves to watch the fast guy. Whether they want to admit it or not.