Battle results


PR Elite
Not that I wish you any more anguish, lord knows you and the crew paid your dues, and this was for fun, but would it be a little more accurate (for the north/south verdict) if the victory tally's and geographics were based on 1st, 2nd and 3rd place combined totals, like normal races are awarded? After all, the runner-ups fought hard battles and 2nd and 3rd at this race was a hell of an accomplishment.

And please pardon my language because the BRIARCLIFF NORTH vs SOUTH race was anything but normal for central Ohio.

(this was a bad idea, sorry I brought it up )


PR Member
Mx099: You obviously have know idea what you are talking about. I am not a sandbagger by any means.. I hold a current district 11 B card. In which i recieved a letter from ama in the spring moving me from C class rider to B class. Now if you signed up at the race you would notice that there was no 30 plus A or 40 Plus A. So that should have been your first clue that B/C riders run sport class. As far as your comments on my abilities. Im flattered. I ride a minium of 5 hrs a week and ride my bike 49 miles a week. Maybe you and John 250 should step up your program before bashing someone who works at being better.


PR Founding Father
Man, didn't know he had it in him!

Dont go making a sandbagging fuss or there won't be a sport class next year! Every person who wins the sport class will be called a sandbagger.


PR Founding Father
Schaffer, I am not calling you a sandbagger by any means, and you have stepped up your speed this year for sure. I wish I had 5 hours to ride a wwek! Three kids here, that will never happen.


PR Elite
Staff member
I think he was trying to compliment you shaf. You've come a long way for sure. The sport classes were a brilliant idea and brought in many more vets who otherwise would not have signed up.


PR Founding Father
Someone has to win each class.
On the day of the racing I was questioning some of the names that were in the "sport" classes also, but really, who cares. Ride what you feel comfortable riding.

I achieved one goal that day -- at the starting gate while lined up near Jeff Gibson I told Kari "hey I'm going to beat him in the start...." And he fell in the first turn, so technically I did beat him in the start! haha.


PR Member


PR Founding Father
Whats with all the DNS? It looks like 1/2 of 30+ never raced the 2nd moto

We ran too late, people had to work, kids had school. This was the trade off for my decision to not cut laps on the second motos. At least I didn't till the very end.

Moving the race back a week, and going to the two day format will alleviate the issues with that. We will not feel rushed.


PR Addict
I think he was trying to compliment you shaf. You've come a long way for sure. The sport classes were a brilliant idea and brought in many more vets who otherwise would not have signed up.

Lots of Shafer's/Schaefers! I'll assume you've directed this at me Chuck and I'll say thank you for the compliment.
I think I was in the right class, finishing 10th & 9th in the 40 Sport.
But really think we need to move on past this topic with great memories of a fantastic weekend and look forward
to next year.


PR Founding Father
Well you need it to be on an off week from pros. To get that full gate. . . Just sayin. ;).

Well that conflicts with the kids being in school, more than likely anyway. So of the pro turnout we had, who is going to unadilla if we move it a week earlier?

I am more concerned about keeping my distance from Red Buds Vet Fest.


PR Addict
We ran too late, people had to work, kids had school. This was the trade off for my decision to not cut laps on the second motos. At least I didn't till the very end.

Moving the race back a week, and going to the two day format will alleviate the issues with that. We will not feel rushed.

got ya, one of them deals that either way you willl be wrong lol.