Transponder Rental ??


PR Founding Father
I thought I would post this up to see what most people think. I think we need transponders to score next year race at BC. The only drawback is that will cost more money to race. There are two major benefits to transponders. 1) The scoring will not be jacked up. 2) Everyone will be able to see the laptimes, and how they compare to other classes, and it also gives you your best lap of each moto. So you can see if you run your fastest lap first, middle, or last. Which i think that is worth the rental fee right there.

Now with that said, for those who have never raced with transponders, there is a deposit to cover the cost of each one, its typically $100, and you can use a debit or credit card, once you return it to the transponder truck, you get $75 back. So its a $25 rental. That is what they have done at the ATV nationals for the last several years now. I think i can negotiate that down a little bit, the rental fee that is.

My question is will the cost of transponders stop you from racing BC? If it does, then what is a fair price in your opinion?
A few of us already bought them this year so we have our own.

I like it cause it tells me how I am really doing on my lap times compared to my buddies I race.
That is most certainly the best option, espcially if you hit a few big races each year, you could buy one after 5-6 rentals. And a side not here, we are planning to buy the hardware for the big track for open riding next season. I dont know if we will dive in head first on buying transponders to rent, but people could bring there own on practice days and check their times. More to come on this.
Go for it. Just an expense of running big races. I know your scoring was a nightmare this year, and that would correct the issues. Online registration would be really nice, then all you have to do at the track is check in, and pick up the transponder.
I really don't have any idea how any of this works, but at the AHRMA race at Action Sports they did some sort of electronic scoring but they rented (or sold if you prefered) a plastic card about the size of your drivers license that you taped under the bill of your helmet. I know for sure it was used for scoring the CC race, not sure on the MX.

What's the story on these and are they different from transponders?
How do transponders do if you have to run a split gate?

(I was even trying to figure out how do you score a MX race now without transponders if it is a douple drop gate? What a headache!)
I really don't have any idea how any of this works, but at the AHRMA race at Action Sports they did some sort of electronic scoring but they rented (or sold if you prefered) a plastic card about the size of your drivers license that you taped under the bill of your helmet. I know for sure it was used for scoring the CC race, not sure on the MX.

What's the story on these and are they different from transponders?
How do transponders do if you have to run a split gate?

(I was even trying to figure out how do you score a MX race now without transponders if it is a douple drop gate? What a headache!)

We found out the hard way that double gate drops are the root of all that is evil.

With transponders the computer has a class list, it looks for you everytime you cross the finishline. You could theoretically run 4-5 classes at once, if possible, and it will score everyone correctly, even if a few are a lap down.

I dont know about the cards, but I dont think that I have ever heard about the Mx transponders having issues. I have used them personally, and thats the product I feel safe with using. Check Mylaps or Mx Transponders or trackside software for more info on these.

I guess I started this poll, because Im worried about alienating some people from the Bc experience. I know that some people are already talking about the rental fee being to much to pay, on top of everything else it costs to race.
Transponders will actually help with staggered starts. It can keep everything sorted out.

Id buy one if I knew for certain they aren't going to keep changing them. Know a few people who bought and now with the newer ones what are they screwed? Or do they work as well.
Wouod be cool for open practice. I'd love to see my times when really trying compared to just cruising. I think that's a big part of my problem. In races I try so hard and get tired immediately. When in reality I'm probably not going any faster them if I just cruise and relax.

Seemed to be a lot of scoring issues at area 51 this weekend and was talking about transponders. Definitely sounds like a beneficial training tool aside from the obvious scoring benefits.
Sounds like a good idea, lots of upsides. If I'm at a race with loaded gates and on a nice track, wouldn't complain about it. Checking practice times sounds sweet too.
Well, if your doing it for the staggered start issue, I think you already have enough riders on the track that, with the exception of one or two staggered classes, it shouldn't be an issue. I mean for example, Staggering the 80 7~11 and 12~14 in my opinion wasn't a good idea, so if it were up to me, and it's not, but if it were, I would elimate that stagger gate, Also the 40+ and sport classes. There were too many riders on the track already, didn't need to stagger that. If you are worried about time, start prac at 8 and racing at 10 and run the motos like clock work the best you can. Pray no one gets seriously hurt, and the rain gods work their majic.
Love having transponders at the quad nationals. As far as the deposit I used that as a savings plan, I used that money for gas and food on the way home, granted we had some long trips but if you plan it right you really don't have to come up with any extra cash (except for the rental).

Not sure if this system will be thru the same people but at the nats you can go online and sign up for texts of your lap time within like a minute of each lap.
For me the rental cost isnt an issue. If you buy the scoring equipment I would probably just buy a transponder. But I know 4-5 of my buddies( who didnt race anyway for who knows what stupid reason this year) will definately call foul and bail for the extra $25.

Just my opinion here but I think you will alienate many many non diehard racers with the extra dough. Times are tough.

Us with the mx virus in our viens wont give a hoot about an extra $25
For me the rental cost isnt an issue. If you buy the scoring equipment I would probably just buy a transponder. But I know 4-5 of my buddies( who didnt race anyway for who knows what stupid reason this year) will definately call foul and bail for the extra $25.

Those bone heads are flakier than a Kellogg's factory anyway when it comes to racing. I don't think it will cut down on the number of people that WANT to race a big event.
Is there an app. On my i phone we can use ? Ha ha

Soon im sure. Gps scoring. No charge for the idea.
What about looking into what the Arenacross series uses. They use some sort of Transponder that is in a sticker. You just stick it on the back side of your front number plate. No charging at all and it only cost the Riders 10 dollars for a transponder per bike. You can use all year long.
What about looking into what the Arenacross series uses. They use some sort of Transponder that is in a sticker. You just stick it on the back side of your front number plate. No charging at all and it only cost the Riders 10 dollars for a transponder per bike. You can use all year long.

Western Reserve uses the sticker transponders also..
Absolutely no bias in this polling whatsoever! lol!

My only transponder experience is with the AHRMA CC card system. I discovered that even though it's automated, it's not infallible. Well, as long as humans are still involved in the process...
What about looking into what the Arenacross series uses. They use some sort of Transponder that is in a sticker. You just stick it on the back side of your front number plate. No charging at all and it only cost the Riders 10 dollars for a transponder per bike. You can use all year long.

These sound cool. Never heard of them. Do you know what the company is that does the timing?
I did an enduro last year sponsered by the Brandywine Trailriders (PA) and they had the sticker transponders. I bet you could call them for information. I do not remember it being expensive; I am cheap I would remember! It was just a little sticker that they programmed with your information when you registered. I just removed it from underneath my visor a month ago.