Ok- What Really Happened to D-12?


PR Addict
Just to throw my little piece in, i always thought it would be cool if ohio mx just pulled together. Establish the tracks that will be a part of the series, all one sanction, one race per track (for that series) kinda like our own nationals but within ohio. Aside of that, there could be other series races specific to a region of ohio. Schedule these so our "ohio national series" (haha) does not conflict with any other series races that are regional races. Then regional races could be scheduled on same weekends as other regional races.

I feel like i just rambled off some bs that makes no sense but does anyone get what im trying to say? I just feel turn outs would go way up, and we would have a stronger mx community in ohio.

Anyway back to d-12.


PR Addict
There must be alot of "bad blood" revolving around this topic, which would explain why nobody directly involved wants to explain it all (not just Dirtworld, anyone). This is an open forum. I thought this was a question that deserves an answer. I still think it does.
Well- if nothing else this is a busy topic isn't it?
Makes for an interesting read.


PR Founding Father
From what I’ve been told, D-12 was inundated with the need for constant dispute and conflict resolution between some of its racers.
Want to expound?


PR Addict
I was directly involved with d12 when it folded. Judnash I agree that would be cool of we could do a series like that
This is just hear say so please dont hold me to it, hopefully it will get cleared up. What i was told was that in the latter years of D12, there was one race a weekend like there always was, but the other promoters started running practices. So the crowd at the races would dilute because other riders were able to spend less money, ride more, and not have to travel as far. In my opinion the biggest reason that appealed to riders was the cost of fuel (could be wrong, just an observation). Strong argument though when you look at how many Briarcliff pulls on a good day. Hats off to Jeremy for that. I loved going to D12 races, and wish i would have gone to a lot more before it went away. Connie is awesome and I know she busted her ass up there.

And Jeremy and Malvern are right when it comes to the initial AMA costs. $200 charter fee, $100 sanction fee per race, $750 on average for insurance. Throw in ambulance, toilets, awards, labor, it all adds up. It is a risky business for sure and yes we don't get insurance that protects us if we can't run. When it works though it makes it worth it.

But like I said based on hear say, D12 Stopped because the promoters started losing money with diluted turnouts. So for promoters that left and were getting better turnouts without D12, more power to them and I wish them the best of luck. I think there's a difference between running races for money, and running races because you love it and hope you make money. In my opinion the tracks who choose to do the latter will be recognized for it with good turnouts, and positive feedback.


PR Elite
Staff member
Just to throw my little piece in, i always thought it would be cool if ohio mx just pulled together. Establish the tracks that will be a part of the series, all one sanction, one race per track (for that series) kinda like our own nationals but within ohio. Aside of that, there could be other series races specific to a region of ohio. Schedule these so our "ohio national series" (haha) does not conflict with any other series races that are regional races. Then regional races could be scheduled on same weekends as other regional races.

I feel like i just rambled off some bs that makes no sense but does anyone get what im trying to say? I just feel turn outs would go way up, and we would have a stronger mx community in ohio.

Anyway back to d-12.

I've always loved this idea and often wondered why Ohio was split in half. Can you imagine an Ohio 8 race series for 2013? Dirtworld, BC, Beans, COCR, SVR, WR, Crow, Fasttraxx, Pushetta Creek, New Vienna, OIR (is that 8 yet?) .......Area 330 one last time....Scenic one last time again, Redbud, Baja, Wildcat creek, Balance....wait it's turning in to a MidWest series already!


PR Elite
There must be alot of "bad blood" revolving around this topic, which would explain why nobody directly involved wants to explain it all (not just Dirtworld, anyone). This is an open forum. I thought this was a question that deserves an answer. I still think it does.
Well- if nothing else this is a busy topic isn't it?
Makes for an interesting read.

Other than Tank166 I dont think anyone directly involved even posts on this site


PR Addict
The answer is simple. The econemy/focus of the riders changed and the districts (both 11 & 12) didn't. The same has happened to a number of businesses and they are gone too. In any business the key is to evolve with the times or become extinct.

Now if those in high places were to listen, it seems like most are into a limited number of GOOD races rather than racing twice a weekend all summer.


PR Founding Father
I have to agree with Woody here. I went racing at COCR last weekend and during the intermission waiting for the second set of motos to start i commented to someone that i remember going to races and when the intermission cam up they would have drawings and give away and stuff like that for the kids to do. Things have changed and the tracks have too but in my opinion NOT for the better!!

lem dad

PR Member
Anyone that was at the D12 2006 banquet should understand some of the reasons and the people to blame dont put it on AMA

lem dad

PR Member
one track owner helped to run D12 into the ground , does the quad band ring any bells like them or nor they brought numbers and fans to tracks racing is kind of like bowhunting you may not like I do it but in the end we all need each other or lose all rights ,and yes I would reather race my son AMA or CRA than outlaw


PR Member
i personally think what happened to d-12 actually happened to almost every district in the country over the last 10 years. the racers and riders just dont have the extra money that they used to have to spend on this sport.10 years ago when gas was cheap we drove to d-11 and d-12 from pittsburgh every weekend. the whole family raced like 8 classes. at that time we were burned out from d-5. man we had fun. met really good racers and people like Blair. made alot of friends outa state before internet was ever popular. bummer is we dont travel as much anymore cause the price of EVERYTHING has gone up over the years. not really the race fees but more like bikes,parts,food,and especially GAS. i honestly believe if the things i just mentioned were the same price as 10-15 years ago, the gates would still be full at every race track. we kinda do like roketrobin, we practice a little then we hit the big races like LL and a few others. as for the turnouts here in the pamx, i raced the first 3 rounds and we had very low turnouts, especially in the vet classes. all classes really. i just think its the price of everything that broke the racing scene across the country. thats my opinion in what ive seen happen to me and my family of racers in the last 15-16 years


PR Addict
I said at the beginning of this post that racers will always find a way to race. Gas prices are at an all time high and sure, it matters but that was not what happened to our former district. This topic has been seen by those that know exactly what went down and why there was a seperation of loyalties & royalties (to coin a phrase)

Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist...

Nobody wants to point fingers or name names or dig up old dirt I suppose.

No worries- I know I had nothing to do with it. I sure would like to know- Like you, I'm "morbidly curious".



PR Elite
i personally think what happened to d-12 actually happened to almost every district in the country over the last 10 years. the racers and riders just dont have the extra money that they used to have to spend on this sport.10 years ago when gas was cheap we drove to d-11 and d-12 from pittsburgh every weekend. the whole family raced like 8 classes. at that time we were burned out from d-5. man we had fun. met really good racers and people like Blair. made alot of friends outa state before internet was ever popular. bummer is we dont travel as much anymore cause the price of EVERYTHING has gone up over the years. not really the race fees but more like bikes,parts,food,and especially GAS. i honestly believe if the things i just mentioned were the same price as 10-15 years ago, the gates would still be full at every race track. we kinda do like roketrobin, we practice a little then we hit the big races like LL and a few others. as for the turnouts here in the pamx, i raced the first 3 rounds and we had very low turnouts, especially in the vet classes. all classes really. i just think its the price of everything that broke the racing scene across the country. thats my opinion in what ive seen happen to me and my family of racers in the last 15-16 years

You can say wrong all you want but I think this hits the nail on the head for a large portion of the rider base that has stopped racing and play rides instead. You can go to a free ride area and ride all day or even go to a track like many around that offer good riding at 20 or 25 bucks for the day.

Not the truth for everyone but most. For me cost is the largest drive for not racing right now. Second largest is lack of time.

As for the ban (not band) on quads at the track.....NOT the issue that drove them into the ground. Did they ever let quads race d-12? I have heard straight from a track owner that bike attendance increased when he stopped letting quads ride at practices. When I started racing D-12 races it was because they did not allow quads. CRA does and I dont like how most tracks handle track prep for both....

lem dad

PR Member
think what u will my boy raced D12 years on a quad we now race a bike not the point , D12 races at one time had good turn out of quads maybe the ban was not all of trouble but keep in mind they only lasted about 1 1/2 after and the track owner to make all the fuss was one of first to close