OMA-District X

I agree with some of whats posted. While I think the whole OMA thing went on Steriods and grew quickly. I think I am confident after going to BoO, that JO will do his best to make a great series (scoring needs addressed first). But I also was hoping for a new class structure.....I still hold to my opinion that the classes at the local level could be drasticly changed and more people would be happier with more laps and a shorter day. While you may be racing people you never have........the end results would be that the races were fun and on a great track, and you get home before 9pm. I cant even go to Marysville from my house (hour and a half away), and be home before 7 or 730 at the earliest.

As for the point thing....look at D11 and the whole SW series. A couple guys in the top 3 or 4 usually finish 8th or worse, but go to the most races. That in no means is a true series champion.

Good luck to the OMA......I hope it is a great series and everyone is eating crow in October. If that happens we will all be happy.
For the record: I won't announce if having a broken foot is a prerequisite to the job, as last year was. I can't land on girls anymore. It's unethical. I won't do it JO.
Can the morals Georgie....they have no place in business. Or Moto. 'Cept in the Vet class.

Got my new shirt in the mail, Nice!!! And fast too! Thanks Jeremy!

Thanks too to Connie, I caused a minor SNAFU with my membership app, and she sorted it all out just fine. I'm sure I'll see the card the end of the week...purely awesome efforts on everyone's part. I smell success.

Can't wait to see how this all blooms, and hopefully make the trek out for a couple or more of the events. Waiting anxiously for the schedule, as they just started pushing me at work for what I want for vacation. Told 'em I'm waiting for a race schedule....they looked at me funny. I'm planning on the BoO and hoping for Malvern and OIR events. Will take others as consolation prizes. Just sentimental, nothing against the others.

Sorry, just in a funny mood this morning. And my wife always says that I'm not funny.
Can the morals Georgie....they have no place in business. Or Moto. 'Cept in the Vet class.

Got my new shirt in the mail, Nice!!! And fast too! Thanks Jeremy!

Thanks too to Connie, I caused a minor SNAFU with my membership app, and she sorted it all out just fine. I'm sure I'll see the card the end of the week...purely awesome efforts on everyone's part. I smell success.

Can't wait to see how this all blooms, and hopefully make the trek out for a couple or more of the events. Waiting anxiously for the schedule, as they just started pushing me at work for what I want for vacation. Told 'em I'm waiting for a race schedule....they looked at me funny. I'm planning on the BoO and hoping for Malvern and OIR events. Will take others as consolation prizes. Just sentimental, nothing against the others.

Sorry, just in a funny mood this morning. And my wife always says that I'm not funny.

You are welcome Chris
Everyone, OMA is not a series, its an organization that is the rulemaking/points keeping body for 7 facilities driven on putting on good events. Are we putting on 30 nationals? Heck no, NPG only does 12 of those. I keep hearing people call it the new series. I think they hear that and 30 races and people get confused. Will having 30 races scheduled take away from the Battle, Moto Revolution, or Summer Nights Series? NO. Those are the top shelf events (must attend pending your personal definition of that), you will see a drastic difference in track promotion from those events to the normal race events, with the exception of Chilli Town's Halloween race, they do a damn good job decking the place out for it. Why you ask would there be a difference? Because not everyone wants to run that many races, some just want to run the events that are top shelf, just like some people only want to race and not practice. I guess my point here is stop calling it the new series, we have 3 series in the schedule, and if your an ironman run for end of the year points. Again, by running 1 or 2 series you are still competetive for end of the year.
Is OIR going to be ready for the season in the spring, or is it gonna be something we won't see ready till summer or fall?
Is OIR going to be ready for the season in the spring, or is it gonna be something we won't see ready till summer or fall?

OIR will be racing in the early spring, and Im 100% sure Jason will have it ready. I know they have begun changing some stuff already.
Is OIR going to be ready for the season in the spring, or is it gonna be something we won't see ready till summer or fall?

I would guess Rogers will have the place dialed in. That guy is not scared of hard work and really dosent mess around. Guess we will all no when the schedule is released.
Its gonna be sweet having OIR back. I miss that pro-step up after you dropped down the hill, railed the right hander, then cracked it up that hill. Was a big accomplishment for me when I first time I hit that jump. Was, and Still is one of my favorite jumps in the area. Dont take it away Jason! lol.
Is OIR going to be ready for the season in the spring, or is it gonna be something we won't see ready till summer or fall?
Something I just realized, because i have been bogged down in classes, schedule, rules, series Blah! We have quite possibly the best track building resources east of the Mississippi.

Between Jason, Brock Sellards, Jeremy Bee, Aaron Slingluff, and I. Thats quite the team. It would be sick for each of us to design a section of a track, it would strike fear in the hearts of the Vet Sport population..........Kidding old not jumper dudes.

looking good Mr. Bee!
We have OIR tweaked just the way we want it. Kind of redid the jump sections and turned the woops into rollers. Totally changed the way the start/finish area works. I have always felt that the way the start was is a little sketchy. Through the ninetys there was a left hand u turn for the first corner and we have gone back to that. This also gives riders some time to thin out a bit before sending then into the uphill and downhill jumps. We also have put up a bunch of silt fence and straw bales, seeded and strawed the whole area. Looking forward to the spring.