OMA-District X

Regarding the low quad turnout at the battle:

Holy Cow Batman! Give em a chance. One race and your givin' folks heck. Turnout was crappy for quads for sure. The folks I tried to recruit were racing 3 CRA races that weekend for points, Malvern had a nice turnout the night before. Most of the people I talked to felt the track was too extreme for them through hearsay. BC is bragged about by so many that it is the only true pro experience and it's a knarly, rutty, not for squids kinda track. That is intimadating. I dunno, I don't ride those tractors, so I can't really say. I do know that my neighbor who frequents your establishment often will not ride the "A" track, a little much for him. I don't think it is a question of supporting their own sport, I hope we don't have to look at it that way. Sounds like mandatory racing or you're outa there. I did not race my bike, am I a non-supporter? Remember OMA is about bringing racing back not pushing racers away. If you only get a few on the gate one week you may have 15 the next, it's like that in allot of classes. Ya gotta start somewhere. Folks reading this bantering back and forth are going to be hard to convince to come race with us. I do all that is possible to get people involved in this sport in general and then I read the kinda crap that get's thrown around on here. I get so tired of the folks talking quad this bike that. Who the hell cares, shut up and ride! That would look good on your shirts! In the words of my favorite cartoon character Cartman. "Screw you guys, I'm going home"!

My last post on this garbage.
Just a brief update, we are working on several things. We are getting very close to a final decision on what tracks are in and out for 2013. Thats right, the tracks can change form year to year based on feedback and performance. Heck we might even kick out BC. We do have a final decison on classes. We did cut some of the classes, but nothing revolutionary, we felt that we didnt want alienate too many people. I know some people will be bummed to know that we still have allot of classes (24-25), but i dont think we would have a chance at being successful if we cut everything back to 10 classes. I will list these when we have a final track list.

I can tell you that we are leaning towards a spring mx series, a summer mx series, The Battle for Ohio Triple Crown, and possibly a fall GP series. No final decisions have been made on those series, except the Battle. Its definitely happening, and it will be a triple crown series with the final round at BC.

I know this isnt allot of info, but Jason and I are in contact everyday talking about new ideas, and I would bet the farm that if we pull off half of what we have planned, it will set a new standard for mx in our time zone.
Someone say they wanted outlaw open....hmmmmmm let's see what happens....nothing to do with this topic though....
25 classes is fine. How many races ? Are you still kicking around the idea of filling the gates to shorten the day ?

Each series will be 6-7 races max. There will be regular races run as well. I think we talked about at most 30 races total for the season, half of which you could hit by running the premier series races. We are also talking about implementing part of an old idea of mine, where we take your top 15 finishes from the season, and you have to earn points (basically finish 2 motos) at each promotors track through the season to be elgible for end of the year awards. Now this is all preliminary, not final. So, in this example, we would have a spring series, summer series, the battle, gp series, and end of the year overall champions, and I think its a mutual compromise between the guys who dont want to run 30 races, and the guys who are hardcore, "we race every weekend" type guys.
Sounds like some interesting stuff. I have basically one area of questions. I'm pretty sure I know the answers, but I want to bring this question out in the open since I'm sure many people are thinking it.

  • Are all of you truly committed to seeing this through to completion?
  • Are you guys prepared to operate this regardless of bad turnouts and the inevitable pains that are sure to come with starting this up?
  • If I buy an OMA membership am I truly going to be able to use it for the entire season?

I'm asking because I'm sure many people are wondering if this is just another startup that's going to collect some money for memberships and then just bail and cancel everything 4 months into it.
Sounds like some interesting stuff. I have basically one area of questions. I'm pretty sure I know the answers, but I want to bring this question out in the open since I'm sure many people are thinking it.

  • Are all of you truly committed to seeing this through to completion?
  • Are you guys prepared to operate this regardless of bad turnouts and the inevitable pains that are sure to come with starting this up?
  • If I buy an OMA membership am I truly going to be able to use it for the entire season?

I'm asking because I'm sure many people are wondering if this is just another startup that's going to collect some money for memberships and then just bail and cancel everything 4 months into it.

Just like I told Jason, I wouldnt be doing this if I didnt think it will work. I am confident in our abilities handle this. Both of us are well seasoned in running businesses. We understand that you cant predict whats going to happen with absolute certainty, and we understand that not everyone is going to jump on the OMA bandwagon at first. Even if we dont have a banner year the first season, I am very very confident that it will grow. Just like Im confident in the Battle for Ohio series growing. Jason and I wouldnt be putting our reputations on the line, if we didnt think it could be done. Im not ruining what I have going by cancelling/giving up on OMA, if things dont work out to our expectations. We are not OMG.

It will work, I will prove my critics wrong.
See when I said races, I meant per day.

25 classes. Are we utilizing 40 gates and filling them and minimizing gate drops?

Again, I don't want to come to a race, sign up in +25, get my own stagger with 4 guys. It's boring, I'd rather just practice. I'd rather have 40 people on the gate with one drop, be it 1 or 10 seperate classes lined up next to each other...

And before we get all the moaning: "ahhhwwhhlll that guys not in my class and he held me up." Answer: Well, everyone had to deal with him and you were the only one that had a problem.

I'm not raggin on the 25 classes thing. But I just dont want to race 5-15 guys. I want to race 20. I don't care if they're in my class or not. The thrilling excitement of having 40 bikes around you excites me.

(I know...I know...I know, I should go to a qualifier/regional/blahblahblahlbahalbhal if I want that kind of racing. Well, Maybe I just want to race in Ohio. And I know, I should shutup and stay in ohio and just race the 5 guys in my class and quit whining about racing them.)
(I know...I know...I know, I should go to a qualifier/regional/blahblahblahlbahalbhal if I want that kind of racing. Well, Maybe I just want to race in Ohio. And I know, I should shutup and stay in ohio and just race the 5 guys in my class and quit whining about racing them.)

No you shouldnt, I think that is one of the things OMA is trying to accomplish, RACING!
I want my own gate and to race my level of competition.
If we are only 5 bikes fine..put us on a shared gate. 15+ want my own.
I never sign up for less than 2 classes. 90% of the time i am in 3 classes. I pay my share.
I hear what you guys are saying, but OHMX (PAMX if you will) were seasoned veterens also. The Coombs have been doing this for awhile I believe. What make you think you will sucseed where they failed?