Gun control

This is what I don't understand. My girlfriends brother has a CCW, although he carries with safety on and nothing in the chamber. I tried explaining to him that he's already behind by flipping safety off and having to load a round.....
WOW. speachless...

brady stupid.jpg
Did anyone see the new Bond film Skyfall? One of the men chasing Bond had a hand gun with two round magazines, one on either side, and the gun shot like an automatic rifle. Let them ban rifles!! lol
Polack, you and me both. Assult weapons legislation is coming next. Obama gave amnesty to about 300,000 illegals last night under the cover of darkness with the stroke of a pen, and no one even noticed.
Polack, you and me both. Assult weapons legislation is coming next. Obama gave amnesty to about 300,000 illegals last night under the cover of darkness with the stroke of a pen, and no one even noticed.

Would that have been an autopen directed from Hawaii? Between the teleprompters and now the autopen will we ever really know who is scripting and directing this President?
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Gabby Giffords is on a media blitz pushing for gun control. Here we go, putting a victim out there to pull on the heart strings of Americans. While I feel terribly sorry for what happened to Gabby Gifford.........we are going to try and push "feel good" legislation that does NOTHING to prevent another tragedy. Just hurts the legal gun owners.
I saw that on the news this morning too . Giffords and her husband , Mark Kelly , did admit that they are gun owners themselves but are pushing to limit high capacity magazines and create/enforce stricter backround checks . Didn't really have a lot of details though .