indoor MX in ytown?

What is with you three track owners??? There is no health and safety issues. Everything meets code. The whole facility met code before I set foot in there. I had an inspector out today and his checklist checked out! I don't understand where you are getting this information, no one has even been there but my employees and the property owners. I have armed security on site 24/7. We have an engineer working with us making sure we have everything covered. This is going to be a good thing for Youngstown and the City of Campbell. Everything is as it should be. I have a very successfull excavating business, I move dirt fast and efficiently. This is not a side deal under the radar. Please stop, all I want to do is post my progress on here to let people know what to look forward to.
Its to bad that all of the established indoors didn't see this as a possible opportunity to actually make the entior indoor riding scene better. Instead of complaining about competition, maybe they should have tried working with them so you are not directly competing at all times. For example: maybe work out the hours between places so quads are at one place while bikes are at another. There are many different scenarios that could be worked out so everyone has time to ride all the tracks and they all prosper.

Anyone ever think about trying to get a CRA indoor series together that includes summit and gives each of the indoors a few races in the series? That would be a pretty fun series to follow or compete in with the variety of indoors NE Ohio has. If something like that was promoted correctly you might be able to get some pretty decent turnouts and maybe exposure outside of the area for the local riders.

Just a couple of my thoughts i had when i was reading about these other establishments bashing someone and trying to undermine them for trying to create a new place for everyone to ride. Competition is inevitable, its how you deal with that competition that determines the outcome of ones business. Its a shame that the established places went right on the defensive and didn't look to see how this could benefit them, or at least try to work with them so nobody ends up closing in the next year or 2.

Now i guess the damage is done and we will have to see who is still open next year.
Wow......Being on city council where I live, trust me, city zoning inspectors are around every city all the time. Creekside would not be able to just open up something without the city finding out....NEVER. Believe it or not word on anything like that travels fast to city inspectors.

But just my opinion, if Ram Jam is not even in that city........seems some what like sour grapes for him to even get involved. I am a WAY outsider looking in from 200 miles away....but NOTHING like this just flies under the rader in a city.

Good luck to the new indoor.
WOW!! Ok i tried my hardest to stay out of all this... But here goes !! John KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND CHASE YOUR DEREAMS!!!! IM EXCITED TO RIDE THERE!!!! And Mr Ram Jam im not one to burn bridges. but you can do what u named your building!!! GO RAM your self and JAM your self!!! I hope you lose a lot of busniess!!! U need to think before you speak!!! And be cause of what you did i actually hope you go under!!! SHAME ON YOU!!! Im just a nobody speaking my mind!!! But you should of steped forward with open arms and maybe it could of worked out better for you and the other indoors.. Now alot of people are gona see you in a diff way then they have before!! U seriously emailed the mayor!! Lololol. Teacher teacher look what he did!! Teacher teacher look what he did!! Kinda reminds me off the 1st grad !! Anyways john and jim keep the updates rolling in!!! And even if you cant open sooner then what you wanted to, thats ok i just hope you open just to show Mr Ram Jam whats up!!!! And again i just like to twist hear and there, and im a just a lill guy at the end of the stick.. But i live by this!! What goes around comes around!! TREAT OTHER HOW U WANT TO BE TREATED!!! And PEOPLE TO WEAK/NOT SUCCESSFUL WITH THERE OWN DREAMS WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO DISCURAGE OTHERS!!!! And one more thing !!! Mr Ram Jam of corse "you didnt want to make what you said public" and you just wantend to eamail john cuz you make you self look like a total Ass hole !!!!! And because john called you out u had no choice.. Other wise he was gona do exactly what i would of done posted your email for everyone to see !!!!! BROOOP BROOOOP ... Ok im out !!
WOW!! Ok i tried my hardest to stay out of all this... But here goes !! John KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND CHASE YOUR DEREAMS!!!! IM EXCITED TO RIDE THERE!!!! And Mr Ram Jam im not one to burn bridges. but you can do what u named your building!!! GO RAM your self and JAM your self!!! I hope you lose a lot of busniess!!! U need to think before you speak!!! And be cause of what you did i actually hope you go under!!! SHAME ON YOU!!! Im just a nobody speaking my mind!!! But you should of steped forward with open arms and maybe it could of worked out better for you and the other indoors.. Now alot of people are gona see you in a diff way then they have before!! U seriously emailed the mayor!! Lololol. Teacher teacher look what he did!! Teacher teacher look what he did!! Kinda reminds me off the 1st grad !! Anyways john and jim keep the updates rolling in!!! And even if you cant open sooner then what you wanted to, thats ok i just hope you open just to show Mr Ram Jam whats up!!!! And again i just like to twist hear and there, and im a just a lill guy at the end of the stick.. But i live by this!! What goes around comes around!! TREAT OTHER HOW U WANT TO BE TREATED!!! And PEOPLE TO WEAK/NOT SUCCESSFUL WITH THERE OWN DREAMS WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO DISCURAGE OTHERS!!!! And one more thing !!! Mr Ram Jam of corse "you didnt want to make what you said public" and you just wantend to eamail john cuz you make you self look like a total Ass hole !!!!! And because john called you out u had no choice.. Other wise he was gona do exactly what i would of done posted your email for everyone to see !!!!! BROOOP BROOOOP ... Ok im out !!

That was pretty intense.... haha. So wait when is this Y-town track gonna open again? Im ready to try it out.
Wow......Being on city council where I live, trust me, city zoning inspectors are around every city all the time. Creekside would not be able to just open up something without the city finding out....NEVER. Believe it or not word on anything like that travels fast to city inspectors.

But just my opinion, if Ram Jam is not even in that city........seems some what like sour grapes for him to even get involved. I am a WAY outsider looking in from 200 miles away....but NOTHING like this just flies under the rader in a city.

Unfortunately, you'd be surprised.

Just one incident that I'm aware of(involves paintball fields, still dangerous and hard to hide) where a legitimate field was losing business to another one that was basically being run under the table. The safety standards were sub par and dangerous, no permits, improper zoning, etc. And even after the "good" field reported the "bad" field the city did nothing to remove/shut down the illegal activity. What state this happened in, I'm unsure of. But, that's the gist of it.

Not taking sides, just presenting a tidbit of info.
Seriously, all one of you track owners has to do is move one to C-bus! Really! 1 million+ population base and not 1 Damn indoor facility within sight! Really. I gotta drive at least 1hr 20 min to get to Rt62 or longer to OMA in Dayton.
What is with you three track owners??? There is no health and safety issues. Everything meets code. The whole facility met code before I set foot in there. I had an inspector out today and his checklist checked out! I don't understand where you are getting this information, no one has even been there but my employees and the property owners. I have armed security on site 24/7. We have an engineer working with us making sure we have everything covered. This is going to be a good thing for Youngstown and the City of Campbell. Everything is as it should be. I have a very successfull excavating business, I move dirt fast and efficiently. This is not a side deal under the radar. Please stop, all I want to do is post my progress on here to let people know what to look forward to.

I am personally looking forward to it, see you on opening day :0.
@Nikki.......I agree, the economy has hit some people, but it AMAZES me how many people are still at the track. Just a thought......perhaps people are not going to the current indoors because they are VERY stale? I mean seriously, how many times can you go around an ice rink on a motorcycle (yeah, yours might be a little bigger)? After a while, it is the exact same every lap, every time......kind of like ground hog day. How often do you redesign the track? And is it a true redesign? There is only so much someone can do with limited space. So from me looking at it, I think this new facility might have people excited because of the size of it, and the possibility that it might be something bigger and better.
well what hrs. did you come up with.can't wait to bring my sons to ride.we live in niles and love to ride and race.we'll be there for sure.little bikes only hrs are awsome who wants to stay around all day to ride every 30-40 mins for 10-15 mins.come in ride for 2-3 hrs and go home and still have your day.just sayin.see you there
Heated restrooms, heated locaker area with picnic tables, heated changing area, sign up booth, and offices all existing and in working order.


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I know there are many factors that play into low turnouts some out of your control but some you can control. I will use n.e.m.x for an example which i think is a great track and facility. That being said i have about 5 buddies that i ride with however they will not go to n.e.m.x for 1 reason and its that double. People do not want to go to a track that they can not do all the jumps and are worried that when they don't someone behind them will. I geuss i dont understand why track owners would not build a track that is forgiving because it benefits everybody. Now if your turnouts our low now and this track in ytown builds a track to suit everyone and if the big jumps are forgiving i can almost guarantee your numbers will drop even more.