What really causes health care costs to rise

Retirement in my book is doing what you want to do with your life when you are of retirement age, not what you have to do. So perhaps you are right, I might have to work part time for health care.
Exactly. I picture them both sitting over a book searching for words and terms to use in their argument. Funny read!

Yea, I tried to avoid it but Georgie wouldn't let it go. I do this every day
for money so sort of know what I'm talking about and what I popped up there
is way more than you guys want to know but way less than what my
customers need me to know. So it came out too easily for this forum I

And anybody that thinks the country is "in the shitter" and there's no hope
for it is wrong. When trailer trash like me can end up one of the guys BHO
wants to raise taxes on, something is still working right.

I agree that it isn't working right for everybody but we get into that
argument and suddenly people are calling other people socialists.
Yea, I tried to avoid it but Georgie wouldn't let it go. I do this every day
for money so sort of know what I'm talking about and what I popped up there
is way more than you guys want to know but way less than what my
customers need me to know. So it came out too easily for this forum I

And anybody that thinks the country is "in the shitter" and there's no hope
for it is wrong. When trailer trash like me can end up one of the guys BHO
wants to raise taxes on, something is still working right.

I agree that it isn't working right for everybody but we get into that
argument and suddenly people are calling other people socialists.

So, what is it that you do for a profession?
I cant comment on all this medical information like Sturd and Georgie, thats why you both make money in your field and I dont.

However Sturd are you telling me you disagree that this country isnt moving quickly to socialism? Are you also going to disagree that our current President is the most liberal we've ever had? One with the most socialist agenda to date?

Yes the American Dream is still alive. I came from humble beginnings as well, not trailer trash mind you, only a little college and now own a contracting company. But to say this country is doing well? NO. Is there hope ? Absolutely but we are heading in the wrong direction for sure. History has shown time and again when a government or country is over thrown, restarted or whatever you want to call it, it is only a matter of time before those in power abuse it and return it to the rich controlling those without. We are nearing the latter again. We have arrived at the point where our fore fathers were when and why they left Europe.
Sturd. Just my opinion.

It is getting harder and harder as an employer to "REALLY" give my team a great job and living.

At what point do i jump off the merry go round, cave in to Obamacare and be like the large corporations
and only think about my bottom line. Do what is best for me, instead of the right things and take care of my team.
When I stop caring about them they will stop caring about their job. ( and me and my family)

What are you seeing that indicates that there is hope for poeple wanting to work AND being able to find a job?

I have a great guy that works for me. He is un-replaceble. He is also 72 years old.
He still needs to work.
Oh. Everyone else that I know. Retirement is two weeks on a resperator before you die. Then the government takes half of your doe and your spouse is screwed.

As soon as my kid is 18 he will own a house free and clear. ( I hope he does not throw me out)
Oh. Everyone else that I know. Retirement is two weeks on a resperator before you die. Then the government takes half of your doe and your spouse is screwed.

As soon as my kid is 18 he will own a house free and clear. ( I hope he does not throw me out)

Hmmmmm.......I have never seen the government come to anyone's yard and start digging for coffee cans, so I doubt they are getting my half, or any of it. What I leave on paper will be a damn treasure map. My grand kids and great grand kids will the greatest Easter egg hunt of their lives after I pass.
What truly raises health care costs?

1. Liberals who want to give working peoples money to lazy people
2. Obesity, we are the fatest country in the world
3. Lack of healthy eating habits causing the above
4. Lack of exercise also causing #2
5. Malpractice insurance
6. Lawyers and courts that even consider 90% of the cases brought to them that should be thrown out
7. A society of people in our country that want hand outs and take NO RESPONSIBILITY for themselves

End of thread
Hershey, dont use that much common sense, you might scare people away. We as a country have to educate Americans to be much better health care consumers also! If people had to shop for health care services like they do cars, bikes, or household goods, then they would shop around for the best price on health care. Right now if your doctor says go to ABC imaging to get an MRI, people go. But yet if you shop around, you can find another MRI imaging center in your network that the same MRI might cost half..........but how many people do that? Just had a example, guy i work with, his daughter needed blood work completed. Told him to take her to childrens to have it done. $200 plus to do it. He called and got a lab in network where it was $119. He has a $3000 HSA, so where do you think he went?

Poeple use the "home town clinic" like it is their doctors office. It is an Urgent Clinic, and when they do this, it cost them more, and drives up their employers utalization on their healthcare, therefore driving up their premiums, that most emplyers pass the increase onto the employees.

People need to better understand, their healthcare choices have affects on more than themselves. I have one group that had 147% utalization on their healthcare in the first month of the year! If that trend continues, what do you think their renewal will be for next year?
Thanks Georgie and sturd for the shop talk. :rolleyes: With my RN wife having spent most of her career in transfusion services at University Hospital and her brother traveling the globe inspecting suppliers for a major pharmaceutical/medical supply company, I can "relate".

If you want to know just how far our country has "progressed", just take a look at the planks of the Communist Manifesto..
Sturd. Just my opinion.

Same here.

It is getting harder and harder as an employer to "REALLY" give my team a great job and living.

Me too, that's why I work harder.

At what point do i jump off the merry go round, cave in to Obamacare and be like the large corporations
and only think about my bottom line. Do what is best for me, instead of the right things and take care of my team.
When I stop caring about them they will stop caring about their job. ( and me and my family)

Doing what is best for your team, as long as it involves them caring and doing the best job, IS what
is best for you. I think.

What are you seeing that indicates that there is hope for poeple wanting to work AND being able to find a job?

Unemployment down to 7.9% (12.3 million people). Discouraged workforce (those that don't get counted in the
unemployment rate because they gave up) down to 2.4 million, down 366k from a year ago.

Most telling to me, some of my customers aren't using our services to the extent they
were, hurting my business. Why? Because they hired their own guys.

Are all the people that want to work working? No. I don't remember that ever happening
during my lifetime.

Are all the employed doing what they want? No. No different than ever. My dad didn't really
want to sit in front of a 1500 F furnace spreading parts to be heat treated but he did
what he had to do.

I really think too many people wish this (life) was easy. They blame others for their problems
("some people are lazy and the government is taking my money and giving it to them")
then expect somehow they will have a job that makes it so they can work a nice job,
make a nice living, and retire when they want. That's not the way it has ever worked.

Everybody on this forum rides a dirt bike. When I can occasionally ride, especially with my
son, everything else is a minor annoyance while I wait to ride again.
7. A society of people in our country that want hand outs and take NO RESPONSIBILITY for themselves

Mitt Romney's 45% government dependants class. (Obamas primary voter base) :)

There must be some accuracy to his statement?
Oh. Everyone else that I know. Retirement is two weeks on a resperator before you die. Then the government takes half of your doe and your spouse is screwed.

As soon as my kid is 18 he will own a house free and clear. ( I hope he does not throw me out)

Lol, 2 weeks? You really think you're 401k and assets would last that long ? You related to trump? :)

The sedation, titration, blood gas draws, intubation equipment and ventilator checks, and constant "intensivest" intervention (oh I mean resident intervention) would suck you dry in a few days.
Just my point geoporg
Now your are saying i wont even get 2 weeks retirement.

Oh well i do like my job so. I will deal.

Lol, 2 weeks? You really think
you're 401k and assets would last that long ? You related to trump? :)

The sedation, titration, blood gas draws, intubation equipment and ventilator checks, and constant "intensivest" intervention (oh I mean resident intervention) would suck you dry in a few days.
So two seperate guys applied at my buisness today. A 10 year veteran of the city and a maintenance worker at the local school the last 4 years. Both are being terminated at there current jobs this Friday and cited cuts from Obamacare costs as the reason.
Higher neither of them............Neither probably have the work ethic your looking for. Both in Govt positions that dont run lean and mean.
Higher neither of them............Neither probably have the work ethic your looking for. Both in Govt positions that dont run lean and mean.
Well they have to pass drug screen, 4 points or less on license , willing to work for $12 or less per hour to start as laborer. No benefits for 90day probation. They probably will not want the job as they both were over $17.50 where they left with full benefits too. They have to work with us...no slacking !