Practice Safety?

Aren't you a club cause you have membership? Member. Heh heh.

I have considered turning BC into a non profit religiously affiliation, you cant sue a church can ya? A motocross church, but a church nonetheless.

I dont know if a club matters, that would be a question someone at Western Reserve or a club. I do see clubs benefitting from this, they more than likely have people who will volunteer to do the things that they need because they are virtually non profit. I guess I would be non profit too If I left it at $25 to ride.

Thats the one thing I dont have access to, a good lawyer that rides. I have just about all other services covered.
Is that $1000 per practice day or per year of practices or for x number of days?

That's my guess per day that I would be paying to have flaggers, "medical personnel" onsite, and a couple extra bodies to run the grouped practice. So its like adding part of a race staff to practice. Its purely a guesstimation, it would be low if the ins. company thought that "medical personnel" equals a squad. Might as well figure another $400-500 on top to cover that too.
From what I heard, if your in a club you cant sue, because you would be suing yourself.

Lawyer would go after the land owner, club doesnt matter, lawyer sees land=lawyer sees dollars. Im not about to sell every 1/100th of the land to keep from getting sued.
My fear is that at some point, we cant get insured unless we meet their criteria. Meaning that all of the insurers will be on the same page as far as what they require. They want me to fence in my pond too. I think these are the "loopholes" they will use to dodge a claim.

If riders can prove they have medical insurance let them ride for 25. If they can't prove they are covered then force them to pay 35-40. Then explain to the insurance company you have mostly self insured riders and provide with a list of who isn't ? Don't know how that could help by it would show them you're trying to save them claims.
Different insurance here. We arent being covered for medical, never have. Track owners are buying high risk limited liability policies, nothing new, same thing AMA tracks have always had. At least 1 million in coverage from being sued where the rider is holding you personally negligent. Which could mean many things, maybe they dont have medical insurance, cant pay their bills, just got laid off, add in an opportunist lawyer, and bam! Off to court.
Is this we as in Briar Cliff going to be charging 35? Or as in we OMA Jason and Jeremy going to be charging 35 dollars.....It was everywhere 20 Last year besides the cliff....Now it's 25 at all OMA tracks....Now your saying ONE week into the New OMA season it could be 35 now!!!!! I am with everyone else....Barlely want to go now with the price of gas and food and monster and gas for bikes and practice cost.....Say it ain't so!
Although I'm without a bike right now.. If track prep is like malvern beans or bc I would do $35 but on the other hand I only got to ride two or three times a month.....
I guess I probably really wouldn't race then. I just stay being a prospode practicer.

I just find it hard for me to drive 3 hours to a place with Seperated practices and only get to ride 4 times in a day for .5-1 hr on the hour meter. I'll stay at Dirtworld and ride open practice and put 1.5-3 hours on the hour meter.
Is this we as in Briar Cliff going to be charging 35? Or as in we OMA Jason and Jeremy going to be charging 35 dollars.....It was everywhere 20 Last year besides the cliff....Now it's 25 at all OMA tracks....Now your saying ONE week into the New OMA season it could be 35 now!!!!! I am with everyone else....Barlely want to go now with the price of gas and food and monster and gas for bikes and practice cost.....Say it ain't so!

We are not raising our price. This is a pure hypothetical for down the road, possibly years, i dont know. Lets not turn this into a discussion on race numbers either dammit. My price is $25 this season. My costs are still similar.
I guess I probably really wouldn't race then. I just stay being a prospode practicer.

I just find it hard for me to drive 3 hours to a place with Seperated practices and only get to ride 4 times in a day for .5-1 hr on the hour meter. I'll stay at Dirtworld and ride open practice and put 1.5-3 hours on the hour meter.

This is exactly what i see happening, most people will stay local to them within an hour. We would more than likely switch to 6 big weekends (sat pract-race sunday), and that would be our season.
The cost of all insurance and fuel is pinching everybody!!! my buddy dislocated a toe on the c track last year, 1k to fix it at urgentcare in my opinion your practices are pretty safe, I would pay the extra 10 but at least as of today I have a good job and that wouldnt make a difference, im also 44 yrs old too, not a teenager flipping burgers to go ride or race I do not have any little ones of my own but I do have a 12 year old beginner that should be out to the cliff this year, I sponsored him with a ttr-125 to learn on

I know I have said this in the past but less jumps could maybe help out some on this, but not sure my dad back in the day was a single income and had to pay for EVERYTHING for me and my brother to practice or race. It wasnt easy and gas was NOWHERE near what it cost now

bottom line Jeremy, you do a nice job at the cliff, and if you do bump it up, we all will understand but im sure it will come into play for some people how much they can actually come out and it may affect my friends sons trips out down the road if that happens
I just find it hard for me to drive 3 hours to a place with Seperated practices and only get to ride 4 times in a day for .5-1 hr on the hour meter

Land on a 50-85 rider then tell me how hard it is for you.

Never should big bikes and little bikes be together.
Land on a 50-85 rider then tell me how hard it is for you.

Never should big bikes and little bikes be together.

A. I never said I expect everyone to be out there at the same time.
B. I wouldn't expect to be out there with 50/65 riders, however, I would be worried about Jeremy Hand on his 105 Landing on ME! ;)

C. What irritated me about Mx213 was the split 50/65/jr quad practice. There were about 4-6 kids on the track, none of which were lighting the world on fire. If you let 1 go, then waited 1 minute, let another go.....and so on until you let all 50/65 riders out there (what a total of 15.....i doubt they would touch each other.)

Still I think 213 ran a good practice day program. I'll be back. Everyone needs to tweak! And we all want seat time.

Mind you there were 90 big bikes on the track it seemed. Which was fine. That was great they split A/B and C due to that turnout. But if we can't hear anything going on with the track then I think there could be more out there.

And I've said before that kids are way safer than any new adult riding the C class. Argue all you want, but kids really are safer riders so why not
When we practice at an PAMX it gets broken down a tad to much. But on a non race weekend at PRP they seperate big and little. Last week they had almost 200 riders for practice and had to run a/b-c/d and mini. If you run a non race program at 20 min sections you can get a lot of time in. I personally think you run better when you ride to 20 then take a break. We don;t have to many top pros that need to run 30 plus to laps practice.

The problem with kids is they tend to lay there and cry when they fall.
For that price I will put a sign in my yard that says fill dirt wanted, any kind doesn't matter if I have to hand pick rocks out of it for 3 weeks. Next I'll rent a bobcat and build my own track. It won't be as nice as most other tracks but I'll still have fun on it. Oh and to cover my ass from liability there will be signs that say trespassers will be shot. And if they trespass, guess what? These days of insurance and lawsuits are beyond f-ing retarded. What's the point of even signing a waiver? I can sign the thing, get hurt, and still sue you? Please, this country is a joke! Ride at your own risk, or don't ride at all!
For that price I will put a sign in my yard that says fill dirt wanted, any kind doesn't matter if I have to hand pick rocks out of it for 3 weeks. Next I'll rent a bobcat and build my own track. It won't be as nice as most other tracks but I'll still have fun on it. Oh and to cover my ass from liability there will be signs that say trespassers will be shot. And if they trespass, guess what? These days of insurance and lawsuits are beyond f-ing retarded. What's the point of even signing a waiver? I can sign the thing, get hurt, and still sue you? Please, this country is a joke! Ride at your own risk, or don't ride at all!

Im with ya. It would be nice if that waiver was more of a binding contract, regardless it doesnt matter. A crafty lawyer can argue anything. In most cases its not whether they sue and you loose, its the cost to defend yourself, even if you are in the right, sometimes the cost to defend yourself is damaging to cripple the finances. Thats where the insurance can help, it costs you nothing to defend yourself in court (or so they claim for motocross ins), they handle it. Well these days it seems like they look for a loophole to get out of it first, then they defend you in court.

Professional liability insurance is supposed to protect engineers in the event that they are sued. A lady hit a motorcyclist on Sr224 pulling out of Citgo about 8 years ago or so. Our company got named, Ruhlin const, the makers of the barrier wall, citgo, possibly Honda motorcycles. The sued everyone and everything under the sun that was loosley connected with the accident scene. Blanket suit. We designed the Maintnenace of Traffic Plan for that phase of construction. We were found innocent, or not negligent. Still cost $10,000 out of pocket to defend ourselves. True story.
Remember this any time you face legal anything or just want what is fair.

You are absolutely guilty until proven innocent. You have to prove you are in the right.

Speeding ticket, fight, something stolen from your home, you have to prove it. on and on.

The laws protect the guilty and , dirtbag crooks. (lets not foget the lazy and stupid)

Soooo knowing that, get over it and GO RIDE braaaap braaaaaaaaaap buurrraaaaaaaap.
So what happens if you just dont get insurance? For years smith road had a sign at the gate stating " no insurance ride at your own risk".

I know for a fact that George never carried any kind of liability insurance what so ever. In the 30 some years he was open he had one lawsuit that went anywhere. It cost him about $40,000. Know keep in mind that a lot of those years were during a time where people were not so sue happy.

On another note. Flagers, 2 guys running sessions and an ambulance for a practice day would cost us $2,300 per day. That's what our race day cost was for those positions this past Sunday. That's 92 riders at $25 each just to cover those expenses. Not to mention the cost of insurance, fuel,equipment wear, labor for track prep. Basically I would just pull the plug on practice all together.