Turkey 2013


PR Elite
Weather blows but turkey season is only about a month away . Normally would have done some scouting by now but I've been seeing the big winter flocks still not broken up . Time to start practicing calls , patterning guns , and sighting in bows . Can't wait to chase thunder buzzards up and down the hills again ! Any newbies gonna try it this year ?
Must admit I've never killed a turkey. I want to this year tho. When I call, I sound like a 40 year old car door. Needa work on that! Ha

I've had a group of birds around the house a few times already too. Some in my front yard. I can also turkeyhunt in killbuck where I deer hunt and the place is LOADED with birds. Kinda wanna kill one with a crossbow first..
I've been seeing 20-25 birds the past 2 weeks. The problem is that the neighbors get all giddy and go out and call at them the week before season and they don't put up with it. Calling too much and scouting can do as mush harm as help if not done right and educating the birds and they skidaddle...

I'll probably take a look at the area the week before from a distance but my money is on the idiots chasing the birds away! lol
My scouting usually consists of a little owl calling before daylight to get them to gobble on the roost . Then just listening for the next hour to try and determine what areas they are going to . Maybe a few crow calls to get em to gobble again . Long range glassing of fields and possible strut areas helps too .

I only have a couple of places left that I can hunt and I know them so well that I'll only try to see how many mature gobblers are active . Gotta find some new spots but I hate knocking on doors . The rejection rate is pretty high these days and many times you get an ear full about the slob hunters and a$$hole trespassers that land owners have had to deal with . Can't blame them but it isn't fun . I hit public areas in the middle of the week ( Ah , retirement ! ) later in the season . Sometimes you'll have the area all to yourself but those educated birds are a real challenge .
Been seeing strutters in the fields but still with big flocks . Things are getting ready to turn on ! When the weather breaks - look out .
Christian Moist, his brother and father got 5 awesome birds that he posted on Facebook. Told him he needed to post the photo over here. Think they were in Nebraska though.
Saw a nice gobbler yesterday,had three hens with him but no strutting.
Turkey season is the best time of the year.
Once you hunt these birds you are hooked for good.
We just got back from a successful hunt in NE last week. No calling this early - hunting out of blinds. My brother and dad both got birds with recurves, myself with a compound.

Nice birds ! Great trophies with archery gear , especially the recurves . Two different species ? What broadheads did you guys use ? String trackers ?
We just got back from a successful hunt in NE last week. No calling this early - hunting out of blinds. My brother and dad both got birds with recurves, myself with a compound.

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I used to hunt substantially and very succesfully for years when I was younger, Squirrel, Rabbit, Deer, Pheasant, and Grouse. Hunted with Shotgun, 22Lr Marlin semi auto - (worst rifle I ever owned), Crossbow, and Re-curve bow (I loved that thing) But I've only been once in my life Turkey Hunting with my brother (South Central Ohio Area). Was not very successful, and that was with a shotgun, LOL!!! I Cant imagine getting one with a re-curve bow. That's just mad skills by anyone's standards . Crossbow still crazy! With a bow would just be plain dumb luck for me. I just do not posses the skills to be a turkey hunter. LOL!

Hats Off to you. Man those are some good sized nice looking Birds.
Got this Tom this morning at 6:37 . Parked the truck at 5:15 and while walking in to my blind a gobbler is going nuts in the dark . He was roosted directly above the blind and I knew I couldn't get in there without getting busted . Went to the base of a big pne ( exact spot where I took a bird last year ) and got set up . The lighter it got the more Toms there were gobbling . I had at least 5 all around me and could see 3 in the same big Quaking Aspen only 40 yards away . They all pitched down at about 6:15 and put on a heck of a show just out of range , then went to a small opening by the blind to strut some more ( that's why it's there ) . Hens started tree calling so I cut them off with some soft yelps and built up to some cutting . The Gobblers got fired up and headed for the first hen on the ground .... me . 6 Toms came my way single file . Of course the last one in line was huge and the boss of the bunch . Would like to have waited for him but the path they were on came to within 10 yards of me and I didn't think I could fool all those eyes long enough to get him . The first bird in line puffed up into strut at 20 yards when I clucked and I saw he was mature with a decent beard , so I laid him out . In my defense also , I was having trouble seeing out of my shooting eye ( which isn't too good to start with from diabetic retinopathy ) because last Thursday I had to go to stat-care to get a chunk of rust the size of Rhode Island dug out of it . It is still a blurry mess . I hate working on older vehickles ! This Tom weighed 21lb. 3 oz. , has a 9 1/2 in. beard , and 3/4 in. spurs . I'm so pleased I think I'll treat myself to a big, late breakfast .


  • 4-22-2013 21.25lb.jpg
    4-22-2013 21.25lb.jpg
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I can't believe I miss this topic!

Congratulation Randy on a awesome gobbler!

The youth turkey season absolutely sucked it was cold,windy and snowing. All that we could manage to calling up was one lonely hen and we never heard a gobble.

Yesterday, I guided Randy Hill VP of Hardcore Decoys to a nice two year gobbler. Rod Erwin of Southern Game Calls and The Resistance TV Show, filmed the whole hunt. What a way to start the season.

Good luck to all and keep the stories coming.
I have been MIA for a while...Sorry fellas.. I have been super busy!

Ive had a rough few days with these darn turkeys...I have been stooped by the same bird three days in a row now...He has a whole group of hens with him...and I cannot get him off them... Today was the closest, but he was still 80 yards.... So Amidst all the rain i headed to another farm down the road.... I was there about ten minutes.... Thats all it took to fool a two year old...

So I shot him in the Face!!
sorry for the crappy photos.... I was alone and my phones camera has seen better days!
Thanks and congrats on your birds too guys . Does this mean Original44 is gonna be a TV star ? I went out in the rain yesterday and ran in to henned up birds too ; frustrating .

Welcome back to the world Kaiser . Haven't seen hide nor hair ( nor feather ) of you in a while but when I checked my Tom in at the outdoors shop in Strasburg they said you were still alive .
This is my Grandson Jon and his first turkey, taken during this youth season . He got another one this weekend but I don't have a pic yet . I helped him get his first deer last year ( a doe ) . His other Grandpa guided him for the turkeys . It means a lot to us because we almost lost this young man last year . A sinus infection somehow went into his brain and put him into seizures . He had to be life-flighted to Akron Children's Hospital where they had to do open skull brain surgery to get rid of the infection . It was touch and go and he had to be on anti-seizure meds and blood thinners ( Coumadin -nasty stuff ) for months as he also had developed clots in his Carotid(sp) arteries . He couldn't get a cut or bruise because of the meds and had to be home schooled until about a month ago . When he started getting better he said he wanted to go hunting with me , so I made it happen ( even though a bit iffy due to the meds ). I was happier when he got that doe than when I got a P&Y buck with my recurve . Now he has taken two gobblers and I'm thrilled even if I wasn't there when he got them .


  • Jon's 1st Turkey 4-20-2013.jpg
    Jon's 1st Turkey 4-20-2013.jpg
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I shot my second and final bird this morning..It is a bird I have sest up on every morning I have hunted since the opening day of season..He was a smart old bird and had a handful of g/f he wouldnt leave...Well today instead of hunting him, I hunted the whole group and shot him in the face

He had 1 3/8 spurs
10.5 inch beard
and weighed 23 lbs
Good one ZK . Did he have one of those red pop up oven thingies , because that is a Butterball ?

I've been passing up some shots at jakes and a few younger Toms . There are a couple of smart old birds I've been working on too ; the ones that kinda get under your skin cause you know you should be able to outsmart them . After all their whole skull is only about the size of a walnut .

Ticks are bad where I've been hunting . No mushrooms yet either but they should be out .
The red pop up oven thingy was done popped! ha

I took my buddy out the next day and called this bird in for him.

It was probably one of the more cool hunts I have been on..I wish they would work like that when I still had a tag...I called 4 strutters down a logging road rt to us...There was a jake and a few hens mixed in there too..but the 4 strutting balls of feathers are what caught my attention. haha Either way he pulled the hammer on the first one that walked into his cross hairs... Either way, he was excited and it was a great hunt...

Randy, I also found a pile of mushrooms on monday...Jen and I found about 80....We need rain