50 and 65 Parents??

I don't push my son to do anything at this point, and don't want him burned out. Guess I am in the minority, I just show up and whatever track they are on, that's the one he will race. How about putting the C class riders on the "C" track? Wonder how many would sign up for the B class? Oil injected class, 50 JR, trail bike, pit bike, 50 quads, and 65/85 beginner class should be on the C track. 50 SR, and 65 7-11 should be on the A/B track in my opinion.
Excellent attitude, and one they should all be accustomed to. Im talking about the parents that want ALL beginners to ride a big track and pushing other beginners to fear and failure. If you do it with your own that is your business. Beginners need to gain experience and more importantly confidence before being thrown to the big track and or with faster riders. Especially younger riders, little kids dont handle fear the same way older kids and adults can.
Excellent attitude, and one they should all be accustomed to. Im talking about the parents that want ALL beginners to ride a big track and pushing other beginners to fear and failure. If you do it with your own that is your business. Beginners need to gain experience and more importantly confidence before being thrown to the big track and or with faster riders. Especially younger riders, little kids dont handle fear the same way older kids and adults can.

Yep.. This is what we did. We used all the little tracks for the last 3 years unless there was only one track.. He made the call to get out on the big tracks... Problem is, now he loses interest fast riding the little tracks, when that is the only option at some events... Like John said.. Put the beginners on the C, whether on 50 or 65, and run the senior 50's on the A/B.
I don't care where beginners ride/race...my comments were directed toward the original post and no where in that post was the word beginner used. I've raced and have now turn it over to Hayden and along the way have seen everything...you the promoter won't make everyone happy...if you go to the c track with the bigenners great...but you watch...parents will be complaining about kids overthere sandbagging and saying they should be on the a track...never fails...

We are from Ohio but don't know most these kids and parents because we're out traveling, but in speaking with a lot of them Iam not sure if there worried about the track or just not placing. It's the parents who sometimes need to wake up and understand its racing and its very very very dangerous and hard. Its not about buying a new bike and boots and sending LiL Johnny out there to get his picture taking...all that can happen at the house. Be safe have fun and I hope everyone gets what they want but it won't happen.
At CTMX this past weekend we decided on cutting the track for the 50's for a few reasons. First off we felt that letting them go back in the back would cause issues with the parents having to run back and forth since you can't see back there from the mechanics area. Even though we allow the parents on the track during the 50 races it would be a great deal of running back and forth for the parents. Secondly, we had numerous parents voice their concerns for their riders staying within eye sight and not going back in the new section. We also felt that cutting the track would even out the time per motos without having to cut laps down on the 50's.

Our decision was not made because we didn't feel the riders were capable of navigating the new section. The riders are more than capable of riding that new section but we will always try to accommodate the biggest majority.

As always we welcome your feedback on how to improve our facility and help grow as a leading promoter.
@ chillitown...I get it but don't have to like it lol...But what's up with the 65 class? Look at the results.. http://www.tracksideresults.com/omxa/class.asp?s=3&c=6&e=5 and now look at the 65 beginner results http://www.tracksideresults.com/omxa/class.asp?s=3&c=7&e=5 so what's the since in having a beginner? I get that the track made money but was it fair for the true beginner? Iam not sure if this post was started to help parents or profit.

This thread was created for feedback, not arguments. If this derailment continues, I will delete it.
I'm not sure what your saying, but I know my son would've been one more in the begginner class had I had my truck fixed by the weekend. Though he rides an 85, 11year old 65 riders have nothing to fear from him. I think it's a great idea. I'm glad there is a class. And I feel that class should be one of the ones that runs the C track at BC if JO so decides.
Seems like most on here agree that beginners belong on a beginner track, if one is available at a given facility. Better 50 and 65 riders are fine on the big tracks. No worries. We're just here to have fun.
I remember when I was riding my pw50 or my cobra that I was just ecstatic to be On the bike. Wish I could get that mentality back. Now I complain about prep, bike setup...time sitting watching little guys having a rough time on a track.

I really don't think the kids think too hard about this either way. Maybe they do. This could be a 10 pager easily !
Sorry not trying to cause an argument just trying to give good honest feedback...seems like this thread has turned into a topic about the beginners, so in order to keep the class pure in its tittle maybe not let riders who race the 7-11 class turn around and race the beginner....that way when the true beginner wins or places good he or she gets something back from the sport instead of getting treated like a tough block,and from then the sport grows even more because the kid gets hardware and a reason to the madness we call Moto.

I am the same at the track as I am here...I will help anyone if possible from parents to the staff...but you can't have it both ways and call it fair in my opinion,but hell..who am I...just another crazy psycho fiddy daddy who pushes his kid to hard. Lol

Sometimes ya gotta shake the tree just to see how many bees come out.
@ chillitown...I get it but don't have to like it lol...But what's up with the 65 class? Look at the results.. http://www.tracksideresults.com/omxa/class.asp?s=3&c=6&e=5 and now look at the 65 beginner results http://www.tracksideresults.com/omxa/class.asp?s=3&c=7&e=5 so what's the since in having a beginner? I get that the track made money but was it fair for the true beginner? Iam not sure if this post was started to help parents or profit.

The beginner class is a Oma class and not at the tracks discretion to run, the class is for first yr riders, my understanding is first year racers, not for the kids that just moved up to 65/ 85s for the first year. The problem is the parents signing there kids up in this class for a easy trophy. The parents should have the integrity not to do this to the true beginners! It's impossible for sign up to check every kids back ground when they are signing up for the beginner class so the promoters should not be taking any criticism for this!
See is district 11 (which is what chilitown was last year), there was a 65 7-11 class and a 65 extra class. The extra class could be run by anyone on a 65, and did not have to be a beginner. So I think perhaps someone at OMA needs to determine if their second 65 class is a "beginner" class or a "extra" class.
See is district 11 (which is what chilitown was last year), there was a 65 7-11 class and a 65 extra class. The extra class could be run by anyone on a 65, and did not have to be a beginner. So I think perhaps someone at OMA needs to determine if their second 65 class is a "beginner" class or a "extra" class.

The OMA CLEARLY states beginner...I am not seeing a grey area...I can say the top 5 in the 65 7-11 at chilitown are trying for Loretta's on the 65 and you didn't see any of them sign up for the class simply because its called sandbagging.
At CTMX this past weekend we decided on cutting the track for the 50's for a few reasons. First off we felt that letting them go back in the back would cause issues with the parents having to run back and forth since you can't see back there from the mechanics area. Even though we allow the parents on the track during the 50 races it would be a great deal of running back and forth for the parents. Secondly, we had numerous parents voice their concerns for their riders staying within eye sight and not going back in the new section. We also felt that cutting the track would even out the time per motos without having to cut laps down on the 50's.

Our decision was not made because we didn't feel the riders were capable of navigating the new section. The riders are more than capable of riding that new section but we will always try to accommodate the biggest majority.

As always we welcome your feedback on how to improve our facility and help grow as a leading promoter.

I get it...it is a business decision. To keep the majority coming back, you must go the direction they ask you to. Just the way it goes. Just know that I have been to many many events and the parents are spread out all along the track and each helps any rider they are near. Seems to have worked well in the past. This is not your doing though...the parents will need to think outside the box and want to participate in this. Otherwise, the tracks will be shortened so their children can stay within view.

Interesting though... I wonder how many of the racers that came to your track, ride at Malvern. The 50's run almost the whole track there, and there are several areas, that not only the children are out of view, but that area is larger than Chili and none of those parents seem to have an issue to run and help the children, no matter the child. At least that has been my perception from the times we have raced there. I have spent many times helping other little guys up...it is the way it is suppose to be for them.</o
At CTMX this past weekend we decided on cutting the track for the 50's for a few reasons. First off we felt that letting them go back in the back would cause issues with the parents having to run back and forth since you can't see back there from the mechanics area. Even though we allow the parents on the track during the 50 races it would be a great deal of running back and forth for the parents. Secondly, we had numerous parents voice their concerns for their riders staying within eye sight and not going back in the new section. We also felt that cutting the track would even out the time per motos without having to cut laps down on the 50's.

Our decision was not made because we didn't feel the riders were capable of navigating the new section. The riders are more than capable of riding that new section but we will always try to accommodate the biggest majority.

As always we welcome your feedback on how to improve our facility and help grow as a leading promoter.

I get it...it is a business decision. To keep the majority coming back, you must go the direction they ask you to. Just the way it goes. Just know that I have been to many many events and the parents are spread out all along the track and each helps any rider they are near. Seems to have worked well in the past. This is not your doing though...the parents will need to think outside the box and want to participate in this. Otherwise, the tracks will be shortened so their children can stay within view.

Interesting though... I wonder how many of the racers that came to your track, ride at Malvern. The 50's run the whole track there, and there are several areas, that not only the children are out of view, but that area is larger than Chili and none of those parents seem to have an issue to run and help the children, no matter the child. At least that has been my perception from the times we have raced there. I have spent many times helping other little guys up...it is the way it is suppose to be for them.</o

The 50's do not run the uphill triple at Malvern, they do a 180° right by the finish line, like the old night track did. Or at least thats what i saw at Moto Rev. Not picking an arguement, just pointing out my observation.