Chili town review????

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Change was your moto to begin with. Just like Obama no change happened. No offense but one of the largest replies to your original "perfect" race scenario you asked people for was ....wait for it..... LESS CLASSES AND MORE SEAT TIME.

If you dont believe me scroll back in time and look at it. So why is anyone affiliated with OMA so surprised and upset that you keep hearing the same thing from racers now? The racing public is speaking and you are ALIENATING what the majority of us are asking for. So you want to uphold the desires of the minority to upset the majority. I shouldnt be surprised, this is the more liberal USA. Who needs Christmas in grade school anymore?? Its winter festival so we dont offend the 2 kids parents who dont believe in christmas.

So the promoters lose money for the second day of quad gate fee? Guess what, I guarantee your sunday bike only attendance will make up for it. Ask one of your OMA promoters about his bike turnouts after not allowing quads the same day. Give them their own day, collect their money and what sundays bike turnout make them earn MORE money.

One thing I will argue til the cows come home is giving little johnny beginner 50 4 friggin laps on a big track taking 20 mins. If he runs with the sr pee wee class and gets lapped SO WHAT!!!! He is still getting ....again wait for it..... MORE track time than the sr kid who lapped him because he will cross the finish line after him. Make all white flags fly at 6,8, 9.5 or 12 doesnt matter. The same moto times for all classes.

It works, Ive seen it in action.

You knew this was coming, and while I mean no disrespect if you are offended so what. Take your dirt scoot and go home.

I must say that I am usually just a spectator on this site, but the more I read of Mr. Smiths comments, the more I believe this guys knows what the hell he is talking about! Props to you Dave for your no BS, give it to you straight, responses.
The one thing that I agree on this "Chilli town review" thread is that I think motos should run by time not laps. I remember back when that is the way almost all of the tracks ran it. Don't remember when or why they quit doing it but I think it makes things easier to run on a schedule.

Name calling and adolescence adults is what has killed allot of ideas from all of the previous racing organizations and I hate seeing the same kind of crap happening at the second round of an OMA series!! Maybe John250 is right when he says things haven't change?

Back on the OP topic...I thought the whole Chillitown crew and OMA did a good job over the weekend with the exception of a few things listed in this thread and look forward to the finale at BC!!
Let's get back to the big picture. Approaching 5,000 views on this thread alone. 400 entries. Bottom line is CTMX promoted the hell out of their event and really put on an awesome show (did anyone notice the helicopter filming?). We've been asking for a promoter. We've been asking for a sanction that listens to the riders. We've been asking for full gates. We've been asking for tracks to prep better. OMA has stepped in from nothing and has started filling these requests.

All the feedback has been mostly constructive. I only moderated one post in 8 pages. Thank you for keeping it constructive. There's some great ideas to improve the normal racing format here. I love the practice/racing hybrid idea with a couple practice rounds and a couple gate drops. I also love a few battle rounds throughout the year where it's a weekend event. I can't wait to see what JO has in store for round 3. I'll be packing up my cooler and spending the weekend.
Notice the smiley face on my post. I just couldn't resist the pun of sorts. I don't hide behind the puter and name call so don't take it that way. It is no more of a personal attack on you as you repeatedly saying the crap about the quads. My son enjoys them and I guess I take that as a personal attack as well. Chill. I to am easy to find at the track and if any wishes to discuss matters look me up. We all have opinions, we all have different wants, some hate quads and some hate one eared donkeys but bottom line is we need to stick together to keep Moto going. Give the OMA a break and be patient otherwise go race CRA or AMS or whatever or better yet start your own series. I'm out, see ya at Malvern!
All of you should know by now that I love all of you and respect what you have to say, I may roll my eyes a time or two, but who doesn't...

Hugs, kisses, and happy smiles from Towergal for all of you pitracer posters. I am passionate about this sport, and I have my own ideas of class structures... lol bhahahahahha... JUST KIDDING.. Jason & Jeremy.. I am going to sleep off my night of crazy birthday fun!

Nobody needs to name call, let's all hold hands.. OMA is about change. We have learned so much this year. Don't let this board's antics get the best of you... _DAVE.. keep it up & no more practice sticks for

P.S - Don't be a hater against a one eared donkey... geesh have a heart... I will try to find the pic of me riding the "HEADLESS DONKEY".. that should get some laughs... Anyone from New Philadelphia, knows what I am talking about.. bahahahhaha The best margaritas in town!!!!

See everyone this weekend.

I am patient.....I've probably been the biggest promoter of the OMA races and the Battle races in Southwest Ohio (I put flyers on cars last year at D11 races for the Battle). I've tried to get more people to go to the OMA races. I really enjoyed the track at Crow Canyon (wish they had another race), loved Malvern (I will be back), and while CT is not my style track really, I loved the race and the atmosphere. It was an event. OMA will have growing pains, but having talked to Jason some, and JO some.......I have confidence in those two that if they put their heads together, this OMA thing will be the best organization in Ohio. I really believe that. When was the last time three different promoters helped each other, shared equipment, etc?

I do believe in my mind though the magic number is around 20 motos. Somewhere, some how, they need to get around 20 motos, and I feel most people will be happy with the day. I don't want to hurt the promoters, and I think some of the quad guys also like the big time race feel, so in my class structure on the other thread I include Quads, it is just a more simple 3 class structure, and find where you fit best and sign up, that way the Quads get the bag out of the OMA races too.

Jeremy Forcum, JO and Jason, keep up the good work. I am looking forward to the final round at BC for sure.
I agree John 250 - 20 motos is a nice balanced number of motos for a great day of racing... I always cringe when I start going over it ..

Thanks for your support John 250, I know you have been in our corner since day 1!
Change was your moto to begin with. Just like Obama no change happened. No offense but one of the largest replies to your original "perfect" race scenario you asked people for was ....wait for it..... LESS CLASSES AND MORE SEAT TIME.

If you dont believe me scroll back in time and look at it. So why is anyone affiliated with OMA so surprised and upset that you keep hearing the same thing from racers now? The racing public is speaking and you are ALIENATING what the majority of us are asking for. So you want to uphold the desires of the minority to upset the majority. I shouldnt be surprised, this is the more liberal USA. Who needs Christmas in grade school anymore?? Its winter festival so we dont offend the 2 kids parents who dont believe in christmas.

So the promoters lose money for the second day of quad gate fee? Guess what, I guarantee your sunday bike only attendance will make up for it. Ask one of your OMA promoters about his bike turnouts after not allowing quads the same day. Give them their own day, collect their money and what sundays bike turnout make them earn MORE money.

One thing I will argue til the cows come home is giving little johnny beginner 50 4 friggin laps on a big track taking 20 mins. If he runs with the sr pee wee class and gets lapped SO WHAT!!!! He is still getting ....again wait for it..... MORE track time than the sr kid who lapped him because he will cross the finish line after him. Make all white flags fly at 6,8, 9.5 or 12 doesnt matter. The same moto times for all classes.

It works, Ive seen it in action.

You knew this was coming, and while I mean no disrespect if you are offended so what. Take your dirt scoot and go home.

If bike only is so great, than why are Jason's practice days ho hum this year? No offense but all I hear in this thread is bunch of cheerleaders, not people doing stuff. A smart promoter knows how to filter out the crap, my filter is on full last right now.

Bottom line, an OMA with no quads equals a no JO and no briarcliff, so you are wasting your fingers typing this nonsense.

Now, lets try a real question that is pertinent to the topic of the thread, did anyone catch the giveaways at intermission, or have a kid in the scavenger hunt? What did everyone think about the misting tent?

This thread is way off course, it's way disrespectful to chillitown.
Misting tent was cool idea......My non racing 13 year old daughter loved the nice ladies Monster T she won. I got a couple C town Ts in the auction.

How about for the Battle races you provide Moto GP type umbrella girls for all the pro gates and VET gates! That is the BEST idea yet for sure!!!
1. Best pits. Probably better than 99% of any other in the Country!
All of the water and hookups!
2. Turn off the heat! Thankful for all the water in the pits.
3. Saturday practice was exactly the way it was supposed to be. Missed part of first practice session because thought 65s were out by themselves, my bust. Three sessions and had to leave. Presume 4 sessions for everyone. We got to track at 9 and practice had not started. Wish we had more seat time, just like everyone else.
Stick to schedule that is advertised. 830 was scheduled time! I don't ride but heard many vets and c riders complain about to much water in first practice; however it was perfect for smaller bikes. Thank you quads and big bikes!
4. Misting tent was perfect. When its that hot out, it was great. I have only seen this at a mountain bike event!
Add this to all events that temp is up in the high 80s and 90s. Pro national events should take this idea to heart.
5. Keep dust down. Light water like was already suggested, overall dust was moderate compared to last race.
6. Promotion was awesome
7. I missed much of the pro and a racing. They ran right before 50 extra.
8. I appreciate the extra class, but think extras might be ran only at smaller events to help with time.. (1 hour) saved time.
9. My favorite part of the day was when they soaked the track and disc'd it right before 2nd Moto for that 50 extra class!
Thank God for CMA, and their dedication and support. Countless volunteer hours, water they provided. Best part was while waiting I knew carnage was gonna happen for the race, so what better time to have our bike blessed and Tyler blessed!

We were lucky, about half the field fell in the second turn! Awesome experience!
Best part was watching fellow 50 dads flip out, and yell! Then the dozer quick fixing up the corner! I think it ran outta gas! lMAO! Then.. Pulling the 4 to 6s off the gate because it was to muddy!

Best day of life! Every day we get to ride and fellowship with people who share the same love and compassion. Yep that's MX.

I have met a ton of great people. We all want what's best, plenty of abundance. OMA is doing an exceptional job, the only thing that could make it better is the continuing of support and help each track is giving to each other!

Very impressed!

in a perfect world, I would like to see COCR and Route 62 part of this organization.
Why, I talked to a guy from Pennsylvania and he lives close to I think he said 5 or 6 Ohio Tracks many that r OMA plus a boat load in Penn. (jealous)

Thank u for all u guys do for our sport!
All of you should know by now that I love all of you and respect what you have to say, I may roll my eyes a time or two, but who doesn't...

Hugs, kisses, and happy smiles from Towergal for all of you pitracer posters. I am passionate about this sport, and I have my own ideas of class structures... lol bhahahahahha... JUST KIDDING.. Jason & Jeremy.. I am going to sleep off my night of crazy birthday fun!

Nobody needs to name call, let's all hold hands.. OMA is about change. We have learned so much this year. Don't let this board's antics get the best of you... _DAVE.. keep it up & no more practice sticks for

P.S - Don't be a hater against a one eared donkey... geesh have a heart... I will try to find the pic of me riding the "HEADLESS DONKEY".. that should get some laughs... Anyone from New Philadelphia, knows what I am talking about.. bahahahhaha The best margaritas in town!!!!

See everyone this weekend.


I love all animals except seals, my family and I at Malvern a few weeks ago.


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I think that I have read that this year will be evaluated at the end of the season. Not sure what all the hussle bug is about. Show your support this season, offer ideas to help, and hopefully OMA will schedule races for next year.

Keep up the great promotion and epic events OMA! Ohio NEEDS this!
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