Track safety at Briarcliff

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PR Founding Father
This is a statement of fact, not an opinion. We run open session on most days, unless we shut the track down and run minis in a group. In an open session environment it is the rider/parents responsibility to inspect the track prior to riding. If anyone feels the track is unsafe in any manner, then they are to get a refund and leave the property. After riding begins, it is the riders responsibility to determine how to safely navigate the track. I cant ride the bikes for everyone. This means slowing down for slower riders if needed. It is the riders/parents responsibility to gauge when the track is too crowded for their riders skill level. I cant make decisions for everyone as well. This is the way we are running, if you do not agree with this philosophy, then I urge you to pick another facility. Again, I'm not asking for feedback on this post, I am telling people how it is.


PR Addict
... And I will add.. Early on I thought the C track would not give Mitchell enough.. I was wrong.. We ran several sessions on it, each time Mitchy coming off saying he was having a blast. So, I would encourage those at that skill level that is not of those on the A/B track to head to the C track. Plenty big and offers doubles, tables, straights, and nice corner work.
Then, we got our mini session on the A/B track and ended the day with some great sessions. No matter how fast Mitchy is going on his 50, he has no business being out on the A/B track with big bikes or quads..I recognize this and other parents need to as well. If they are new the the track owner can make that call, but for the most part..moms and dads need to recongnize this. Usually, watching a 450 fly 10 feet into the air, 20 feet off the ground, on the finish table is a good indicator the riders are busting out fast laps.


PR Addict
We train at a national level so we need a national level track. Yes it is my fault I didn't get him off the track. He is prolly faster then half the bikes I see over there. And it is a rage built 150 crf so it's not that mini and he is 13 its not like he is 9. Also.... he will get plenty faster and eventually he will be on a 450 quad and will remember some of you a## holes. 1 more thing that is bugging me. He ALWAYs sticks his line and never is weaving around. He was way to the right when he came off the jump. like he always is.....and thats a fact

As this seems to be a touchy subject, those who were not there need to keep their speculations to them selves. This kid did nothing wrong, in fact he did everything that has been preached about moving over, holding his line, etc. and if you have seen him ride you would understand that he's not just a mini quad rider out there rolling all the jumps.

The FACT is that there were plenty of IDIOTS on big bikes that heard some king of bell go off that told them to act like jackasses. There was a case where I slowed up a bit approaching a pack of slower riders and the person behind me took exception and decided to slam me in a corner.

Respect and track etiquette needs to go both ways.
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