Loretta Lynn's Live Timing / Scoring link

All the comments about what they should and shouldn't do, and you don't even know how the program runs? Jeez I must be on the Internet, haha! I mean, I understand all the constant word-vomit from JO since he's a quad rider.....but c'mon now John. :eek:

They STAGGER the 45+ and 50+ classes so they do not take a full gate in either, as stated they take 30. No idea why there were 31 in 45+. I noticed an extra racer in +35 also, 43 were in the results.

Also funny reading Crute bitching about rich families? Aren't you the dude that has two new bike this year (and it's only August....), jet skis, street bikes, lifted trucks, sports cars, etc etc etc?

Pot stir is so last year *******, the pot stir award is uber gay. This year it's all about getting threads locked, and I am smoking your monkey ass at it. I'm like like a bottle of 272 loctite.
Pot stir is so last year *******, the pot stir award is uber gay. This year it's all about getting threads locked, and I am smoking your monkey ass at it. I'm like like a bottle of 272 loctite.

JO....Pit is really a quad guy at heart...as seen in this photo........


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I like to give a shout out to Dave Hand. He finished 2nd in the 50 Master Class with 2-2-1. I watched the first and second motos down there and he was flying. In the second moto he missed first by a half a bike. Way to go Dave!


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Yeah, I was tied up yesterday and didn't get to follow things so close. Did see that Mr. Hand ended his quest on a good note by taking the win. Awesome dude.

Other OH MX'ers seem to be holding their own. Reynard took the Vet 35+. I would have never thunk that would happen over the Red Dog. Working with Canard must be allowing him to step up his game as well.

Doesn't look good for racing today. Well, radarwise anywho...
Pot stir is so last year *******, the pot stir award is uber gay. This year it's all about getting threads locked, and I am smoking your monkey ass at it. I'm like like a bottle of 272 loctite.

Pffft....shouldn't you be out burning Monster Energy swag?
Took my lunches all week based on motos. Right now opliger running 8th. Wish they'd film other riders. There's gotta be battles goin on. Two stroke is next.
Pffft....shouldn't you be out burning Monster Energy swag?

Did it last night jerky. Now dont you have kitty litter to change!

In all seriousness good job to everyone that made the trip down to the ranch, and braved the crappy weather that seemed to be there most of the week.
Congrats to Chris Opliger and Rich Silvers in the 30 b/c. Chris finished 7th and Rich finished 8th overall. You finally got your top 10 finish Rich!
Great job to everyone down there, I missed being there and it was exciting to watch all the results.
Congrats to all that raced...them were some tough conditions and just being there says something about your skills!!! My son qualified at Sunday creek and then broke his wrist...we just watched the NBC coverage and in a tiny little way I'm sure in the back of his mind he's glad he didn't have to race in that mud!! Anyways congrats to all...your all winners!!
Great Job Rich and Chris, I hope you guys are still recovering when you get to Wet Fest(slow you down a bit, haha). It looks like you got plenty of mud practice. Glad Mitchy isn't old enough for Red Bud, he is going to be looking for some redemption. Dave great job.
It was intense on and off the track. I did not race, but the battle of beer in the creek was epic.

Rick and Chris were at it hard. Poor poor rich had a 730 am race. He did not know the sun is even up at that time.
He was supposed to be the last race of the night, then got bumped to ..........first!
Just got home from our LL experience! So blessed to be home safe. Dave was one point shy of the championship but rode his butt off and got the win and holeshot award the last moto. So proud of him. Michael was in Supermini 2 and had two major mud motos! Got pulled off the line the first moto due to storms and had a 4 hour delay. Third moto had them on the line in the pouring rain for over an hour trying to salvage the track so it was rideable. Finished 20th-not bad considering the conditions. He does love the mud which helped but it was survival of the fittest for sure. Thanks to all the OH guys down there and back home rooting us on, it really made the week bearable.
I looked through the results and Yamaha came out on top again this year in Championships.
Yamaha - 11
Honda - 7
Kawasaki - 5
KTM - 5
Suzuki - 5
Cobra - 3

The thing that amazed me, is a lot of the Yamaha championships were on the YZ 450, the bike everyone bashes, and says it not a good bike. some of the most competitive classes went to Yamaha.

Honda surprisingly had two championships in the Mini Sr class, and their 85 by no means is at the top of the list as good bikes in the 85 class.

Suzuki dominated the super mini class.

Kaw got most of their championships thanks to some VET riders.

KTM and cobra, all came in the pee wee and 65 classes.