

PR Addict
Well this is not exactly the way I planned to announce this but sence the door has been open guess I might as well walk through it. Let me start by saying that my decision to give up control of OIR should in no way reflect badly on the track at all. The bottom line here is that I was an idiot to think that I had the time and energy to run two race facility's.

The last thing I want to do is give OIR a half harted effort, my intention was to bring the same kind of effort that I have put into Malvern to OIR. I realize now that it is just to much.

I left behind a crazy paced excavating business to have more quality time with my family. Now here I am creating the same scenario with motocross.

I am moving the three remaining OIR race dates down to Malvern. This does two things, makes things simpler for me and my staff and allows Chet and Nick time to get the facility the way they want it and have some open practices this year. I think this is the best plan, giving them time to learn the dirt and get the track tweaked with out the pressures and craziness that comes with race day. They will just be better prepared this way.

I am sure there will be those who are not not thrilled by this. I really believe this is the best direction for everyone, including the riders. I can continue to focus on making Malvern the best it can be without getting burned out. OIR is left in the very capable hands of a father and son who have had their heart in this sport for ever and a lot of experience running an Mx facility.

Thanks Jason.


PR Addict
The reason the majority of people wad up there is because they feel like that an easy/must-do scrub obstacle. Then they find out real quick that was a mistake because they're on the noggin and falling out of the sky fast.

Not the case last year. That jump had a big kicker in it. A friend of mine went and complained about it to Mosher. He told him, learn how to ride a dirt bike. (What a Jackazz)! . Riders got hurt even after he was told about it and yes, I'm still mad about that!

Good luck to the guys from outlaw, you've got some big shoes to fill. (Hands) Thanks for taking it on.


PR Member
Maybe we can get a few days of open practice @ OIR? Leave the track rough so we can train a bit!? Fix the faces of the jumps and leave the rest? Nice to have a close track instead of 2-3 hour drive to ride.


PR Addict
Just a quick update at OIR. We are about half way cleaned up to the point that we found both tracks and it's starting to resemble a racetrack again. We are planning to have our first practice sometime mid to late September. We are going to make some changes to the track for safety issues brought up in this post. We will keep you posted


PR Elite
I think that we have all forgot what the Hands gave us for all those years. Please bring OIR back to this!!!!!


Really great video!

Take a look, one day 2 crashes in that long first turn. Imagine going down at 3rd or 4th gear speeds.
Watch the guys jumping down the step down hill, one guy catches his rear tire while whipping it, lots of guys over jumping it.

The worst crashes I remember at OIR were in these two areas. Its mx and you need to remember injuries are part of it but why would everyone want areas that seem to cause them more frequently than normal?

I think this video shows why those 2 places should not be part of a new layout.

Good luck Chet and Nick. You know as track owners you will hear complaints both ways but taking over OIR you both will need to work out those shoulders and get them strong so they can take it! Lol


PR Founding Father
Dave I thought the same thing at first but you do have to remember there were 475 riders that day. I can't imagine going into tight turns with that many bikes at the start, there would be A LOT more pile ups than those that were captured. I love that long left sweeping turn!!! It was such a rush watching it so I can't imagine the rush riding it! Just my .02 :)


PR Elite
I totally agree put the start back to how it was. I you do the ratio to number of starts there its no worse than any other start scenario. I have seen full gates go through there with no one going down. I think it is better in that instance cause its wider and more room for people to get through. If its a 180 that full gate all has to funnel to a small area. Just my .02 cents. Can't wait to ride there again.


PR Member
Yea that 180 kinda sucked. Long wide open start is where it's at.

Yea, most tracks would kill to have a super wide, slightly downhill sweeper like that! I don't know how it is to ride it, but my son usually gated far outside and he loved it! Pin it to win it! I think it's one of the signature parts of OIR! Keep it please!


PR Addict
Most tracks have at least one wow factor and the start at OIR is definitely one of them, so we are going to put it back in and see how it goes. We are going to change the downhill jump, not quite sure to what yet. We were wondering what you guys think about the spectator jump - is it to long, Nick says no - I say maybe, also there is a bigger double in the back that has been there for a couple of years and we are looking for some input from riders that have been there and done that. Our goal is to bring OIR back to the glory days.Thanks for all the support


PR Addict
Spectator jump is good, Nick is right haha. I like the big double in the back too. Was able to jump it the first session (got too rutted after that) at the slightly sloppy but still fun April practice.