Images from a ghost track


PR Founding Father
Scenic in its prime was a great track. I never understood why it wasn't successful.


PR Elite
And I don't understand the hype. I never cared much for it or 330. They were both fun and I 'liked' riding and racing both. But to say scenic was the best ohio track ever.....not even remotely close in my book. Let both places just die in peace already!


PR Addict
Scenic had the worst soil ever.....And the me his email....someone I know has been interested and has the cash......I can see us clay shooting off the drive now!


PR Founding Father
And I don't understand the hype. I never cared much for it or 330. They were both fun and I 'liked' riding and racing both. But to say scenic was the best ohio track ever.....not even remotely close in my book. Let both places just die in peace already!

I thought I was the only one who thought that! I agree 100%, fun track to ride and practice on but not a good "race" track. Always reminded me of a Honda Hills with a little bigger jumps.


PR Elite
Dave dont be a hater!!! 330 and scenic were great tracks... i miss both of them.

Far from hater just not the fan others seem to be! They were average tracks to me and their memory will always be far greater than any mediocre return attempt that might be valiantly tried.


PR Founding Father
I loved scenic when it first opened, it was one the best tracks I have ever ridden, the version with horsepower hill. However, the soil soon became a major issue. I choose to remember the track they way I first saw it back 1999.


PR Addict
2014..... These are old pics.....Rodgers knows what's ahead it's on him and J.O. To let us in.....imagine the track....cabins to stay lines......clay if u believe it will come true.....never give up hope all I am saying....... O.m.a. The Phone is ringing ? Is will you pick up?????


PR Founding Father
2014..... These are old pics.....Rodgers knows what's ahead it's on him and J.O. To let us in.....imagine the track....cabins to stay lines......clay if u believe it will come true.....never give up hope all I am saying....... O.m.a. The Phone is ringing ? Is will you pick up?????

Yea but its collect call, and the cost to pick up is astronomical. It would take a construction company and small army to ressurect it. Remember i stopped there when recruiting OMA tracks last winter/fall. I saw it first hand. Heres an idea: Call up the 330 guys, because its gonna take big oil money to bring scenic back, and make it nice.

Excavation costs: $20-25k
Soil: 15-20k (assuming theres nothing left onsite:safe assumption)
Equipment repair: Unknown, assume 1k-3k

And these are very general numbers, you need to add in the cost of land, more equipment (you cant pull a disc with a water truck), lots to consider. And you will need people that know what they're doing. Try and put a price on that.


PR Addict
I figure get a bunch of quad guys riding on it for a month.....the track would be all cut in with all those couches going.....go for there.....I invivsion lots of rollers and put back the old hill that is impossible to disc ....


PR Addict
If everyone, including myself loved this place solo much why in the heck did he ever close it down?? Apparently turnout was not a problem, or was it? Never seemed like it to me?
I think the main reason why the track closed was because Tim lived somewhere in Akron/Cleveland area. My guess too far to drive and maintain track prep, plus everything I hear tracks seem to have high insurance, and after D12 shut down


PR Member
Because 3/4 of riders today want a flat speedway and they cry when there is big ruts, braking bumps etc, and want it disced smooth again


PR Addict
Lame music, but good footage of Scenic Highlands. Starts at 4:30

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PR Member
Amen bwagner151! Last time
I rode Scenic was december 2009. Right before new years there was an open practice there and it was 60 degrees outside! Track was so much fun! Last time i remember racing there was on an 85 in 2006? And i remember the track having good ruts and gnarly acceleration bumps. I miss this place. If i had the money i would love to have this place, even for a training facility in ohio. First one ever??


PR Elite
Pretty sure it never sold cause the cost was too high. also heard about neighbors complaining because of the noise. all hear say so not true facts.

330 can die and begone but I would love to see scenic back.

I raced the regional in 05-ish, it was super hot that weekend and got crazy dusty. Pretty sure there were enough complaints for the AMa to never consider that track again.


PR Founding Father