Deer Season 2013-14


PR Elite
Just thought I would get this thread started since bow season is only 18 days away (Too early in my opinion ... been 90 degrees the last 2 days ) . Lots of rule changes this year . The addition of a statewide early antlerless muzzleloader season ( Oct 12 - 13 ) and the elimination of the old muzzleloader areas . Hunting allowed until a half hour after sunset with guns . Bag limits changed for some counties . No second session of gun hunting . Etc. .

Was hoping to see some trailcam pics of some big boys on here soon .

I decided to try a couple of food plots on my little 10 acres in Carroll county ; a clover/chicory plot and a turnip patch . Might all be for nothing as I leased a right-of-way across the property to a mining company to use as a haul road and that will likely screw things up royally . Got my grandson his first deer there last year . Was fortunate to get permission on the old strip mine area I hunted last season too. It gets hit pretty hard but I had luck there ( good and bad ) . Being retired , I can usually hunt when the slobs aren't out shooting the $4it out of everything and running around on quads when they only hunt 100 yards from their trucks . I like a challenge .

How bout it ? Meister , Zach ( I know you're still alive ) , Vince , Original 44 , Mike & Jack , anyone ? Thoughts ? Plans ? Got one picked out ?
i got the fever as usual around the first of august at the deerasic classic. court and i have been shooting nightly. everythings coming together.. once again havent had the extra money or time to put into running cameras at all the properties down south i hunt but have a couple decent ones runnin around the house.. its gonna be a hot early season and a cold mid to late season.. im pumped and need tree time..
oh, and btw, i shoot a hoyt right now, but last night i shot the new bowtech carbon knight and might have fell in love.... lol
I definitely got the fever. Actually, I'm going to be bowhunting this Saturday. Heading to Montana again for some deer and antelope action with the bow.
I have to ask... What is the attraction to hunting? Growing up on a motorcycle put me in the outdoors all the time and not once have I ever felt the urge to go hunting. My middle son is 17 now and looks forward all year to deer season. Since I do not hunt, he goes with my cousin. I have asked this of several guys in the past and almost always get the same answer. "Its free meat"... Fishermen say the same thing about that waste of time... That could not be further from the truth. Most guys spend big money on a gun, ammo, clothes, equipment, not to mention the time lost at work.

I fully support our right to hunt and fish but just could never understand why anyone would want to?
Enjoy your time and stay safe.
haha.. the venison i eat cost me good money!

i can see your point of view because you have never done it.. people say the same stuff about moto who have never done it..

take a day in november and go hunting with your son. if you see a deer and it doesnt get the heart beatin like jumping a big triple for the first time, then it may not be for you. i do it bdcause i love being outside. i love to be able to get away from the city, cars, people, and every day bs. I get "that feeling" when I just see a deer, don't care if its just a.doe, and when you actually shoot one, its some sort of rush that is as addicting at moto.. I'd much rather sit in a tree freezing my ass off than sit on a couch and watch football. That's a waste of time if ya ask me.. lol
or.... I can go to Jeff Ruby's and get a T-bone medium rare with a salad and a side of crab legs... Does venison some with crab legs? If so, Count me in.

As far as being outside, I count the 6 hours between motos on Sundays as my "time with nature"

Anyone want crab legs now? Damn I'm hungry
i could go for some crab legs for sure.. lol

during most of deer season, you wont be spendin sundays at tracks since itll be cold and crappy during the good times to hunt..
Deer season is being put on hold in my house. I get my golden retriever back from Pat Nolan at Ponderosa Kennels next week and we are headed to North Dakota for duck season. A week of exploring with my bestest buddy will be an awesome trip.


The deer action has been a little slow here this year. The land is changing with fences, new neighbors and disrespectful tresspassers...There may not be any deer worth shooting.
I have a nice one picked out already. Big 10 pointer hitting the beans every nite . My same old spots are still available.
Our business is running smooth so I should've able to spend the rut in stand in the daytime
lookin forward to making more memories win jack. He seems to be less excited this year being 17 and all.
He has a jeep and is heavy into soccer right now his senior year .
It's tough to find time to ride and hunting will be the same. My little buddy is going to be off to either college or these ones soon. Kinda sad for the old man
I need to start getting the little ones Kai and lily into shooting soon as they are 9 and 6 now.
My Montana trip started slow, not much deer action. It rain a lot in the summer and the grass is greener than I have ever seen it here. The problem with that is that the deer are not coming into the fields in big groups like I've seen in the past. We are antelope hunting in the mornings and deer hunting in the afternoons. It just been slow, until yesterday. I finally connected on a big antelope in the morning and my friend connected on a big mule deer that evening. I'm down to my last day and hoping to get one of the big bucks we've been seeing.


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I have a lot going on this year.... but I have been running cameras... I have a couple deer I might shoot given the opportunity....Nothing for certain yet though.... I will say one thing.... I liked the days when any buck was a shooter..... Deer hunting has become very grueling for me the past few years..... I love to do it.... I love the process....But the fight for land, tresspassers, etcc has me strung out... you never know when something is going to get stolen.....

I give myself stomach aches worrying about if I am even going to find a deer big enough to shoot... Its just worn on me...but you can bet your sweet ass ill be in a tree opening morning and the rest of the season...Its a sickness...once you get it, it very seldome leaves you
Mike , great looking antelope . Even bigger than the one you got last year ? Nice Muley for your buddy too .

Zach , congrats ( you know what for ) ! What are you feeding those deer ? They have bellies like mine . The third one would actually be my first pick . Different strokes , etc. I guess . Fully understand your frustration . Last week I snuck in on a rainy day to put up my stand in the spot I lost the big one last season . Heard a quad about 150 yds away and then hammering so I'll be having company for sure . Reading the magazines and watching the shows of all the big bucks that are being taken sure raises our hopes and expectations , maybe unrealistically . Sure gets old letting decent deer walk when there might not be any big boys around or maybe a poacher has popped the one you were after . All the practice , scouting , scent control , and so forth sometimes just doesn't seem worth it . But then again , never thought I would have a chance at that buck, especially in that area , last year either . Just have to grind it out and pay your dues and take the most out of the experience you can .
Thanks Randy,
Yeah he's definitely bigger than last years buck, couldn't be more happier.

The last evening turned out to be an awesome evening on stand. Ten minutes before my hunt ended a beautiful 10 pt. whitetail walk bye. It turned out to be a storybook hunt for myself and my buddy, four tags and four animals. The best part of the hunt was the camaraderie at camp.


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Anyone knock anything down? I'm getting soft and let a momma walk with her 2 kids.At least that time.Lol
With the weather being so warm , I have not gotten out yet . Supposed to be in the 80's today ! If you hit one and don't find it right away in these temps it is not good .

Jerad , I commend you for passing up that doe . Anymore , I will not take one with young either . The things the young ones can learn in the next few months will go a long way in contributing to their survival and ability to teach their young next year . I'll just wait for a lone doe later in the season to fill my tag and freezer .

I'm a little concerned about how this early , upcoming muzzle-loader season , Oct. 12 - 13 , is going to affect the bow hunting . Could get the deer extra wary sooner than usual if enough guys participate . It is does only which might keep hunter numbers down a bit .